sleepover with scootaloo part 1

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Scootaloo and sweetie Belle sitting in the couch watching TV just snuggled each other while her two aunts, lofty and holiday cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Sweetie: "I'm proud of you, babe, to become new the white ninja of canterlot city."

Scootaloo: "yup, you going with me to tattoo parlor get my dragon tattoo on my back with green chi magic."

Sweetie: "of course, anyway we're excited going to section 17 next Monday afternoon at 3:30 as rookie serect agents that we signed up since last Tuesday night."

Scootaloo: "you know it babe."

She placed her hand on scootaloo right thigh and look up at scootaloo with erotic expression on her face, "tonight you having fun with my girls because they produce milk since 4 weeks ago." Scootaloo give smug expression on her face, "touchdown for white ninja." Aunt lofty enter the living room from kitchen with scootaloo and sweetie Belle noticed sweetie Belle hand on scootaloo right thigh, she smile proudly and said, "okay serect agents, it's dinner time." Both of them getting up on the couch toward kitchen with lofty and holiday to eat dinner.

Meanwhile in section 17 research Center with captain Sentry, general yunan, and miette staring at dashsbun inside scanning tube to be scan while micro chip begins typing on the computer for a moment until his eyes went wide and got shocking expression on his face, "no way, this pokemon coming from paldea region with new types of Pokemon along with every types of Pokemon from other regions to stay including new evolve and form for Pokemon."

Flash: "really, I'll send ymir, black widow, Bucky Barnes, mothball, and ymir 2.0 over there next Wednesday noon."

General yunan: "sound good captain."

Scanning tube door slide to the right for dashsbun coming out toward the trio and walk up to miette to give a smile.

Miette: "boy, you are friendly Pokemon I I ever saw."

Dashsbun climb up on miette chest to give a lick on her right cheek that surprise captain Sentry, general yunan, and micro chip.

Micro chip: "I think dashsbun like you, miette."

Miette: "I like you too, buddy."

TC-series protocol droid enter research Center toward the trio when captain Sentry turned around at the droid, "tell Serena and the others at ashore about new type of Pokemon." TC-series replied back with woman voice, "of course sir."

Attack on Titan universe 2 at 4:30 am

At ashore with eren and others staring down at tent with Levi, Petra, hange, and another girl having chat with two Marleyan volunteers from hillside.

"Hey guys."

They turn around of surprise see Serena Ketchum come out from portal right next to eren sitting in Boulder at 4 feet away when she approach them while holding nacli in her arms and got watterl on right shoulder, she approach them with a smile.

Serena: "sweetie belle, congratulations you and Ackerman daughter join section 17 because you two step in as phantom and girl Arancid for rarity and Petra replacement."

Rarity: "way to go honey, I'm proud of you."

Apple bloom: "you two one of us now as serect agents of section 17."

Rainbow: "yup."

Sunset: "welcome to the team, kid."

Serena: "where captain Levi daughter at?"

Connie: "she's in tent with her parents, commander hange, and two Marleyan volunteers."

Sasha and fluttershy noticed nacli into Serena arms who staring directly at them as fluttershy said to Serena with confused, "is that unknown Pokemon, Mrs. Ketchum." Sparky flew away from Serena shoulder flying pass them went down to tent and landed on male scout right shoulder, he seems don't care at all.

Serena: "they come from unknown region that we never heard off."

"Mrs. Ketchum! Mrs. Ketchum!"

They turned around to see TC-series exit the portal toward them as Serena said to her with kindness, "what is it TC-series?" She replied back to her with polite, "we discovered that three Pokemon coming from another region called paldea region with new types of Pokemon along with other types from regions to stay. Including new evolve/form for old Pokemon." They shocked of surprise about three new Pokemon are paldean from paldea region as Connie scream top of his lung, "YES WE'RE GETTING NEW TYPES OF POKEMON FROM PALDEA REGION! HAHA." every scouts is speechless of surprise about new type of Pokemon from paldea region including the Ackerman's, hange, and two Marleyan volunteers too as scout enter the tent with sparky on right shoulder then Levi said to him, "what's going over there."

Male scout: "we're getting new types of Pokemon from paldea region to stay or visit."

Levi: "are you serious!"

Hange: "new type of Pokemon from region called paldea."

16 yrs old girl has Levi eyes and Petra hair is black, and wearing scout regiment uniform. Her name is Sarah Ackerman very skinny short and become speechless of surprise about new type of Pokemon from paldea region when Serena Ketchum enter the tent with nalic into her arms as place it down on the ground begin hopping toward onyankopon at left side of table begins staring at him directly and Serena said to sarah with kindness, "are you Sarah Ackerman known as girl Arancid because captain Sentry want you join section 17 as serect agents like your parents and Zoe hange."

Sarah: "wait, the captain flash Sentry, legendary heroes of universes to defeat drago along with the Chan's, the shimmers, waltz, rest of rainbooms, and mane 6, and shendu."

Serena: "that's right kid."

Sarah: "I'm in."

Serena: "excellent welcome to section 17."

Petra: "congratulations honey

Levi: "I'm proud of you, sweetie."

Yelena confused: "serect agents? Section 17? New types of Pokemon? What's going on here lately?"

Hange look at Yelena and onyankopon with confused expression on their faces as hange said to them with, "oh yeah I forgot mentioned we're working for the head of section 17, captain flash Sentry from canterlot city in equestria girls universe as serect agents ever sincesince, while three of them working for section 23." Onyankopon got a idea and said, "me and other volunteers want to meet this captain Sentry person maybe Thursday at 10:00 am."

Hange: "of course besides we got protocol and astromench droids that captain Sentry and other heads of section decided it to built."

[New chapter is out for today]

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