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"They're going into town, sir."

One of the lower-level betas had come into my office right after breakfast, while the hustle
and bustle of cleanup was
still underway.

When I was little, I would've called him a tattletale but now that I was alpha, I considered him more of an informant of sorts.

He did this in exchange for a place in one of the better cabins where the lower-level shifters stayed.

"Into town? What in the name of...?"

"Well, since Jagger calls to inform you of everything we do, some
of the others thought it might be better to go to a human-owned but shifter-friendly bar instead."

"Plus, I bet the owner of that place doesn't have your phone number."

He was right.

I didn't deal much with humans.

Maybe that needed to be amended.

"And the polar bear?" I asked, not using his name since I knew using it would certainly give
me away.

He shrugged one shoulder.

"He said he's not going."

"Something about getting all
the wood cut for the winter."

I got up from my desk and
went to the window and, sure enough, even as the sun set in the distance, Jimin smashed through log after log, only stopping to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Loyal as fuck if you ask me alpha, He never stops only to
eat and sleep."

I grunted again, so I didn't
give myself away.

Yes, he was loyal to the pack.

Yes, he worked hard but there was more beneath the surface, and as the thought fluttered through my mind, he turned
and faced my window.

That was when I knew what
I had to do.

A man like that, an omega of honor should never look up at me unless he was on his knees.

"Fred, ask him to come to my office." I barked before
whirling on him.


"Yes, alpha."

The man was gone in a second and actually sprinted toward Jimin.

The omega had the gall to argue with Fred but then looked up again at my window and shrugged.

He grabbed his flannel and pushed his arms into it then began to button it up.

No need if I have my way.

Shit. What the hell was I doing?

I had a momentary panic as I realized what I was about to do.

I hadn't even had the balls to go down there and get him myself.

But minutes later, when he with those almost translucent-blue eyes walked in, I knew I had
no other choice.

The omega was mine, whether he knew it or not.

"Shut the door." I said and flicked my finger for Fred to get out.

He scampered away and was halfway down the stairs before Jimin could shut the door.

"Alpha, is something wrong?"

He took a step forward.

"Please, call me Jungkook."

"I wanted to talk to you a bit."

"Sit down, Jimin."

He did as I asked and finished buttoning his shirt.

I took a deep breath then let it go, steeling myself to ask him.

"You have shown your loyalty,
No one in this pack works as hard as you."

He cleared his throat, and a faint blush bloomed on his cheeks.

"Except you, Al...Jungkook."

"Except you."

"I've looked to this window,
more than a few times well past midnight, to see your light on."

I nodded.

Nothing else I could do.

He was right.

"You came here to mate with
me, isn't that right? To be my husband? My omega?"

Gods, the words felt right on
my tongue.

"I did."

"And have you tried to find another alpha on the app?"

This was starting to sound more like an investigation than a proposition.

I needed to change my tone
and quickly.

"I have not. Why would I?"


"I've come to respect you greatly in the past days, Jimin. I..."

I grasped the underside of the desk for a bit of added strength.

"I was wondering if you would still consider that offer, even though I'm not the person you were talking to on the app."

"I mean, I know I don't have a lot to offer and I can certainly


His answer stopped my throat from working temporarily.

"What did you say?"

He squared off his shoulders
and sat up straighter.

"I said yes, I would be your husband and omega."

"Oh. Well, in that case, we can get you a bedroom here in the alpha house and—"

"No." he quipped back.

"That won't do."

I felt my brow draw down.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if I am to be your husband and your omega and
we are going to give this a real shot then I should move into your room. Don't you think?"

My bear clawed at my breastbone.



Have him.

Keep him.

"You would be okay with
that? I promise not to try anything on you."

Why in the hell was I making promises I couldn't keep?

"You mean, unless I want
you to." he murmured.

"Yes omega."

"If you want me in that
way, I wouldn't hesitate."

He nodded.

"When should I move in? Should we have a ceremony or..."

"You can move in tonight." I replied, shocking myself.

"I'll go get my things." He got up and walked out and then I had
to stop myself from passing out.

He wanted me, too.

I just knew it.

Jimin was mine.

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