return of Cassidy and butch

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Next morning, trost district, wall rose at 8:17 am with eren and his friends eating breakfast together at the table in the mess hall.

Indigo zap: "you guys heard a news from captain sentry today about we're getting new recruit join section 17 since yesterday."

Connie: "that's cool, who's two new recruit going to be."

Then the door of mess hall open up for two people entered caused fluttershy and several scouts give shocking gasped to reveal team rock, Cassidy and butch in section 17 jumpsuit with a smile when they walking down the stairs to mess hall cause eren and his friends look back in shocked to see their old nemesis and mikasa said in anger, "Cassidy!"

Jean: "and biff."

Butch angry: "it's butch, not biff."

Armin: "you guys are two new recruit for section 17."

Connie: "aw hell no."

Sour sweet: "are you kidding me."

Rainbow: "not happening."

Cassidy: "that's right, we quit team rocket for last 10 months ago for capture pokemon and getting blasted off by you twerps and your friends from others universes all the time."

Butch: "now we're working for captain sentry as good guys for now on."

Sunset got brow up and suspicious expression on her face, "well okay welcome to section 17, you two, but we need a eyes on you all the time and planning to catch new types of pokemon." Cassidy wave her hand of defense with nervous expression on her face, "we won't sunset shimmer, I promise." Then suddenly captain Levi, Yelena and commander hange enter the mess hall in shocked to see team rocket inside the mess hall with the scouts.

Levi: "Cassidy!"

Hange: "and buzz!"


Yelena: "you two know them lately."

Levi: "evil gang called team rocket to steal everyone and every creature pokemon sometimes."

Cassidy: "relaxed shorty, we're not working for team rocket anymore and joined section 17 as good guys."

Hange happily: "that's great, welcome to the club of good guys, you two, wonderful for captain sentry clean up you two act as bad guys into good guys."

Levi: "I guess."

Canterlot city at 7:30 am on Friday morning

Scootaloo enter the living room in her regular gray shirt & gym shorts with flames detail toward the kitchen to see scramble eggs, bacon, and sausage in huge plates in middle along two plates, forks, spoons, and cups on both sides of table, it was sweetie belle who cook breakfast for them because her aunts went to work earlier, she wearing off shoulder pink shirt to expose left shoulder and red velvet shorts.

Scootaloo: "thanks babe, you're the best cooker ever."

Sweetie belle: "thank you honey, what kind of drink you want for breakfast."

Scootaloo: "milk."

Sweetie belle: "excellent choice."

She grab the cups from the table toward the living room with Scootaloo as she placed the cups on the table, she turn around at Scootaloo sitting in the couch begin sitting in front of her, started kissing with tongue action for few minutes and seperate to each other to breathe.

Scootaloo: "I love you baby."

Sweetie: "I love you too my sweet ninja."

She getting up from Scootaloo lap so she take off her shirt to let her breasts bouncy freely and place her shirt on left couch arm, when she bend above her breasts on middle of the cups and her hands on the of table to her balance with Scootaloo went right side of table so begin pressing the nipples together and squeeze them down into the cups cause the milk to came out down to the cups while sweetie belle moan of pleasure.

Sweetie: "baby, I love you so much right now."

Soon, the cups become completely full of sweetie belle milk when she getting up little bit weakly and grab her shirt from coach arm to put on quick, enter went back to kitchen with Scootaloo got two cups of milk in her hands and place on the table.

Sweetie: "my parents coming home from las Pegasus at 7:00 pm so we got plenty of time for love making at your bedroom and goes back to school shopping with our friends."

Scootaloo: "sounds good."

Aot universe 4 at liberio in 8:52 am

Marley HQ with commander Theo magath at his office during paper work at his desk until orange portal appeared behind the door very little bit close to open up of laboratory in japony, Tokyo at 7:55 pm with clone Sgt. Gross, male scientist, and buck trout in gray power armor with yellow detailes on it and gecko kuro corp logo on right pec exit the portal to office with magath stopped working to look up at them.

Buck: "here's your clone Sgt. Gross, sir."

Theo: "thank you, where the real Sgt. Gross at."

Clone Sgt. Gross: "staying at japony apartment building in 31c door at 3rd floor at the left side of the hallway few blocks down away, he's relaxing on a couch and watching weird Japonese game show in the living room."

Buck: "it's pretty funny thou, but I like Japonese soap opera shows instead."

Male scientist: "anyways, void queen going to send her 12 Hengemen here at the courtyard at 9:55 am, it's a gift from gecko kuro himself."

Theo: "sounds good. I guess."

Buck: "good."

The Simpsons universe 2 on Sunday morning at 9:55 am

The Simpsons driving on the road toward church with church clothes, Marge look back at Lisa sitting in a seat at left side, she reading something with red book got strange creature got weird letters underneath it.

Marge: "what are you reading, honey?"

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Marge: "what are you reading, honey?"

Lisa: "I'm reading next chapter called " The adventure into area zero. Listen to this then, a photograph of a spot where the survey team rested on day or two of expedition. Note the strange symbols inscribed in the ground here---were they left by explorers in the time of paldean empire, or could they be older still? Regardless, they seemed as if they must hold some meaning."

Homer: "ooh spooky."

Lisa: "I read next chapter at home after church over."

Marge: "good idea sweetie."

Brat: "boring."

Marge: "brat!"

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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