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I knew better than to go into
the bar in the next town with guns blazing while the omegas were there.

So the plan we'd come up with was to intercept them before they could do much damage.

Jimin had told me they were betting on the fact that the bar owner was human but what
they didn't know was he was
only half human.

And while his shifter family wasn't part of the pack still,
he saw me coming from a
mile away.

I'd known his father and, as
one of the alphas around here,
it was my job to keep tabs.

"Jungkook." He nodded a bit,
not a full baring of the neck
but something close.

I'd just come in the door with
Tae and Joon and looked around the place, hoping we weren't
too late.

We weren't.

There wasn't a member of my pack in sight but I knew from the tips from both Fred and Jimin that they would be here soon.

"Pope, we're gonna take a seat over there in the corner."

"Good deal." he said and continued to wipe down clean glasses with a white towel
while another one was slung
over his shoulder.

"What can I get you?"

"Snakebites all around."

I called back as the three of us made our way to the booth
that sat below a single lamp
that waved a little with the
fan's moving the air.

We slid into the booth and Joon crossed his arms over his chest.

"What time are they supposed
to be here?"

I checked my watch.

"Any minute now but knowing them, they'll be late, even
to their own night out."

Tae shifted in his seat.

"All that will change soon
with the pack omega, Things
are changing."

"There's already talk."


I leaned forward while Pope
slid three small glasses onto
the table, each one capped
with a lime wedge.

I didn't drink much but since
we were using this man's place of business for pack business
of sorts, I didn't want to leave
a sour taste in his mouth,
like these drinks would.

Pope left without a word and went back behind the bar.

"Yeah, Mom is already talking about the attitudes calming down."

"It's like everyone in the pack had restless leg syndrome all
the fucking time then Jimin came in and now that he's mated to you, there's peace and rest."

"It's weird how our animals need two instead of one to be okay."

"What about you?" I asked Joon
but all of us kept our stares on the door.

I elbowed him to let him know
I was talking to him.

"Well, I'm the genius who got him here so yeah, I'm good."

He stayed still with a smug
grin on his face as I growled
But then all three of us cracked up, It was hard to be grouchy with my omega waiting for me.

"The most fucked-up way to
find an omega in the history
of shifters, I might add but
I'm grateful."

"I know I came down hard on you for what you did but
damn, he's the best thing
that ever happened to me."

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