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Holy hells!

When Jungkook called me in, I had been so into the rhythm
of woodcutting, I hadn't wanted to stop.

I'd shrugged off the beta he'd sent to get me, the earbuds keeping me from hearing what he was trying to tell me.

Pouring all my worries and tension into the strokes, I
yelled at him to go away but
he grabbed my arm and held
it over my head.

Finally, I turned to look at him and happened to tip my head
up in time to see the alpha
watching from his window.

Reaching up with my free hand,
I released an earbud and the flow of the beta's orders came through.

"Now omega, Get your ass up there before I have to drag it."

The guy came up to my chin,
so that wasn't happening.

He only managed to stop my
arm because he caught me off-guard or he'd never have been strong enough or had the leverage but it wasn't his
orders I obeyed although I would have as well, since he was above me in pack hierarchy.

"On my way."

I left the axe in the stump, slipped on my shirt and buttoned it up and marched toward the alpha's house, prepared to accept whatever criticism
came my way.

If he wanted me to cut wood faster or slower, to take my meals alone in the bunkhouse...

I'd do those things.

I hoped he wouldn't ask me
to be a stool pigeon, though, because I couldn't do that.

If they were planning to do some thing criminal or dangerous, I'd have a real moral dilemma but
in this case, it was simply stupid.

I knocked on the doorframe and waited a whole second and a half before I heard his deep voice.

"Come in and shut the door."

As Fred disappeared, I did as
he asked.

"Alpha, is something wrong?"

"Please, call me Jungkook."

"I wanted to talk to you a bit."

"Sit down, Jimin."

And nothing I'd prepared for
up until now prepared me for what he had to say.

Despite his instant rejection of me as a match from the app, he'd changed his mind.

I tried to find reasons in my
brain not to accept his offer
but nothing came up.

I wanted him.

He offered to have me live in
the house but I held out for
what I came for.

I wasn't moving into the house, unless we were going to give
the real thing a try.

I held my breath until he agreed then hightailed it out of there as quickly as possible to gather my belongings before he changed
his mind.

I chided myself that if he did,
it wasn't meant to be.

I'd have said Jungkook was not the mind-changing type except for the 180 he'd just done
where I was concerned.

That vote of confidence came from someone I hadn't heard
too much from since I got here.

Especially since I wasn't going running on my own and hadn't found anyone else to go with
wasn't even sure who I was allowed to go with.

You're sure, huh?

It was good to have someone
to talk to about this.

Yes. A polar bear of few words.

I'll take your word for it but
now that he's willing to try
the mating thing.

How do I know I won't get my heart shredded in the end?

Because wasn't that the real issue?

As long as I was just a lowly pack member, I could hold back some of my feelings, some of
my heart.

Sleeping next to him in the bed, that wouldn't be the case.

You humans are all about wanting to see the end of every scenario before it even starts.

Didn't you just tell me you could?

My bear half could be frustrating and hard to decipher sometimes.

No, I said he won't change his mind. We're a catch, you know.

So, if you're so sure he won't change his mind, why can't you be as sure I won't get my
heart shredded?

Because we don't know if we'll want him forever yet.

We haven't seen all his flaws.

Hmmm. That was interesting.

He'd been all about the mate thing since we got here and
that would mean forever to him.

Although he wasn't much on explanations and had already said more than I'd expected,
I was so keyed up, I pushed it.

How can a mate not be forever?

And nothing.

He'd said his piece and I'd probably get no more.

With all of this in mind, I returned to the bunkhouse,
glad everyone was out working or loitering more likely and packed up my stuff.

I wasn't as lucky when I
crossed the space between the bunkhouse and the alpha's home.

A couple of the guys from my table were there, pretending
to rake something and they
stopped and stared.

"What happened?" I couldn't remember this one's name.

"Did you get thrown out
because of last night?"

"I guess it's because you're
not a pack member yet."

I ran a few responses over in
my head without breaking
stride before saying.

"No, everything is fine."

"Then where are you taking
your stuff?"

He wasn't going to let it go but before I could decide how much he needed to know, well it was nothing but how much I would be willing to say Fred showed up.

"What are you two doing?"

"You're supposed to be weeding the vegetables but since you don't seem to want to do that, get over to that woodpile."

"The alpha's new omega has already cut five times what any of you have in the last month."

"I'll be back in an hour and I expect to see progress!"

I didn't wait around to see their reaction, just picked up the
pace and slipped into the
house through the kitchen door.

The alpha's new omega.

Everyone would have known eventually but now the news would be everywhere
before lunch.

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