• chapter fifteen •

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Waking up in your bedroom in the morning came as somewhat of a disappointment. Your eyes fluttered open, as you stared at the cream colored ceiling. Was the date last night a dream?

You turned your head and saw the open window, plus the curtains beside it fluttering in the morning breeze. Last night surely couldn't have been a dream... you never left the windows open when you slept.

When you sat up, however, a sigh of relief parted itself from your lips as you could see Kazuha, fast asleep across the room in a high-backed chair. His head leaned back against the headrest, his arm was curled around the giant teddy bear, and his lips were gently curved up into a smile. He looked very relaxed.

A small smile found its way onto your face as you got up completely from the bed, stretching quietly as you picked up your clothes to change. Once you changed your clothes inside the bathroom and did your hair, you gathered your things for work and walked over to Kazuha, who was still fast asleep.

"Thank you, Kazu." you whispered, as you placed a kiss on his forehead. "Have a nice nap." His smile in sleep got slightly wider, and you bit back a giggle as you rubbed his hair.

With that, you eased your way out the door and locked it. Best not to disturb Kazuha, was it?

You felt like you were floating away on cloud nine as you walked down the hall. With a happy little skip in your step, you went to the elevator and made it to the ground floor.

That's when you noticed that something was really wrong.

As you walked down the hallway to your lab for work, like you always did, it felt like people were staring at you. You were more used to people ignoring your prescence as you went to work, but the unsettling feeling of people's eyes glaring into your back was not a pleasant thing to undergo.

When you finally made it to the lab, you thought things would be better, as there would be as many people trying to look at you. But as you said hello and waved to your colleagues, you noticed that, as they returned your greeting, their smiles were weak. A little forced, even. They even avoided your eyes, which was strange.

Just as you sat down at a lab station, ready to handle samples under a microscope, you felt a firm grip on your shoulder. Upon turning around, you realized that it was Ayaka. She looked rather serious, and a little melancholic.

"Oh, hello Ayaka!" you exclaimed happily at the blue haired girl. "I suppose you want to know more about last night?" you continued, a giddy feeling bubbling up in your chest.

To your surprise, she shook her head. The giddy feeling in your chest started going down.

"I already know what happened." Ayaka said seriously, waving her phone under your nose. She didn't say another word, which was concerning. That was when you noticed the title of some gossip article glowing on her screen.

Your heart began to sink. As your eyes traveled across the screen, panic started to set in...


Kaedehara Kazuha's Secret Love Scandal?!

Written by: Yae Miko

Internationally famous singer Kaedehara Kazuha from 5WIRL has always been a heartthrob in the idol community. However, many say that this young man has never been one for romance; and we have all believed it.

Until now.

Last night at an Inazuman cherry blossom festival, this lie was proven wrong when Kazuha (supposedly one of the more reclusive in his band) was caught kissing a young lady who, until recently, has been in the dark and unknown to the public.

After a bit of digging on our part, we here can confirm that the girl that Kazuha has fallen for is none other than Y/N L/N- a mere alchemist who apparently dislikes the limelight.

Y/N L/N isn't exactly a nobody: she graduated as valedictorian from the Academy of Teyvat. However, a numerous amount of people now wonder: with her dark past, is Y/N really cut out to be a worthy partner for our favorite idol? Is hiding the loss of parents and drowning oneself in work a quality you would want to see in your "one true love"?

We'll let the world decide. But for now, Kazuha had better rethink his choices; Y/N L/N is definitely not the love of his life and the beauty that he should be seen with.


You opened your mouth to try and speak. Say something against the article maybe. But it was no use. The lump in your throat made it feel like all words were stuck up behind it. Now, you weren't so sure if you should laugh, cry, or even shout.

Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you handed Ayaka her phone. Your friend's serious expression had been replaced with one of compassion and pity. She opened her arms for a hug. As if saying, 'It's okay. I know how you feel. Now come here. We'll get through this together.'

But you couldn't just approach your friend at the moment. Your shoulders suddenly felt cold. And even though you were in a room surrounded by colleagues and friends, the air in the room was freezing and lonely.

The tears began to spill from your eyes as you fled the room, desperate to find a place where you could just be the invisible person that you needed to be.

People were probably staring at you by now, but the tears in your eyes were so thick that you didn't even notice. You didn't know where you were even running at this point.

But as you opened your eyes to see where your legs had finally brought you, your heart dropped as you noticed that it was none other than the 5WIRL rehearsal studio.

You backed away from the door as if it had a virus, but as if on cue, someone opened the door. To make matters worse, it was Kazuha.

Dread and shock pooled up in your heart as you could only look at him, tears still staining your cheeks. You were surprised that he left your room already; it had only been less than an hour since you left for work.

Your thoughts were shaken out of your brain when Kazuha took ahold of your shoulders in concern. "Y/N? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Shouldn't you be at work?"

Trying to make the motion to nod or shake your head suddenly became really difficult as he led you to the couch inside the studio. The worry in his face became even more evident when you refused the bottle of water that he offered.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" he asked.

You tried dragging the words into your throat, and Kazuha, seeing you hesitate, waited patiently with a gentle smile. Your heart pounded guiltily as you opened trembling lips to spill the news that was burning your insides:

"Kazuha... I'm sorry, but I'm not coming to your concert this weekend."

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