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I'd never been so sick in my entire life.

The doctor insisted I'd start feeling better by week twelve
but here we were and I'd lost fifteen pounds and was still throwing up so often, it was all
I could do to hold down crackers and ginger ale most days.

None of this could be good for the baby but I'd tried everything suggested by the doctor, the nurses, pack members who had been through this and every link on the Internet that seemed
at all sensible.

Ginger...might have worked but
in any form other than ginger ale it was too strong a scent and only made me feel worse.

I tried eating small meals
more often but that just
made me sick more often.

I hid my vitamins for a couple
of days before Jungkook
caught me, They were just overwhelming to my senses.

As the days went by, I began
to believe something was
terribly wrong with the fetus.

I didn't say anything to
Jungkook but I saw him
watching me worriedly.

And that was why I didn't
want to tell him anything, the alpha had a whole pack to run.

I didn't want to be a burden to him but as I got no better, all I could think of was the number
of babies our pack back home had lost.

Miscarriage was almost more common than successful live birth there.

The doctor didn't seem worried as long as I wasn't dehydrated, and I tried really hard not to
let that happen.

But when Jungkook found me semi-conscious on the cold tile
of the bathroom floor, he wrapped me up in a blanket
and carried me down to his car.

I was sobbing and shivering and trying to tell him I'd failed.

"I didn't stay hydrated." I told him, unsure if my words were even coherent.

"It's my genetics. My old pack,
so many pregnancies ended in miscarriage or still birth."

"I should have told you but
I thought...I hoped..."

"My love, you're overthinking this." He belted me into the passenger seat with the
blanket wrapped around me.

"Just sit for one minute
while I grab you a shirt."

Because I was going to the hospital in just a pair of shorts.

"Shoes!" I called after him in a voice I hoped would carry but was probably just a whisper.

"I need shoes."

Next thing I knew, I woke up in
a hospital bed with an IV in my arm and a nurse fussing around me.

I struggled to sit up but she had no problem keeping me prone.

"Mr Jeon, don't make me
restrain you."

"You need to lie still a while longer after what you've
been though."

Horror settled deep in my
bones and I sagged in her grip.

"No need to handcuff me to the headboard, I won't fight you."

What did I have to fight for anymore?

She reeled back, eyes wide.

"Handcuff you to the—"

Jungkook came running in the door, carrying a sandwich in a plastic box and a can of cola.

"Jimin, are you still out of it? Nobody is going to handcuff anyone to a headboard."

"This isn't that kind of

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