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I snuck into my office and answered a few emails before breakfast then slipped back
into the room There were
some things I needed to go
over with Jimin.

"Good morning."

He popped his head out of the bathroom and smiled at me around his toothbrush.

In a few seconds, he came out, dressed in jeans and a tight-fitting thermal Henley.

"Good morning Jungkook."

"I had some emails to take care of this morning, so I went down to the office." I muttered all strung together like one word.

"Thank you for giving me
space. I..." He wrung his hands then took a seat on the trunk
at the end of the bed.

"Is there some kind of protocol
I need to follow this morning?"

"Or am I just supposed to
report back to work?"

"Do I have a different job description now?"

He chuckled and his neck got a little red. "I have no clue how
to be a pack alpha's omega."

I sat next to him, allowing our hips to touch but barely restraining myself from
tucking him under my arm
and pulling him against me.

"I would like you to sit next to me at breakfast and at every other meal from now on."

"And as for work, I would like you to be with me during the
day in my office."

"Eventually, there will be tasks just for you but until then, I'd like you to get an idea of what
I deal with in a day and I'd love
to hear your input on anything."

"Aside from being my mate,
the alpha's omega serves as an advisor to me and I'd love for you to lend your knowledge
to me and us as a pack."

"Jungkook, I don't know if—"

"I do." I interrupted him.

"You are intelligent and hardworking."

"You've shown your loyalty
and personal courage on more
than one occasion, I want your
input and your presence."

His ocean-blue eyes met mine.

"You want me with you?"

I reached out to stroke his face with the back of my hand.

"Yes, I want you with me as much as I can."

"As much as you can."

He covered my hand with his.

"Okay. I can do those things."

I made sure to smile at him.

"I know you can and Jimin?"

He paused in getting up.


"Ignore the whispers because yesterday you were a newcomer, and today you are my mate."

"There's bound to be gossip."

"Try to be as strong as you

A nod was the only
confirmation I got.

Hand in hand, we walked downstairs and were greeted with gasps and clattering of silverware.

"Pack brothers and sisters,
Jimin has accepted his place
as my omega."

"You will respect and treat
him with the...well with more
respect than you treat me."

"Is that clear?"

The baring of necks was all
I needed in response.

"Good, Everyone eat up."

"There's plenty of work to do."

I tipped my chin at Tae and Holt.

They'd brought Jimin here
after all.

We filled our plates and sat down, Jimin scooted his chair closer to me and my chest
puffed out with pride.

He wanted to be near me and
he wanted everyone in this
room to know.

It was like he'd claimed me publicly.

Joon stood just as I had a forkful of eggs lifted to my mouth.

"A toast to the new omega of
our pack."

He held up his orange juice glass and I almost choked on air.

And to my surprise and delight, everyone followed suit.

"To the Omega!" they all shouted.

My parents had once said an alpha is only as good as his
mate and that a pack without
an alpha pair would never be
quite under control.

Jimin, this man who showed up at my gate with his bags and an app...well, seemed like he was the answer to everything.

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