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"Alpha." Joon had knocked on the door but he hadn't really waited for me to answer
before bursting in.

"There's a man at the pack gates."

"He said you requested him?"

I groaned and slapped down the paperwork I was going through.

There was a chunk of property that butted up to our lands and the government had made me
an offer I couldn't refuse but there were stipulations that I questioned.

"What man? What does that
even mean, I requested him?"

I was only half paying attention.

I had betas for several reasons, one of which was to take care of bullshit like this so I didn't have to.

"Alpha." Joon said with a new tone, an urgency that made me look up and pay him some mind.

"The man is a polar bear shifter."

"Says you requested him on an app for mates. Something
called Tinder app? He's come
here all the way from Busan."

I screwed up my face but stood.

I would have to take care of
the situation whether I had
betas or not.

I stomped through the house
and into the security room
where all of the video surveillance feed was.

The two betas in charge of said security stood when I entered and I pushed past them to look at the screens lining the walls.

"This man?" I pointed to the monitor in the dead center.

The pack gate monitor.

The male at the gates was shorter than me, by about
five inches if I was judging
the vision correctly.

His bronze skin and blue eyes could make a weaker alpha forget his own name.

I wasn't that weak alpha, for
the record.

"Let him speak." I commanded the security guard at the gate through a walkie-talkie.

One of my guards waved two fingers at the male.

He smiled at him for some reason that gripped my chest.

He reached the security booth, stepped inside, picked up the walkie and spoke into it.


His voice washed over me but
I steeled myself against such things. Always had.

I had no room in my life for romance or a mate.

Pack first.

Pack always.

Then self.

That was what my father had ingrained in me since birth and
I lived by the creed.

"This is Jungkook, alpha of this pack. State your purpose."

Okay, that sounded a little
more Marines than alpha but
that was my job, I didn't have time for this bullshit.

"I am Jimin."

"I have been messaging you on the app and you told me to come here at my earliest convenience."

I scoffed as he put his phone
up to the camera as though I could possibly see it.

"Alpha, is this an enemy? Some
one trying to infiltrate our lands?" Joon said behind me.

He always had been a bit skittish.

"No, he's clearly just confused."

"Look, I don't know..."

Just as I was about to tell this man to hit the hills running, my best friend and number one beta, Taehyung, arrived, his chest heaving like he'd run all the
way from Canada to be here at this moment.


"What?" I barked, needing to know what the holy hell was going on.

"I did it."

"He's here because of me."

My bear wrangled inside me,
not pleased about this male being here for Taehyung.

"Explain now before I start busting skulls."

Gods, it was one of those
moments when I cringed, knowing I sounded exactly
like my father.

"Alpha, I've been talking
to the male on the app."

"Pretending to be you."

Gasps filled the office but
I said nothing.

My anger wouldn't let me.

"Jungkook, you need an omega to steady you and you won't
look for one and we don't see you date..."

"So, you took it upon yourself
to find me an omega on some app and now this male is
here expecting something?"

He nodded though, to his
credit, his gaze stayed locked
on the floor.

"Yes alpha."

"He is here to be your husband."

"Your omega. I..."

I whirled on the screen and forced myself not to take
another look at the man before
I did what I had to do.

I'd been betrayed by my best friend and set up in the worst way.

Pain curled around my sternum like a venomous snake that
had just stricken me right in
the heart.

"Jimin, whoever you are."

"This is a mistake, Go home."

"Forget the app and one more thing, don't ever come back."


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