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We did not consummate our union Yet.

The night was awkward to say the least, but somehow, we'd allowed our baser or perhaps more expressive natures to take the lead and so, when I woke
the next morning, there was a beautiful omega plastered to me.

On his side, he faced me.

His features were so soft and peaceful as his arm lazily
draped over my waist and
mine did the same to his.

His long, dark eyelashes fanned over his cheeks and I had to strain to hear his soft breaths, even in the early morning and with my heightened shifter hearing.

Maybe he was simply sleeping well in my bed.

Fuck, that made me want to
puff my chest out with pride.

I'd given him something, at least.

I leaned in closer so tempted
to press my lips to his forehead but refrained when he sat straight up in bed and flung
the covers from his body, reminding me of how close
to naked he was.

I waited for him to get his bearings before speaking.

He finally turned around and gave me a faint smile.

"I forgot where I was."

He tossed himself back on the mattress and covered his eyes.

"And now that you remember?"

"I haven't changed my mind if that's what you're asking, This
is where I want to be unless
you have changed your mind."

I pulled him against me and
gave in to my urges, nuzzling
his neck, making him gasp.

"I have not."

"What do you do first thing in
the morning?" he asked, turning again to face me.

He trailed his finger down my body from the base of my throat down to my stomach.

Every muscle he touched twitched with need.

I sucked in a breath and held it for a moment, just soaking in this memory.

"I get up and shower and go
eat breakfast with the pack."

"Nothing much else to do."

"I try to stay off my email and work things until after that."

"Mmm." He splayed his palm
out along my abs.

"So, the mornings are pretty free. Good to know."

"Why is that good to know, omega?"

I mimicked his movements from before but used my hand instead of a finger to skim his skin from his throat to the waistband of
his boxers.

He scissored his legs back under the sheet, He must've been cold.

I moved closer and hooked one of my legs around his to warm him.

He smiled and closed his eyes
as I did. "Good to know the mornings will belong to us."

Oh, gods, he was tempting
and his words brought every
part of me to life.

"You can have the nights too
and in between meetings
and lunch and..."

I chuckled along with him.

"How about we start with a
kiss this morning?"

He put his hand on the side
of my neck and tugged me forward.

He asked for what he wanted
and I already loved that about him.

I craved someone who told me what they needed in bed and in our relationship.

Mostly because I wasn't the
most perceptive person in
those areas.

Our gazes locked while he
rocked onto his back, pulling
me closer.

Bracing my hands on either
side of his face, I pushed up
so I hovered above him.

"I've been wanting to do this since the first time you were
in my office."

He tapped his finger on my

"I would've let you."

"Gods, you have no idea how sexy you are, do you, alpha?"

I pulled back a little.

"What did I say about calling
me that?"

I reached down and popped
his hip, a tiny spanking.

"I know but here like this, with you about to kiss me, with so many more things fluttering through my mind, you are my alpha in this bedroom, not
the pack alpha but mine."

I growled out my approval
before leaning forward and pressed my lips against his.

He groaned as our connection deepened and licked at my bottom lip.

Turning my head, I gave him better access.

His hips bucked as his fingers now pressed into my back muscles, kneading them, pulling me closer until there was
no space between us.

I moved so my knee was between his legs and pressed
my rock-hard erection against
his hip.

"Feel what you do to me, omega."

I pulled away only for an instant.

"Jungkook, you can—"

My phone blasted out my alarm tone, kicking us both out of
our bubble of lust and bliss.

"Shit." I groaned, turning it
off then collapsing onto the
bed, my face in the pillow.

He laughed and touched my arm.

"That was enough for now but
do us a favor and make that alarm earlier."

"What now?" honestly did not know what to do with myself
in this moment.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"You can join me if you promise no funny business, I won't have our first time in the shower."

I chuffed out my frustration.

"Then I'd better shower separately Because you, Jimin, are completely irresistible."

He got up and grabbed his clothes from the dresser where he had put them the night before.

"As are you."

"I'm already thinking a lunch
time visit might be nice."

Gods, one turn of fate and my life would never be the same.

As I watched him go to the shower and give me a look over his shoulder, I'd never been
more grateful for it.

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