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I wasn't up early.

In fact, I usually rose with the sun, even after a late night
but no one else did.

And that was an issue.

Except Jimin.

Apparently, the omega also rose with the dawn and all kinds of thoughts fluttered through my mind about the things we could do in the wee hours of the morning before the rest of
the pack woke up.

I bet he looked sexy as hell
first thing in the morning.

Hair mussed. Sleepy eyes.

Stretching out naked on my bed aww, shit, there I went again.

I'd torn into the betas along
with the lower-levels all new assholes this morning.

Not only did they not finish
their work the day before but they'd made a mess of
Jagger's and cost us some
of our reputation in town.

They'd been a little rambunctious in the past but not to the extent of the previous night.

A pack's reputation was all it
had sometimes and I was trying to get us more land and expand.

The bad reputation might just cost us that.

The government did not look kindly on out-of-control shifters.

At least it would likely cost us more but only time would tell.

I wanted to spare Jimin the outrage and hostility from the other pack members but there was just so much I could do to shield him.

His initiative and drive were a mark against him with the rest
of them.

To me, it made him seem loyal
as hell.

He had gotten up early and by the time the rest of them wiped the sleep from their eyes, he
was well into chopping a full
cord of wood.

I realized in that moment, watching him draw his arm across his forehead, rubbing the sweat away, that what I liked about this omega was deeper than lust or raw attraction.

There was respect here.


Even something else that I wasn't ready to admit yet.

Shit, no omega had ever gotten under my skin like this, not that I'd dated much but when I had, no one meant anything to me like Jimin.

Fuck, we hadn't even had a
date and already I had it bad.

So badly that I wanted to invite him to lunch again but everyone was staring at him and it felt
like they were seeing right through me as well.

With the pack in disarray, my personal life had to come last.

Jimin caught my stare and
held it for a few moments.

It was all I could do not to demand he come with me but that would only escalate the disdain his fellow pack
members had for him.

Maybe I should just move
him into the alpha house
for protection.

No, I bet he could handle
himself and would insist on it.

This shouldn't be so hard.

I whirled on him, even though neither I nor my beast wanted
to and marched toward my
house and my office.

As I walked into the building,
the betas were grumbling
about the new omega and
how he was kissing ass.

Odd, since they'd all had a
hand in bringing him here.

"He's not kissing ass." I boomed, cringing at the echo.

"He's being loyal."

"He's a hard worker."

"If every pack member worked as hard as him, we wouldn't
be in trouble like we are."

"Alpha...we didn't mean..." Tae swallowed hard.

"Yes, you did but talking shit about someone who is working like that for this pack, a pack that doesn't even accept him
as their own, I would add, is unacceptable."

"Everyone in this place should take note because, trust me, none of you deserve to be on
the upper ground of that man."

"Now, why don't you stop gossiping like a pack of old women and get back to
ducking work?"

I stomped up to my office and
let my anger subside while watching out the window.

Jimin could be seen from here, and slowly, I watched the other pack members trickle out and
get to work.

He was a fine example to all
of them.

I just hoped his work ethic
and my taking up for him
didn't get him in trouble.

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