morning plan/first day of school

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August 7th, lumious city, kalos in 6:21 am

Master bedroom with Falco and gabi sleeping together in king size bed with the covers up until Falco slowly woke up and opened his eye's staring at white pearl ceiling for few seconds and turned his head to the right see sleep peacefully gabi sleeping in the left, he smile at his girlfriend sleeping like a beautiful princess when she open eyes to see Falco staring at her with a smile.

Falco: "morning beautiful."

Gabi: "you too handsome."

She move closer to him and place her hand on stomach inside regular shirt underneath the blanket and Falco said to her, "what's the plan for today, " Me, miette, and Bonnie going to diamond mall plaza for girl time that's okay with you."

Falco: "sure babe, besides I'm going with clemont to help professor Sycamore at his lab and meet you girls at the cafe for lunch."

Gabi: "good idea babe."

She climb on top of him began stand in all four to reveal she is half-naked this whole time with her breasts hanging above Falco face begin cupped on left breast and groped another to hear moan of pleasure from Gabi with lustful mode with tongue out from her mouth for getting milked like a cow in the farm and getting groping in a same time.

Gabi: "kept......going baby...yes."

He pinch and pulled the nipple with his finger hard make Gabi moan really loud of pleasure inside their master bedroom and felt something inside her breasts to alarm Falco, "i-im gonna......cum, babe." He latched off the nipple begins groping them with both hands really hard to cause gabi scream as spray milk from her nipples everywhere like running hose for a minute and collapsed on top of him with heavy breathing and sweat pouring from her forehead, they began making out with tongue action and moaning.

Canterlot high school at 7:00 am with Scootaloo walked in the sidewalk while wearing sleeveless gray hoodie, camo shorts, and sneakers. Got bookbag attached in her back, she arrived at schoolyard walk pass by broken horse statue in right side to see her girlfriend and rest of her friends in front of the steps.

Scootaloo: "good morning my fellow seniors/rookie serect agents."

Button: "morning scoots."

Sweetie handed another class schedule for her so can look at it

1st period: pokemon history part 1: surma: rm231

2nd period: woodshop class: Mr. Hardhat: rm103

3rd period: chemistry: gearloose: rm301

4th period: health and wellness: mikasa Ackerman: rm 114

5th period: demonic and magical class: tommy Oliver: rm201

6th period: Spanish class part 1: josé carioca

Scootaloo: "me, first base, dinky, and Lily pad got 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th period. What about you guys."

Sliver: "I got Mrs. Ackerman culinary class with diamond tiara, Reggie, and Megan Williams."

Diamond/Reggie/Megan Williams: "alright."

Sweetie: "I got demonic and magical class with you and Marble pie."

Scootaloo: "alright, it's magic time."

Marble pie: "mm-hmm."

"Good morning guys."

They turned around of surprise see ghosts of commander Erwin, Zoe hange, Sasha, braus, eren Reiss, and ymir Fritz with a smiles, and scootaloo said to them , "hey guys how are you been."

Zoe: "great, are you guys heading to section 17 during school as rookie serect agents."

Sweetie: "you know it zoe, we're pumped out about it."

Eren: "atta girl sweetie belle, I heard we're getting new types of pokemon from paldea region, that amazing. Including past or future paradox pokemon too."

Apple bloom: "eeyup."

Sasha: "oh by the way, the heads of section & tech. E coyote are here for assembly at auditorium for first day of school about joining different types of section what they want."

Ymir Fritz: "that's true."

Scootaloo: "cool, how's grisha Reiss Jr been, eren."

Eren: "he's doing good and still going to stohess prep academy back at Sina city on first day of school, he still part of team of red dragon strike force as mighty panther and smart like his mother."

Diamond: "that's good."

[New chapter is out for today]

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