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"Are you sure this time?" I asked.

Usually my mate wasn't finicky but for some reason, over the paint color of the nursery of
all things, he'd changed his
mind repeatedly.

There were at least three coats on the walls when he decided on peach and I had to use a stern tone with him in the hardware store until he promised he
was sure.

Pale Flamingo Sunset...of all things.

"Yes." He stood back and assessed the room.

Contrary to my hardware store tone and the fake refusal to ever go back to that place, I needed his acceptance of the nursery.

It was, after all, the place where my mate would feed and care
for our baby with my help,
of course.

Still, with my alpha duties, he would spend the most time here.

I had to get it right.

"Really?" I asked, fist on my
hip, scanning it for myself.

The betas had done an
excellent job.

"Yes, It's perfection."

"Thank you, I know I've been
a pain in the ass lately."

"I wouldn't call it a pain..."

I gave up on talking and captured his lips.

He swayed into me, chuckling
as his belly got in the way.

"Okay, let's grab the deviled
eggs and get down there."

"I bet the whole pack has eaten most of the food by now."

Jimin chuckled.

"Don't underestimate them,
They have changed a lot
over the past months."

He was right.

Completely and totally right.

Our pack had changed for the better since he had come into our lives, no doubt about it.

Though he took no credit for
the evolution of our pack from
a lazy one to a productive one, everyone knew he was the reason.

"Okay, Want me to carry you?"

My omega's ankles became swollen in the afternoon and usually, after my advice, he spent the late afternoon and
all night with them propped up.

Sha gave him some tea every night that helped with it but
she told us that once the baby was birthed, all fluid retention would vanish.

"No, it's okay today but you
have to carry the deviled eggs."

"Or they will be gone by the
time we walk over to the gathering area."

The omega knew how to eat
and I had no question that our baby would emerge healthy
and strong.

The picnic went off without a hitch, Everyone showed up and each stopped to say something to my omega, even the ones who'd tried to wrangle him into going to a bar after I'd
forbidden it.

The sun set over the pack lands but I wasn't ready to go inside yet and I had a feeling my
mate wasn't either.

"Wanna go for a run?" I asked, seeing him look over the horizon.

"I do, You okay with being seen with a polar bear?" He grinned
at me silly polar bear.

"Have I ever seemed not to be?"

I chuckled and skated my hand over his thigh, Most of the
others had gone but he playfully slapped my hand away.

"Yes. I am anxious to run with you tonight, actually."

"Okay. Then strip, my love."

He stood up and while our eyes were locked, we took off our clothes but our stares didn't
last long. I couldn't help it.

The person who owned my heart was right in front of me, our baby in his stomach and the sun seemed to kiss every inch of
him, giving me a plan for later.

"What?" He looked down, stroking his belly in circles.

"You are gorgeous, mate." I expressed honestly.

"Thank you. Ready?"

Instead of answering, I simply shifted in front of him,
knowing he would take longer.

A pregnant omega's body had things to figure out in terms
of shifting the babe without
causing him any harm. It was survival of the fittest at its best.

We ran together until the moon sailed halfway across the sky
until we were exhausted from head to toe.

We lay on the ground naked
next to each other between
some trees.

"Jungkook, I love this baby
but I think that's the last time
I shift until they're born."

"That was a lot, even for me."

I rolled over and stroked his cheek. "Of course."

"I shouldn't have asked."

"No, you should've."

"It was our last run as a
mated pair without children."

"I loved every second of it but now I just want to get home
and soak in our tub."

I smiled and winked at him.

"I can make that happen."

"I know you can."

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