morning fun with diamond tiara

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The next morning at 6:40 am, diamond tiara slowly woke up and open her eyes to see a naked sleeping satisfied sleeping Apple bloom on top of her with her head resting on her pink sleeping shirt chest, she smiled when apple bloom open her eyes's yawning and look up at her girlfriend, "good morning dia."

Diamond tiara: "morning you too, beautiful."

She begin stand in all fours with her breasts above her face as latched on both nipples begin sucking her milk out and hearing moan of pleasure from Apple bloom in lustful mode with tongue sticking out getting milked like a cow by diamond tiara while she move her hands toward her hip and reach for sweet apples buns giving them a good squeeze making Apple bloom moan more as the jolt of pleasure zaps toward her brain making her like this even more, it's good thing she got her sister soundproof bedroom as new bedroom that everyone won't hear it what they doing right now and she getting the feeling will reach the limit soon.

Apple bloom: "ah...gonna cum.....ugh very soon."

She latch off both nipples begin groping them with her hands really hard to cause apple bloom moan really loud as spray milk from her nipples upwards to the celling for a few minutes and stop as she collapsed on top of her with heavy breathing and sweats pouring down when they switch places with diamond tiara on top of apple bloom when they making out as she taking her for a ride with blissful moan fill up the bedroom from them.

Back at aot universe 3 in 10:30 am

Marley market with grisha and his wife, dina jagear just looking around before heading to see his parents at their house today until they stop to see magnetic floating creature in front of them at 4 feet.

Dina: "what is that thing, dear?"

Grisha: "beats me."

He turned his head to right see strange red device on top of the barrel right next to him so he grabbed it with his hand to his face far little bit close to examine until a image  pop out of metal creature.

He turned his head to right see strange red device on top of the barrel right next to him so he grabbed it with his hand to his face far little bit close to examine until a image  pop out of metal creature

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Male computer voice: "magnetic, magnet pokemon, electric/steel type; the electromagnetic waves emitted by a units at the sides of its head expel antigravity, which allows it to float."

Male fruit vendor: "hmm, not bad indeed."

Male computer voice: "magnetic just added on your pokedex number 1."

Kid: "so cool for a creature."

Canterlot high school at 7:00 am with rainbow blitz and his number 1 fan scooteroll walk together toward his friends at the steps when he said to them with kindness, "morning guys." Sunset glare replied back to him with polite, "you too rainbow and how it go with flare and her bandmates yesterday."

Rainbow: "they're right dude including flare got a beautiful voice that I ever heard."

Pancham: "pancham, pan."

Rainbow: "you said it buddy."

Suddenly diglett pop out from the ground to look up at everyone and give out friendly greet, "diglett." Rainbow pulled out his rotom phone from his pocket to scan.

Male computer voice: "diglett, mole pokemon, ground type; it lives about one yard underground, where it feeds on plant roots. It's sometimes appears aboveground."

When suddenly flare warden walk pass rainbow blitz and said to him with polite, "morning rainbow." He give friendly wave at her as walking up on the stairs couldn't stare at flare butt moving around for a second and begin snap out of it to look at his friends with confused look except for sunset glare with jealous look on his face.

Rainbow blitz: "let's go eat some breakfast shall we."

They followed him enter inside of school heading to cafeteria getting breakfast before 1st period started.

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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