• chapter four •

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Stopping for just a moment, you frowned at the boy. Was this another trick? A trick to get you to trust him, but then he'd stab you in the back later?

The light in his crimson eyes looked like he was really being sincere. So, begrudgingly and hesitantly, you sat a few inches away from him, glaring all the while.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" you muttered, looking away and gritting your teeth.



"...are you still angry with me?" he finally responded. His clueless question caused hot anger to bubble up in your chest. Before you knew it, you were shouting into the night, disturbing some birds in the nearby trees.

"Am I still mad at you?!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up into the air. "How stupid are you? Yes, I'm still upset! You broke into my hotel room last night and scared me half to death. Oh, and this morning you act like nothing's wrong, trying to play the role of the gentleman as a feeble apology when I'm already late for work!"

The boy barely flinched during your whole rant. Instead, he just sighed and patted the empty space beside him. He wanted you to sit down, so, you did. But you were still seething.

"I know that the word 'sorry' isn't enough to apologize for my actions." he began slowly. "But, if you will allow me, I would like to explain what I was doing in your room last night. I swear that I will tell the absolute truth, although it is quite embarrassing."

You crossed your arms over your chest. Of course you wanted to know what he had been doing in your room last night, but you weren't sure if you could fully trust him. You didn't even know his name!

"Tell me your name first. Then we'll talk." you said, sipping your tea on the side.

"Kaedehara Kazuha." he said softly.

"Not to be rude, but I'm surprised you haven't heard of me." he continued with a grimace. "My face and name is plastered over so many posters in this hotel, after all."

You looked over Kazuha with a scrutinizing look. You were sure you had heard that name somewhere before...

"We were wondering if you've seen Kaedehara Kazuha anywhere, by any chance? We were told that he was hiding somewhere on this floor."

"Oh..." you mused. "So they were looking for you?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Kazuha said, tilting his head to the side so that he looked like a confused child again.

"Um, never mind." you replied hastily, glaring away from him again. "So," you continued, hardening your voice, "What were you doing in my room?"

"I don't know how to word this..." Kazuha gulped, nervously looking at your angered face. "Well, I was trying to hide from my fans."

Of all the responses that could've come out of his mouth, that was not one that you had been expecting. The angry expression slid off your face and was replaced by an amused one.

"Hiding?" you repeated, trying to stifle a giggle. "From your fans? Surely you enjoy all that attention, being a celebrity and all."

"Sometimes it gets overwhelming." he said defensively. "Anyways, I was up on the third floor when my ears picked up the sickening sound of giggling girls again. I had just finished a meet and greet, so naturally, I was exhausted and did not feel like being mobbed by fangirls."

"I ran down the hallway but then reached a dead end. I backed up against one of the room doors, when I accidentally turned the knob and it somehow opened." he finished. "I hid there until... our little encounter, and then I escaped through the unlocked window."

"I deeply apologize for giving you such a fright... ah, what was your name?" he asked, his cheeks going red.

"Y/N." you mumbled.

"Well then... I deeply apologize for giving you such a fright, Y/N." Kazuha said awkwardly, now extending his hand towards you so that you would shake it. "All I desired was to have some time to myself."

You did not shake his hand back.

"I haven't accepted your apology yet." you said shortly, getting up from your seat on the bench. "Although I do appreciate you telling me why you were hiding in my room, I don't see that as a valid reason for scaring me so badly. Forget using your big words and poetry. I don't want to hear it."

"I understand." he said sadly.

With that, you walked away, not looking at Kazuha again.


What did you do to deserve this?

For the next few days, whenever you walked past that bench in the park after work, he was always there. He always had some sort of apology card or something to say to you.

You ignored him every single time.

Won't Kazuha just take a hint and figure that I don't want to speak to him? you complained in your head as you read a report on Crystalflies. The first two days after were understandable, but now he's just being annoyingly pushy.

You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear your colleague, Tighnari, calling your name.

"Hey, Y/N." he said, when you looked in his direction. "Did you do something illegal?"

"Wait, what?" you said in shock. Illegal? You racked your brains for anything you might have done, but you couldn't figure out anything.

"There was a knock at the door of the lab, and I thought it might've been the mushroom specimens I found a week prior to your arrival." he explained when you shook your head. "But I just saw someone who looked like a famous idol on the poster I saw yesterday. He was insisting on talking to you, but unauthorized personnel can't come in here."

Your jaw dropped.

Seriously?! you thought. I would have thought that he got the hint by now, but now he has to drop in and interrupt my work!

"Tell him I'm unavailable." you said, frowning at the doorway. "I'm going on my lunch break now."

"But what should I tell him?" Tighnari asked, looking at the doorway too. "I can't just leave him standing there outside our lab, now can I? That would be considered trespassing... huh?"

He looked back at where you had been standing, but you had already disappeared out the back door, determined not to run into the boy that your colleague spoke of.

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