sleepover with Scootaloo part 2

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After dinner, scootaloo take her girlfriend exit the kitchen toward upstair to hallway to her bedroom in the right and enter bedroom to reveal light up the bedroom with bed with daring do blanket behind the wall left side got nightstand with digital alarm clock and small picture frame with the picture of her girlfriend, closet, dresser behind the wall in middle right side along with sport equipment leanings against along with sweetie Belle pink travelling bag when scootaloo shut the door behind her with her foot and lock it after that, then she look at sweetie Belle with smug expression on her face, "my whole bedroom is soundproof that my aunts won't us what we doing."

Sweetie: "you lay down on your bed so I undress myself."

She enter the bed to lay down underneath and place her head on the pillow when sweetie Belle enter the bed to climb on top of her girlfriend only pink lacy bra in slim perfect body and pink velvet pantie, she stare down at scootaloo with erotic expression as she unhooked her bra from the back to let her breasts bounced freely from their prison and toss it at left side of bed and scootaloo sly grin on her face to see round & soft white marshmallow when she stand in all fours with her breasts above scootaloo face and she latch on the nipples begin sucking and use her hand groping left breast to hear moan of pleasure from sweetie Belle for breasts getting groping and sucking by her girlfriend for first time.

Sweetie: "keep....ugh...going baby."

She twist and pulled the nipple to hear sweetie Belle moan of pleasure really loud with her head up and her tongue sticking up in erotic mode and feel something wet inside her pantie.

Sweetie: "oooh scootaloo!"

She then felt something inside of her breasts to warn, "I'm....gonna...cum any minute." She latch off the nipple begin groping on both breasts really hard make her scream of pleasure and yelled, "IT HERE COMES!" She scream as sprayed milk everywhere like running out of control fire hose for a minute and collapsed on top of scootaloo with heavy breathing and blushed.

Sweetie: "that...was amazing."

They begin taking off rest of clothes and toss it everywhere when they went inside the covers with scootaloo is on top of sweetie Belle. They begin making out as she take her for a ride with blissful moan filled up the bedroom from them.

Meeting room at scout regiment HQ in trost district, wall rose at 10:00 am with Zoe hange told everyone about new type of Pokemon from paldea region along with every type of Pokemon from other regionregion to stay there. Including new forms/evolve for old Pokemon.

Nile: "amazing new type of Pokemon coming to every worlds stay of visit from paldea region at original Pokemon world."

Zoe: "yup, captain Sentry sent ymir 2.0, ymir, mothball, Bucky barnes, and black widow over there on Wednesday mid-morning taking howler over there and talk with professor information about paldea region."

Nacli become scared at queen Historia Reiss at desk with dhalis Zachary become angry while she across her arms underneath e-cup breasts from the distance as he turned around to bounce off to eren into arms little bit off-guard and he patted on top of his head to calm down with a smile on his face.

Eren: "there, there, little buddy."

Several military police, Garrisons, applejack, Nile, sunset shimmer, and Petra Ackerman become scared to see dark aura inside of queen Historia Reiss got red glowing eyes.

Nile: "(thought) uh-oh it's 5th date for ymir and queen Historia at canterlot city sushi restaurant same Wednesday in the nighttime."

Applejack: "(thought) our goddess queen turned into fury Titan right now, ymir is toast."

Sunset: "(thought) she's one angry goddess queen of Paradis island!"

Historia Reiss get up on her desk with both hands touched at edge of desk to grab hold on really tight to leave a crack and look up at everyone with anger look on her face, "excuse me i need quick call with my girlfriend right now at her penthouse in canterlot city." Hange gulped from her throat in fear and said, "she's sleeping right now at canterlot city in 9:30 pm at captain Sentry universe, your highness so you can talk with her tomorrow morning in section 17. That's okay with you." She claim down for a moment and seat back on her chair and continue with the meeting about Marley volunteers but everyone in the meeting room still scared of her right now.

Floch: "I'm scared right now."

Connie: "me too, pal, me too."

[New chapter is out for today]

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