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Nine months passed quickly but not so quickly at the same time, and before I knew it, I was two weeks past my due date.

My great body-forward image had gone the way of the ability to go more than five minutes without peeing and now I felt more like a walrus sprawled
on an ice flow than a sexy
omega lounging in bed.

I rubbed my belly and
considered just staying here although it was already nine o'clock and Jungkook had
gone down to his office
nearly three hours before.

Until recently, I'd have gone
with him, sat at the desk he'd had moved in there for me
and we'd both have worked
a little before breakfast.

Or gone out to walk the
lands a bit for both exercise
and to see what was up.

Once that would have not been pretty but now it seemed everything flourished, so it
was amazing.

Then we'd have had breakfast together in the dining room
with the pack and returned to meetings or whatever work
lay in our day planner.

As Jungkook had promised,
I'd taken on duties that fell
naturally to the alpha's omega.

Like making sure the omegas and children were all cared
for and happy.

I reviewed the menus for the week and ordered supplies
for the kitchen.

I was also in charge of arrangements for the pack's annual festival, which would
be coming soon.

When we were first planning,
I'd pictured myself there,
celebrating with our child in
my arms but I'd begun to
think the baby planned to
stay inside me forever.

Jungkook would be coming in soon with some breakfast to share with me here in our
room, as had become our habit.

I still made it down for lunch
and dinner, usually but my appetite wasn't what it had
been even a few weeks ago.

I felt sluggish and bloated
and reasonably miserable.

With a put-upon sigh, I rolled
my walrus body to the right, reaching for the cup with built
in straw that held the water
I'd soon be peeing right out again anyway.

It hardly seemed worth the
effort but the ghost of that
early dehydration episode was always there to haunt me.

I closed my hand around the handle and drew the cup toward me when the first pain hit.

With the force of a hurricane.

"Owww." I howled, dropping
the cup and spilling water
all over the bed and myself.

The door slammed open and Jungkook raced in, holding
our breakfast tray.

One look at me and he let it
fall to the floor.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

He was at my side then, patting me all over and looking for
the cause of my yelling.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He reeled back.

"I think your water must have broken. You're all wet."

The first sharp pain abated, leaving me gasping.

But I still found air to laugh at the expression on his face.

"I spilled water."

"The regular kind from
my cup."

He tilted his head then lifted
the drink from the bed.

"It still feels pretty full to me."


"Yeah I guess you're right then."

"Maybe this baby has finally decided to...oh Gods!"

Again, another hurricane racing through my body, my belly clenching and becoming
rock hard.

When it ended, I lay back, covered in sweat from head to toe and lying in the puddle of
my own internal waters.

"We need to clean up this
room." I told him, trying to smile.

"There's breakfast all over
the floor, too."

"Yeah, we'll get someone to
do that but that's not our
priority right now."

He grabbed a phone from his pocket. "I'll let the hospital
know we're on the way."

"There may not be time."

The voice came from the doorway.

"How close are your pains, alpha's omega?"

The healer, so ancient nobody knew how old she was, shuffled across the floor, making a
slight shift to the left to
avoid a puddle of OJ.

"I don't know."


Another one and I was too lost
in it to say anything more.

"A couple of minutes healer."

Jungkook said.

"We need to go."

"You need to go get clean bedding for your omega."

"find my assistant Please."

"Your baby is on the way."

I rode the crest of this one, scared to death.

They weren't supposed to
come this close, were they?

I hadn't even had any of those false labor pains they talked about. Nothing until this.

"Something must be
wrong! It hurts so bad."

And so many babies in my former pack did not make it
out alive, I'd begun to let my guard down, to think it would
be all right... I reached out for my alpha but he was gone and
only the healer remained.

She sat beside the bed in a
chair someone must have
drawn up while I had my
eyes squeezed closed.

"Of course, it hurts, child."

She patted my hand with her gnarled fingers.

"But that doesn't mean any thing's wrong, just that the
little one is in a hurry to
get here and meet you."

I had the strength to roll my eyes.

"Then why didn't the baby
come two weeks ago?"

"Tsk. Don't ask me to read
your baby's mind."

"They come when they're ready and I believe this one is now, here is your alpha and
my helper."

"Get this about-to-be daddy out of bed and walking a little while my helper changes the sheets."

"You're gonna be glad I made you put that rubber sheet underneath the regular ones!"

"It was hot!"

I retorted but let Jungkook
help me to my feet and in between pains, into a dry nightshirt.

He walked me around and supported me when I was doubled over and crying
with the agony of it.

But finally, after I begged and she checked, the healer let
me lie down on the bed and announced it was baby time.

By then, I was soaked to the
skin again with sweat and nearly out of my mind but I retained enough of it to obey when she told me to push and that was how, in less than two hours, our two-week-late baby was born into his alpha daddy's arms.

He held him up to me, his
eyes filled with tears.

"Our son is here."

I held my arms out but when
he went to hand me the baby,
I drew them both close to me.

My family and I didn't want
an inch between us.

Finally, the healer managed to get us to give her our son to clean up and check over but
she pronounced him perfect
and the next alpha of the pack.

And I cried some more, happy and exhausted and in love
with both of my guys.

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