21. (M) 🔞

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From deep in dreams, I slowly surfaced into the moonglow
of our room.

It was ours, wasn't it?

Not just the alpha's.

I lay in his arms, his front spooned against my back and although he was relaxed, clearly in deep sleep, one part of him was nudged in my crack and ready to go at the least suggestion.

Testing that, I wiggled my
butt, very, very slightly and he went from semi to a long, hard weapon poking me.

I stilled but the low chuckle
over my shoulder let me know
I wasn't the only one awake.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." I murmured, squeezing
my eyes closed as if I was pretending to be asleep.

I don't know why.

"Does that feel like you're bothering me?" He grazed his
lips over the side of my neck.


The arm wrapped around my waist tugged me backward, closer to him and his cock nestled deeper and closer to
my hole.

"No. Not bothered well, maybe hot and bothered but you
need your rest, omega."

"I-umm, I didn't get a chance to ask you how it went at the bar."

He palmed my belly, moving lower until he was right above my cock, the tip a whisper away.

"It went fine."

"Just as we discussed."

"Joon and Tae and I sat and
had a drink and when the miscreants showed up, they
took one look, turned and left."

Despite my cock scraping the sheets in its rigidity, I laughed.

"I'd have paid to see that."

"You may be able to, Both
the betas had their phone
out and I think at least one filmed the action."

He shifted his hips back then forward again, the tip
bumping my slick opening.

"Do you really want to talk
about this now?" He closed
his fist over my jutting cock.

"Because if you do, I'll lose
faith in my sex appeal."

"No, I don't want to talk about the others. I want to do the
other thing we discussed."

"You want me to fuck you
all night long?"

I let out a groan and rocked
my hips forward, desperate for
him to stroke me with that fist.

"Yeah, that."

Jungkook nibbled on the side
of my neck.

"And mark you?"

"Do you want to...do you want me forever?"

He scraped his teeth, not marking permanently but it would leave a red mark.

"My bear believes you are my mate, I'm inclined to agree
with him."

"Oh okay."

He sounded so serious, as if it were an accomplished thing
and not something with emotional background.

Could I survive that?

A relationship fated but
without heart?

"I guess that's all right, then."

He released my dick and spun me to face him so fast I reeled back, shocked.

"Okay? It's all right? You're
doing nothing for my ego."

"Omega, if you don't want me with your whole heart, I understand. I've never felt a connection like I do with you."

"When we're apart, I have a
hard time focusing on whatever I'm doing. Why do you think I want you in the office all day?"

"To help you in any way I

He studied my face, searching
for I knew not what.

"Well, I do want your help."

"You've proven yourself a hard worker, avoider of drama which can't be easy sometimes around here and you put the pack's needs first. I've seen it in the short time you've been here."

I opened my mouth to say some thing else but he continued.

"You're not only my missing piece but that of the entire pack."

"Now I understand how that works because I've seen it for myself before you arrived, we were a mess. Nothing working
as it should. It's almost magical, the way things came together."

"A missing piece?" I still wasn't clear how much that related to having an actual relationship.

So his having a mate was
good for the pack, I wanted
that for them all.

"My missing piece, remember Omega, you bring me
happiness and peace of mind."

"Wow." I rested my hand on
his chest.

"I hadn't thought of it that way but when you aren't nearby,
I feel the lack. Like an ache
deep in my heart."

"That's it, omega." His smile
was bright in the moonlight.

"I am not good with expressing emotions but I'm trying."

"I love you, too, alpha."

I tipped my face upward and he kissed me, lips caressing mine with passion that left no doubt that he shared my love.

I'd come here looking for a new home, hoping the app's promise of such a strong match might prove true, might give me
more than just a place to live.

But as he rolled me onto my back and pressed my knees to my chest, I knew we lacked
only that physical joining to make us one.

He tested my slick and moaned into my mouth, I was ready
for him, desperate for him.

He guided his cock to my opening and broke our kiss
long enough to murmur.

"Grab your cock omega, so we can ride this wave together."

When I did as he asked, I thought I'd come on the first stroke and had to stop to
gather my senses.

Because he was penetrating
me, filling me, plunging so
deep, I hadn't even known it
was possible.

His kisses on my lips, his cock
in my body, formed a circle of energy that drove me nearly
out of my mind with desire.

Retreating and driving in again and again, he carried me with him, murmuring words that
he hadn't been able to before, words of love and promises of
a life together so much better
than I'd ever dreamed of.

Finally, I dared move my hand a little and on the third stroke, or maybe the fifth, I spurted my cum all over his chest and mine.

His orgasm was right behind,
the hot fluid pouring into me.

I broke our kiss to breathe, to cry out his name, writhing
under him.

His knot swelled at the exact moment he bit where my neck and shoulder met, marking me as his, making me his omega
in truth.

Binding us together forever.

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