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From that point forward, I
kept an even sharper eye on
my mate.

It scared the ever loving hell
out of me he would lose our
baby but equally that he might be in some kind of danger.

I enlisted the pack healer, an older woman with a reputation for old-school knowledge to
come live at our house so
she could help him.

Turned out that my omega loved coconut water, which gave him some vitamins as well as kept him well-hydrated along with peppermint tea that seemed
to quell the nausea.

Three days with Sha, the healer, and the blush had returned to
his face and he was eating like he hadn't in...well, months.

So, when my eleven o'clock meeting was going overtime, I couldn't help but notice Jimin's knee bouncing and the fact that he'd looked at his watch over a dozen times in the last half hour.

My love and my baby were clearly hungry.

"James, I hate to cut this meeting short but is it possible you could send the rest of the information in an email?"

"My mate is hungry."

"I can feel it and it's making
me hungry as well, Have to
feed the growing babies."

James, a usually quiet omega, was giving me a report on the crops, which had flourished in the past weeks.

The workers were once again taking pride in our lands and
our production and it showed.

They deserved a treat and I intended to get my omega's input on the subject.

As soon as he wasn't hangry.

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you for your time and congratulations to you both."

He bared his neck and left
the room.

Jimin popped up from his chair, raring to go. I chuckled.

His appetite had certainly improved and I loved
making sure he was fed.

"Kookie, what are you looking at?" he asked, a twinkle in
his eye.

"I..." I hesitated.

Feelings still weren't the easiest thing for me to express.

"I wanted you to know that
I've fallen in love with you."

His chin quivered a bit.

"You love me?"

I closed the distance
between us. "I do."

"Because of the baby." he whispered, a twinge of disappointment laced his tone.

"No because you are you, You turned on the light in my life."

He cracked up and snorted.

"You mean I turned you on."


I grabbed him by the waist and gently pulled him flush with me.

"I mean yes but it's more than that, You've changed my life
in the best way possible."

"I am going to spend a lifetime thanking you and it won't be enough."

He bit down on his bottom lip.

"I love you too, I think I have since the moment I saw you."

I cleared my throat. "Hardly."

"I was a beast to you that day."

"I regret it every second."

He shrugged. "That beast
was sexy as hell."

"Hmm." I rocked my hips
into him.

"I would be willing to bring
him back out after lunch."

"I..." he started but his
stomach growls interrupted.

"Okay, eat first."

After we got downstairs, I made the cooks get out of the way as the overwhelming need to feed my omega myself took over.

I wanted him to eat food my hands had made, that my
love had enriched somehow.

Gods, I was getting sappy.

I served him a healthy lunch
of salad, salmon and leftover roasted sweet potatoes.

We'd brought in the salmon
from Busan after I found
out how much he loved it.

Polar bears loving fish.

Duh, alpha.

"Thank you." he said and in minutes had cleaned the plate and was rubbing his full belly.

I handed him a glass of iced coconut water and he
finished that off, too.

"Anything else I can get you?" I asked, wondering if that was enough.

It seemed to be a running
theme in my mind, if my omega had enough to eat and drink.

"Yeah...I need dessert."

Stupid me went to the freezer and offered him all-fruit popsicles and frozen yogurt and was about to list off more when his arms snaked around my waist, his palms settling on the front
of my jeans.

"I meant you."

I chuckled loud and hard but even as I took his hand, he reached in and grabbed a popsicle.

"You're going to eat that
popsicle while I make love to you, aren't you?" I asked
while we climbed the stairs.


"No?" I asked.

"I'll be done before we get
to the bedroom."

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