• chapter eighteen •

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Your hands were tense on the steering wheel as you navigated the empty forest roads. Sweat dripped down your forehead as you kept nervously checking the clock. The minutes seemed to pass like seconds as you drove down the road, the engine heating up as you forced it to go faster.

You might not make it to the concert in time... but of course, you couldn't give up right now. Not when Ayaka, Albedo, and the rest of your co-workers had sacrificed so much just so that you could repair your problems with Kazuha.

The forest road ahead was empty, so after a few moments you put your foot on the pedal, wincing slightly as the car rocketed forward. The woodland scenery zoomed by in a blur as you pressed on the gas, tapping the wheel through pure nerves.

Your heart pounded in your chest as, after almost forty-five minutes of driving, you saw the spotlights of the city's stadium, spiraling around in the sky. The concert had already started by now, so you drove even faster, clenching your teeth with stress in your heart.

Your breathing became heavy as you started to panic. The concert had already been going for half an hour, and you were fifteen minutes away.

Tears stung your eyes and made your vision blurry as you drove. You swiped at your eyes in distress, trying to obey the rules of the road and still make good time, but obviously, those are two very hard things to balance.

After what seemed like forever, you finally made it to the concert venue. You parked your car in the nearest parking spot that you could find, and you ran down the sidewalk to the entrance. The door to the stadium was closed, but you still had a faint hope that whoever was there would let you in.

Two security guards stood at the door: both had gray hair, but one guard's hair was longer than the other's. The longer haired security guard was attempting to tell the other lame jokes in the most monotone voice possible, but to no avail. The short haired security guard was just reading a book, ignoring the other's jokes.

They stopped their little quarrel when you approached them, red faced and panting. You held up your ticket to the security guard's face, and he scanned it, looking at you strangely.

He granted you entry... but before you could go, he started telling you a joke about Fungi. You were very tempted to stay and hear the joke and its ending, but then the blaring music inside the concert brought you to your senses and you rushed inside, leaving the security guards at the door.

You rushed through the stadium, a combination 5WIRL's music and screaming girls seeping mutely through the walls as you tried to find the open air part of the stadium.

After a hot minute of searching, you finally found your row - the front row. You sidestepped swooning girls and crying girls alike to the only empty seat in the row: which was your own.

The music speakers were blasting the band's songs, and everywhere you looked, girls were either shrieking, swooning, or sobbing their eyes out. You squinted your eyes, hoping that you would spot Kazuha on the stage. The lights were so bright, and the fog coming from some hidden machines didn't help either.

As the current song came to a close, your heart skipped a beat when someone approached the microphone. It was none other than Kazuha. His ivory hair seemed to glimmer under the stage lights, the red streak standing out even more. He had donned a red leather jacket over a white shirt, and he wore black jeans and shoes to complete the look.

The sounds of the cheering and screaming all suddenly began to fade away. All you could see was Kazuha... but as his crimson eyes worriedly scanned the audience, you realized that he hadn't noticed you yet.

"Hey Inazuma, thanks for coming out to see us tonight!" Kazuha exclaimed into the microphone after a small pause. "It means a lot to us all, but on behalf of 5WIRL, I just wanted to thank you for all your love and support."

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