• chapter thirteen •

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".../N... Y/N... Y/N!"

You snapped out of your daze to find Ayaka snapping her delicate fingers in front of your face.

"Wha- oh, yeah, what's up Ayaka? Did Albedo need me?" you muttered, trying to elude her scrutinizing gaze.

"'What's up' is that you've been spacing out on me for the past... six minutes and eleven seconds now." she declared bluntly, pointing at the lab's cat clock on the wall. "Something's obviously on your mind. Let's talk about it."

"Oh, well... uh..." you stammered, completely at a loss for words. Ayaka was putting you in the spotlight and it was really freaking you out. How would you tell her that Kazuha asked you out... without actually telling her that he asked you out?!

Your sudden panic was interrupted when Ayaka's eyes suddenly got as large as dinner plates. She started giggling uncontrollably, and when you asked her what was so funny, she responded, "This is about Kazuha, isn't it?"

You froze like a deer in headlights. How did she read your mind?

"Uhm... haha, eheh..." you laughed awkwardly as Ayaka's cool blue eyes pierced into yours. You were trying desperately to stall, but when Ayaka raised her eyebrow, you sighed and spilled the tea.

"So you see... Kazuha may have given me a ticket to his cherry blossom spectacular concert next week and he also may have invited me on a small trip to Inazuma for tonight to show me the... uh, concert venue so that we can get to know the place and spend some time together... alone... as friends." you said very quickly, placing an emphasis on the last two words. 

As Ayaka was trying to process this overload of information, you looked down at the toes of your shoes guiltily. You hadn't exactly told her the truth about Inazuma, and how Kazuha had invited you to your hometown for a festival date... if you did, she would definitely be all over it.

Your endless stream of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by an unearthly screech coming from Ayaka's mouth as she pressed her palms to her cheeks in shock. You made a last-ditch effort to place your hands over your ears, but she pushed them away and placed her own hands on your shoulders.

"Oh. My. Archons. Y/N, why didn't you tell me about this sooner? When did you get the news?" Ayaka said, her voice reaching almost screaming levels. She was starting to attract attention from your colleagues, and you, now blushing furiously, pushed her out of the lab.

"Lower your voice Ayaka!" you pleaded. After a moment, Ayaka shut her mouth and you let out a relieved sigh.

"But... what are you going to wear, Y/N? And where is Kazuha picking you up? How are you going to get there?" Ayaka whispered, making you feel like you were being interrogated again.

"He's picking me up at my hotel room, Ayaya. And we're walking to Inazuma. Relax." you said, using your playful nickname for her. But you bit your lip as your mind wandered to the question of 'what are you going to wear'.

"To be truthful, Ayaya... I don't have the slightest clue of what I'm going to wear. I could probably just wear this blouse and skirt..." you said, gesturing to your white collared blouse and gray pencil skirt.

Ayaka's mouth pretty much dropped to the floor at that point.

"Oh, no no no no no." she said, waving her hands around. "You are taking leave from work right this minute, missy."

"Ayaka, what the hell?!" you said in disbelief as she grabbed your wrist and forced you inside. "It's only one o-clock, what on earth are you on?"

"Trust me!" she said indignantly, as she hurriedly filled out a form that said you were leaving early from work. "I'm honestly doing you a favor." she added, as she pushed the form into a very confused Albedo's hands.

And with that, she dragged you out of the lab, leaving you confused and wondering if you had just been kidnapped.


"Why are we here?" you asked uncertainly, looking up at the luxury boutique that Ayaka had plopped you in front of.

"To get you a new outfit." Ayaka said simply, going ahead of you and opening the gigantic glass door. "You cannot wear... that on a date." she added on, wrinkling her nose at your filthy work sneakers.

Like a toddler being forced to eat her veggies, you rolled your eyes and stomped your foot a few times, hoping that Ayaka would just give up and go back to work with you. However, you attempts were futile as she shook her head silently and pulled you inside.

Before you could utter a word at how fancy this place was and how you should probably shop somewhere else, Ayaka brought you over to the section with dresses and jewelry. As she browsed the aisles, muttering under her breath, you found yourself wandering over to the jewelry boxes.

Your eyes suddenly landed on a beautiful cherry blossom jewelry set with earrings, a necklace, and a ring. The earrings looked like small silver cherry blossom branches with pearls and a flower. The necklace and the ring were matching, but they didn't have branches: they just had pearls and cherry blossom flowers made of pink quartz.

You picked up the box and turned it over to check the price, but then you recoiled like you had just been shocked.

8,000 mora?! you thought in shock. No way. I can't afford that. you decided, starting to place down the box.

Suddenly, Ayaka's arm came out of nowhere, taking the box of jewelry from your hands.

"Don't worry about the price. I'm paying." she said, pretty much reading your mind again.

"But Ayaka-!" you started.

"No buts!" she interrupted, now pulling you to the checkout counter. "I have a few pretty dresses that you'll try on back at the room. I'll also do your makeup." she continued, ignoring your protests as she dragged you along.


"Thank you Ayaka..." you moaned in exhaustion, as you plopped onto the bed. "You really didn't need to spend 36,000 mora on me..."

"Oh, stop acting poor, Y/N." she said, waving off your apologies as she unpacked the paper shopping bag. "You're my friend. I'll always splurge for you if you need it."

She threw a pile of dresses onto your face, and as you struggled to get them off, she said, "Try those on. We don't have a minute to waste, since your 'outing' is in two hours already."

You struggled into the bathroom, trying on dress after dress (although there was only three that she gave you). When you came out wearing the second outfit (a pale pink tulle minidress and the white heels that Ayaka picked up with it), she shook her head.

"That one's for the concert. Fold it here and put it in your luggage." Ayaka said, and you did as she asked.

You went into the bathroom and tried on the last dress: a flamingo colored dress with adorning flowers, a brown braided belt at the waist, a matching hair scarf for your ponytail, and white combat boots that were very comfortable.

Ayaka gasped happily when you came out of the bathroom. "That's the one!" she cried happily. "Come here. Let me curl your ponytail a bit."

When Ayaka finished doing your hair, you were reaching for your jewelry box when a knock suddenly came at... the window of your second floor balcony?

"Oh my archons, he's here!" Ayaka panicked, gathering her things in a rush. "He's at the window to make an adorable entrance. There's no time to put on your jewelry now. I'm going to head out the front door- good luck, Y/N!"

Before you could call Ayaka to come back, she had already disappeared out the front door.

You placed your palm to your chest as you walked toward the window to calm your nerves. When you placed your hand on the window handle and opened it, a warm palm suddenly touched yours and your eyes were met with the sunset-crimson eyes of Kaedehara Kazuha.

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