• chapter five •

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(When you see words in italic, play the song, if you will ♡)


Blindly walking farther and farther away from the lab was all you could think of doing. Your bento box was swinging in your hand as you contemplated your dilemma. You felt bad for leaving Tighnari behind mid-conversation, but at that point, you just wanted to get away from wherever Kazuha was. How pushy was this guy?!

Before you knew it, you found your way up to hotel's roof. As you climbed up the stairs, a gust of cold air hit your face, refreshing you and blowing out some anger.

The strong wind gave way for a nice, and much more gentle breeze. As you sat down on a bench and placed down your bento, the wind blew leaves and dandelion seeds past your face.

A sad smile found its way into your face as a dandelion seed landed in your hair. You hadn't been outside for lunch on a windy day in forever...

...not since mom...

You sighed, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. That time was past now. Best to focus on lunch now, you thought, picking up your chopsticks.

You heard the rooftop door open and close, and you wiped your eyes, which were getting slightly wet from tears that you wouldn't let fall.

Your heart sank when you saw who had come up onto the rooftop. Unfortunately for you, it was Kazuha. Again.

You turned in the opposite direction, determined not to say a word to him. You ignored him every when he said hello.

"Hm. You really are that mad at me, huh?" he asked, sitting down next to you on the bench.

"Nobody invited you to sit down." you said shortly, stuffing a little sushi roll in your mouth. So much for not speaking to him again.

"Oh, forgive me. I didn't know." he said. He still remained seated.

"What do you want?" you grumped. "I thought I told you that I didn't want to speak to you."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, so that's why you've been avoiding me. I supposed it was just because you were angry, but I didn't realize you didn't want to talk to me at all."

"Correction: I'm still angry. And I don't want to talk to you." you said in annoyance.

"But why are you talking to me now?" he said, a coy smile playing across his face. This made your blood boil even further.

"Shut up." you said, gritting your teeth. Now he was getting smart. Great.

The two of you sat in a rather stony silence as you ate your lunch. Kazuha had opened his mouth to speak a few times, but he closed it again every time.

After a while, Kazuha spoke again.

"I actually just come up here to decompress every so often." he murmured, looking up at the clouds.

"Huh?" you said, feeling bewildered. You didn't ask him anything about that. "What do you mean?"

"Earlier," he said with a voice lower than a mutter, "you told me that nobody invited me up here. The truth is, I actually wasn't looking for you at the moment. I'm just taking a break from rehearsal. If anything, this is my relaxation place to get rid of my stress."

Ouch. You put a hand to your chest. That might not have been an insult, but it really stung after you analyzed your previous attitude.

You watched as Kazuha grabbed a leaf that was floating dreamily along the wind. He put it on his lips and blew gently. To your surprise it made a melodical sound, much like a harmonica.

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