25. (M) 🔞

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I was finished with dessert number one before we landed
on the mattress, leaving a trail
of clothes from the hallway all the way to our bed.

The big, comfortable bed Jungkook had bought when he noticed me tossing and turning one night and decided his old mattress wasn't something his omega should have to deal with.

He'd gotten up, gone online
and ordered the best one he could find.

Asking for things wasn't an issue, it was avoiding making him
think I wanted things.

I was used to a simple lifestyle back home, To me this fine big home was already the lap of luxury and the previous bed
had been perfectly comfortable.

Although I had to admit the one my alpha lay on now, on his back, naked with his cock jutting out and his arms outstretched, well, it was beyond amazing.

Especially since...well, I already mentioned my alpha waiting there.

A lot of omegas had a body image problem once they
started to show and I was beyond showing and into
bulging but I had more confidence than ever before.

I'd not lose the baby, was growing him well, according to
all the medical professionals
and my alpha and I were very
happy with my changing shape.

I dropped to my knees in front
of him rather than taking his hands and climbing aboard.

I wanted to taste him first.

Wrapping my fist around his cock, I brought it to my lips
and smiled up at him.

"How are you going to get up
off the floor, my omega?"

he asked with the grin that melted my bones every time.

I lapped the droplet of precum from the head and smacked
my lips.


"I guess you'll either have to
help me or join me here."

Then I closed my mouth over
his head and whatever he might have replied trailed off into a groan.

I knew my alpha well and just what kind of licking and
sucking would overwhelm any
objections he might have.

Not that he'd likely have any.

I took great pride in my work.

I cupped his full sac with my
free hand and gently squeezed.

He was too big for me to engulf his whole cock but I licked every hard, veined inch of him before taking in as much as possible.

Even my best efforts as deep throating left enough for my
fist to work with but he never complained.

Unless those unintelligible sounds he made while weaving his fingers into my hair and holding my head stead so he could fuck my mouth were complaints but
I felt fairly sure they were not.

He tasted so good I never wanted to stop but all too soon he lifted my head off him and reached down to grip me under the arms.

"Get up here, My omega."

"But I want you to come in
my mouth."

I struggled a little but in typical alpha fashion, he overcame me easily, without any discussion and lifted me to hover over his hips, adjusting the angle to
allow my slick to draw him
into my body.

"Oh my gods!"

He filled me completely, just
as he had the first time.

"Okay, this is good, too."

"Just good?"

He rocked his hips, seating himself even deeper, then lay back on the pillows, watching me.

"Show me how you make
it better."

"I didn't mean..."

"Show me, omega."

When he gave orders in bed, it was all I could do not to come on the spot and never disobeyed.

Lifting on my knees, I balanced carefully and lowered myself again.

My center of gravity was off but we did this often enough, I could manage not to fall off the bed.

And he felt amazing inside me.

With each lift and drop, I savored the slide of his ridged cock against my insides and whether he controlled the movements
or we did, it never missed that magical spot inside me.

"You're so hard." he told me.

"I wonder if you could come without me even touching you."

"I-I can't even see it anymore."

I groaned, speeding up and shifting my legs to avoid the charley horse incident of a
few days before.

"It might as well not be there."

"Oh I don't know about that."

He reached toward me, his
hand disappearing beneath the beach ball of my belly.

"Mmm, no, it's there." His fist closed around it and I gasped.

"Yes, definitely there."

Despite the inability to see it,
I could feel his thumb brush
over the head, gathering the precum and using it to lube
his slide over my shaft.

I'd always had more precum
than the average bear.

"Oh, alpha."

I kept moving, his cock filling me inside, hand stroking me outside, a breeze from the open window washing over the sweat trickling down my sides as I climbed the cliff and finally, as my alpha
gave one more tight squeeze
and a little twist, my cum shot out, its heat coating the underside of my belly.

His surged into me and in a perfect storm of pleasure, I fell over onto him, into his arms and we lay there sticky and happy until my stomach growled and we headed for the shower.

Missing meals was not on my agenda these days.

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