• chapter nine •

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"Come with me, Y/N. Someone's coming."

Kazuha gently pulled you over to a place behind the rooftop's door. He let go of your wrist once he brought you to this place, and peered around the side of the door quite watchfully. As if he was expecting something.

But... what was it?

"Hey Kazuha, what's the matt-" you began, but he silenced you by placing his finger softly too his lips. You opened your mouth indignantly, but he gave you a stony look and you shut your mouth.

He waved his hand, beckoning for you to come over and stand next to him by the half opened door, so you did, still feeling confused and a bit annoyed too.

You peered around the side of the door only to be met with the annoying sound of giggling and fangirling, and your heart sank. So this is why Kazuha was hiding.

Without warning, you were slammed against the wall as the rooftop's door banged open, right on top of you and Kazuha. Your head throbbed and spun, and you could feel Kazuha silently groan in pain beside you.

"Someone told me that he was up here!" a girl squealed, and you could hear pounding on the ground like she was jumping with joy.

"...are you really sure about that?" another girl replied in a disgusted tone. "It's so gross up here... why would the Kaedehara Kazuha, out of all people, hide up on a trashy rooftop? He would never be hiding found from his loving and loyal fans, like us. And stop jumping like that, if he really is up here he'll think you'll look immature and ugly."

You felt Kazuha roll his eyes, as the first girl stomped her foot and complained. You sweatdropped, seeing how the opposite was happening at this very moment; Kazuha definitely was hiding from his 'loving and loyal fans'.

As the girls continued their still fruitless search for the ivory-haired idol, you came to the realization that you and Kazuha were in... a very awkward position, to say the least.

With his arm above your head and with you resting your back on the wall to take advantage of the little space you had, it felt like he was pinning you against the wall in a... different context than what was really happening.

Your face inadvertently began turning a bright shade of red, and you began holding your breath to avoid screaming in complete terror and embarrassment. Kazuha, however, didn't notice. He was still very intent on waiting for his fangirls to leave. Every second felt like an hour as you both prayed that you two wouldn't be found.

As he turned back to you, Kazuha finally became aware of the position he was in. Knowing exactly why you were flustered, his face turned as red as the streak in his hair and he edged himself away from you.

After an eternity, the girls finally gave up and left the rooftop. As soon as the sound of their receding footsteps faded, both you and Kazuha exhaled loudly. You toppled over and face planted on the ground, where Kazuha leaned against the roof fence in exhaustion.

You and Kazuha were avoiding eye contact at all costs. You guys were thinking about the exact same thing, but neither of you had the courage to actually bring it up.

Finally, Kazuha opened his mouth to say something.

"Y/N, I am just... so sorry." he muttered, allowing his hair to fall in front of his face to hide the redness. "I invaded your personal space, making you highly uncomfortable. Even though we were trying to hide from... those girls, that doesn't excuse what I did."

"It's fine..." you whispered, averting your eyes from his.

"Well," you said, dancing away from the previous topic, "what are you going to do? The fangirls have found out about this most recent hiding place of ours... thank the archons that they didn't actually find us."

"I mean..." Kazuha began. "I do have another place that we can hang out, but I wanted to avoid it at all costs and save it as a last resort, so to speak."

"Well, it is the only option we have now." you grumped, rolling your eyes. "Why don't we pack up and head there now? I have a few minutes left before I head off to bed."

Kazuha hesitated for a moment. "I guess we can go, then..."

You smiled brightly.

"Well then, lead the way!"


"Uh, Kazuha? Are you sure it's okay for me to be back here?" you asked hesitantly, as he closed the door marked "VIP ONLY" behind him.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, it's fine. You're not a screaming fangirl after all: I count you as my friend, so you're a VIP, heh."

However, hearing Kazuha say that didn't make you feel better, and instead you felt a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach.

Is he really sure about this...? you thought, as Kazuha led you down the hall. I could seriously get in big trouble for being back here... I feel like a rabbit in a whole field of foxes.

After a long walk down a hallway, Kazuha stopped at a door that had a star plaque hanging on it. The name engraved on the plaque was 5wirl, but someone had drawn a little "+1" in parentheses in the corner.

You froze. Was Kazuha really taking you to meet...

"Hey... you okay?" he asked in concern. "You zoned out for a little bit."

You shook your head. "Oh no, I'm okay! I just got... a little dizzy. Can you leave me out here for a moment to just... collect myself?"

Kazuha nodded, before casting you a worried look. After you plastered a fake reassuring smile on your face, he headed into the studio.

You took your water bottle out of your bag and took a gulp. You didn't know why, but you felt a little sick. A little alien. Like you didn't belong here.

But then, you took two deep breaths and clapped your hands to your face.

"Kazuha just wants me to meet them." you said to yourself in a squished voice. "It's not like he's feeding me to three headed monsters or something... they're just his fellow idols."

You tightened your hands and decided to finally open the door. You didn't even step through the door when someone suddenly leapt on you.

"Hello~!! You must be the cute Y/N girl that Kazuha has been talking about~!!"

desire ~ k. kazuha idol auWhere stories live. Discover now