• chapter ten •

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"Hello!! You must be that cute Y/N girl that Kazuha has been talking about~!"

Your brain was in shambles as you tried to pry this boy with braided hair off you. A little choking noise escaped you was the boy's hug got even tighter.

Who's this guy?! you thought, struggling against him. And what did he mean by Kazuha talking about me, saying I was... c-cute or something?

Just as your vision began to spin, you could hear Kazuha's voice somewhere, indignantly saying, "Venti, you're going to strangle Y/N and make her pass out. Let her go... look, can't you see her face is losing a lot of color?"

As 'Venti's' grip loosened on you suddenly, you toppled to the ground, massaging your chest and gasping for air.

When you looked up, you could see six boys standing above you, their faces showing looks of concern. You involuntarily began heating up. Do I really look that bad? you thought.

A hand extended down to you, and when you looked up, you realized that it was the same boy who had tackled you.

"Sorry about that." he said gently, still stifling a giggle. "You just happened to come and see me when my caffeine-jumpies were about to end."

You raised an amused eyebrow as he helped you up. "Caffeine-jumpies?" you asked in a bemused tone.

"Yep!" he laughed, bouncing around as he spoke. "I drink lots of coffee, so I always seem pretty hyper, hehe."

"Anyways, enough about me!" he said. "I'm Venti, main vocalist of 5wirl! And, as we go around the circle, we have-"

"Aether, lead vocalist!"

"Xiao, main rapper."

"Scaramouche, lead rapper."

"Shikanoin Heizou, sub vocalist and lead dancer."

"And Kazuha is our main dancer and choreographer, along with being another vocalist." Venti finished, saying Kazuha's part for him. As he looked at you with a puppy's sparkling eyes, he said, "And what about you? All I know about you is that you're Y/N, and you're Kazuha's 'very good' friend."

"I am!" you exclaimed with a smile. For some reason, behind Venti, Kazuha was making frantic motions with his hands and seemed to be trying to clap his hand over Venti's mouth. Heizou and Aether were both chuckling, while Xiao and Scaramouche said absolutely nothing.

"Like you've probably heard from Kazuha, I'm Y/N." you said. "I just recently got hired to the alchemy branch of Teyvat International, but of course, you guys already knew that-"

"But I heard from Kazuha here that you can actually sing, miss alchemist." Heizou interrupted, putting his arm around your shoulder. "If you're comfortable, why don't you sing something for us?"

Heizou's smooth voice and the warmth radiating from his smile had your face burning a bright red. From the corner of your eye, you could see Kazuha's face contorted into an expression of anger, but you were too far to be sure.

"I- well I'm... not sure if that's, uh, possible..." you stuttered. "You see, I have, uh, a little bit of stage fright, and I-"

Venti held up his hand to stop your rattling. "It's alright!" he said, bouncing over to you and patting your head. "You don't need to explain anything. If you have stage fright, you have stage fright. Don't worry about Heizou."

Heizou's mouth formed a perfect O shape and his shoulders gave a visible jolt. He looked like he wanted to start a brawl with Venti, who was, unsurprisingly, sticking his tongue out evilly.

However, you were completely oblivious to this stony staredown, because Aether approached you.

"Sorry about them. They get into disagreements like that." Aether smiled, although you weren't sure what he was talking about. He seemed to be laughing awkwardly, and he sat behind you to turn you away from the little scuffle that was Heizou and Venti.

The two boys who had been arguing were now giving death glares to Aether's back as he asked, "So, do you like cats?"

"Yeah." you said. "I used to have a white cat back in Inazuma, but he ran away. His name was Artemis."

"I'm so sorry." Aether said, covering his mouth with his hand. He obviously felt bad for bringing up your old cat.

You opened your mouth to respond and reassure him. However, Xiao came over, and to your surprise he was holding an actual white cat in his hands. Behind him, Venti scuttled away, sneezing loudly into a tissue.

"Wow!" you exclaimed happily, holding your hands out to take the cat from a very smug looking Xiao. "Is this your cat, Xiao?"

He shrugged and said, "Nope. It's Kazuha's."

"...oh!" you said awkwardly, petting the cat, who was now purring in your lap.

When Kazuha's name was brought up, your chest was weighed down with a feeling of guilt. You hadn't hung out with him this whole time, because his whole team of bandmates were all striving for your attention (for whatever reason that was a mystery to you).

You whipped your head around to look for the ivory haired boy, and your eye landed on him, sitting in the corner, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone.

You stood up, forgetting the cat in your lap. As it hissed and stalked away from you, you walked towards the sad looking Kazuha.

It took him a while to notice you when you plopped your bottom in the seat next to him. When he noticed you, he cleared his throat and said, "Oh, Y/N! Are you having fun with my... bandmates?"

He said this last part with his teeth clenched, making you feel even worse.

"Sorry for abandoning you like that." you murmured. "You invited me over here, yet I took control and just forgot about you."

His forced smile seemed to turn into a genuine one as he said, "There's no need to be sorry. My bandmates could be a little bit much sometimes."

"I want to make it up to you though!" you stated rather bluntly. "Actually, I found a different spot that we could hang out at tomorrow. Bring your guitar to the back courtyard with the big tree, okay?"

Kazuha nodded. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but a loud buzz came from his phone, and he looked down. His smile quickly turned into a pained grimace.

"Urgh." he groaned. "Y/N, you'll have to leave. Faru- sorry, Madam Faruzan, our manager, will be here in a moment to breathe down our necks as we practice some late night choreography. I don't want you to get in trouble with her."

You stood up. "All right then. I'll see you tomorrow, Kazuha!"

"You'll find your way out okay?" he asked.

"Yep. Bye now!" you said, already walking towards the door.

As soon as you shut the door to the studio, you could have sworn you heard a massive uproar coming from the other five boys, but you shrugged it off.

Well. you thought, as you walked down the hall with a little smile on your face. That was an interesting lunch break, wasn't it?

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