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I'd just sat back down at my desk after slamming the door when I heard a commotion
and scuffling outside.

I stood, cursing time and space while I did and walked to the window to see what the hell
was going on out there.

Joon and Tae and the man I distinctly remembered telling
to leave and not come back approached the alpha house.

The man was flanked by my betas and though they were
just walking, I didn't appreciate
the positioning nonetheless.

He should be walking behind them or in front of them, anything but between them.

Like a deer more than a bear, I ducked when Tae looked upward to my office and hustled back to my desk to make sure it looked like zero fucks were given that they not only disobeyed my orders but were blatantly
being assholes.

I listened, poised over the paperwork to look like I
was working.

Their footsteps pounded against the stairs that led to the meeting room, the security room and
my office, all located on the second floor.

The first floor was a common area and the third was the bedrooms of the alpha and
his betas.

It was intended for the alpha
and his children but we already knew the situation with that
little fairy tale not come true.

At a knock, I growled, sending some of my alpha power right into it so they knew they were entering the lion's den and should act accordingly.

"Come in." I ground out after making them wait a minute because I could.

Tae and Joon came in first and then the omega who kept his eyes on the floor but then
raised them.

I met him second for second
but he never dropped his stare.

You could tell so much about
a man's stare.

He was an omega of worth
for sure.

He might be one deserving of
an alpha. It just wasn't me.

"You are dismissed betas, We'll discuss your disobedience
and repercussions later."

Tae and Joon left and I was
alone with this man.

I cleared my throat and sat down, looking him over as
he stared out my window.

My first impressions were wrong, or at least understatements.

He wasn't just attractive, he
was downright gorgeous.

Someone should photograph
him for one of those hot
men magazines, gorgeous.

Crystal-clear blue eyes seemed to glimmer and made me
want to know things.

Like was his skin a gleaming bronze from hard outdoor work, or did genetics gift it to him?

"Jimin is it?" I asked, already knowing.

The name was engraved on
my brain.

He nodded and turned his attention to me.

"Why don't you take a seat." I waved my hand toward the chair in front of me and he sat down.

They must've left his bags downstairs.

He was dressed in dark-green cargo pants and a gray thermal that fit him like a second skin, showing the leanness of his frame along with biceps and
pecs that almost defied the
fabric that covered them by stretching them so thin.

Work boots were on his feet.

They weren't dirty, per se but I could tell they were well-used and not for hiking.

Fuck, I had to take the high
road here, which was some
thing I hated to do.

"Jimin, I need to apologize to
you on behalf of my betas."

"They were wrong for not only getting on whatever app..."

He cleared his throat.

"The Tinder app."

"Oh...okay. The Tinder app."

"Anyhow, they were completely out of line to get on there and pretend to be me and speak to you as such. I'm sorry they
have wasted your time."

The whole time I was speaking, he wrung his hands in his lap.

Something was wrong beyond this app and my stupid friends.

"Sir, alpha, I understand the predicament but I have
nowhere else to go."

I raised my hand to stop him there. "I understand but—"

"Alpha, I have nowhere to live."

The tone in his voice gave no hint of dishonesty and I could smell none on him either.

In fact, he scented of forest and aspen trees with something underneath it, something sweet and smoky I couldn't quite place.

"We don't usually take species outside our own."

He jutted his thumb over
his shoulder.

"But someone said there is a Lynx who may become a
member of this pack?"

Loudmouth betas.

I breathed in and let out a heavy exhale, taking the moment to think of what to do and only came up with one plan.

"Fine, you want to stay here?"

He nodded.

"You may remain here for the time being, You will be put to work outside just as the other low-level shifters are and you
will live in the bunkhouse with them as well."

"We don't give handouts in this pack and there are no free-loaders."

"I understand, alpha."

"Thank you."

"Go out the same door you
came into my house and I
will have someone meet you there and show you your new
job and accommodations."

"Be sure to ask about the rules
of our pack, I don't want or
need any more trouble than you've already brought."

I cursed as he left the office.

Gossip would flow like a river about me letting him stay.

I would be made a mockery among my own people but
even with that knowledge, I couldn't deny him.

The look on his face.

The glint in his eyes.

His scent that begged me
to pay attention.

I couldn't deny any of it.

I got on the phone as he left
and called down to hobi who worked in the fields.

"Yes, alpha." he answered.

"I want the polar bear on cutting wood, With the axe only."

"We'll teach him what it means
to be pack and he's last on the feeding line, Understood?"

Silence answered me.

"I said, is that understood?"

"Yes, alpha. Understood."

That would teach the polar bear.

He would be gone soon enough.


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