battle at liberio part 1

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Girl arachnid, sonic the hedgehog, the thing, two Marleylan soldiers, rj, and gasser take on the the rhino, kitty-poo, and 6 hangemen at other side of Marley while the others take one the rest somewhere in liberio.

The rhino scraping his feet to the ground begin charging at them for a second until girl arachnid spider sense tingle to alarm them, "watch out guys, I think that big guy charging at us right now." The rhino begin charging them really fast until they got out the way just in time when girl arachnid shoot her web straight to middle of the back as she Slingout herself toward on the back to stick.

The thing: "bluey, you go with girl arachnid and we leave his chumps to us."

Marleylan soldier #1: "yeah, let teach those punks a lesson."

Sonic: "you got it big guy."

He went superspeed straight toward the rampage rhino with girl arachnid on his back, he look back at them with sly grin, "you two can stop the rhino! Huh!" Sonic replied back to the rhino, "that right rhino brain." Then suddenly a portal show up in middle of the street to open revealed hearthome city left arena wall as rhino said to girl arachnid, "hold on tight girl spider because going to be rough ride."

Girl arachnid: "uh-oh!"

They went through the portal to hearthome city arena wall begin crashed through to arena with everyone inside was about to find tag partner who become alarm when they get out the way when girl arachnid leap over above the rhino little bit close to deliver a punch in the face make him stop as she made perfect landing on the ground behind brock, Holly, dawn,  Conway, Paul, and ash at 5 feet.

Mayor entai: "what this then, an interruption."

The rhino: "girl spider, I aleksei sytesvich smash you all like small bugs for mother Russia."

Dawn: "oh-boy."

Ash: "that's doesn't sound at all."

Girl arachnid sarcastically: "boy you Russians are very mad sometimes. Hey what you say in Russian about kicking your ass."

sonic the hedgehog enter the arena to join girl arachnid joke too.

Sonic the hedgehog: "are you grumpy to miss drinking vodka."

Girl arachnid: "yeah, taking a nap from that drinking. Hehe."

Sonic the hedgehog: "you said it."

The rhino become angry that joke from them that alarm brock with scared look on his face and said, "umm guys, the big guy getting mad right now." Then suddenly kitty-poo and 3 Hengemen running away in fear toward the rhino who turned around to kitty-poo, "what's wrong my comrade?" Rj, serena Ketchum, and gasser enter the arena too that anger rhino.

The rhino: "don't be scary weasel, comrade, get them."

3 Hengemen running toward them in spears until when rj begin to glow purple aura, "spirit inside of me, release the wolf." He release spirit of the wolf that surprise dawn, team rocket, ash, and holly to slash 4 Hengemen at once turn into purple fungus.

Kitty-poo: "I'm gonna get you."

He running toward them with a fist but gasser counter attack with, "gas Grenade!" He fire gas Grenade at kitty-poo right in the face who begin cough up.

Meowth: "ohh right in the face."

Serena running for a second and leap in mid-air toward kitty-poo with a kung fu move, "charging rhydon cracks chesto!" She headbutted him on the forehead hard cause him collapse backward become unconscious as she pop her neck on both sides.

Jessie smile: "I like her."

The rhino: "you all can't defeat the RHINO!!!!"

Serena: "is that so, huh."

Rj: "let do it Serena."

Gasser: "good luck guys."

Both of them running toward the rhino  quick when Serena jumped in mid-air to rhino with another kung fu move, "yamper curving turkey!"she deliver a kick at right side of the rib."

Ash: "yamper curving turkey?"

Pikachu: "pika?"

Dawn: "what kind of move is that?"

Rj: " Man cooking goose."

He strike the kick on the rhino right knee with medium critical damage until girl arachnid leap above the rhino from behind to deliver a kung fu move, "hawlucha kick!" The rhino stumbles back a bit still standing for a second until sonic, rj, girl arachnid, and Serena at him once with kung fu moves.

"Rooster kick!"

"Rabbit punch!"

"Penguin slap!"

Dawn: "huh?"

Piplup: "lup?"

"Cheetah leaping tree!"

"Pawmi roundhouse kick on slaking!"

"Seviper strike pichu!"

Jessie: "say what?"

"Mantis kick!"

"Spinning jolteon heel kick!"

"Monkey fist!"

"Stubborn skiddo kick!"

The rhino become dizzy from all the attack and little bit standing as holly said to them with surprise, "take big guy down." Serena nodded her head running straight to the rhino with her hands clamped together like sharpdeo, "sharpdeo bites bottom feeder!" She strike him in a flash and went behind him as he collapses face forward to the ground unconscious make the crowd begin to cheering really loud for their heroes who defeat two villains when suddenly two Marleylan soldiers, the thing, luke cage, ten armored section 17 agents with weapons, happy Hogan, yuriko Watanabe, and spider man noir enter the hole to arena with two Marleylan soldier and one armored section 17 agent aim their weapons at kitty-poo and including the rhino too.

Happy Hogan: "good work team, including fried ricer, kixx, danger lopunny, and master monkey defeat bad Bart. Only left are Reiner Braun and softon against star saber and this phantom panther left, they're at some cave with crystals in a minute ago."

Serena: "good."

Then suddenly two pair of jawas approach the arena toward them, when one of jawas begin to speak jawese in kindness, "we got several salvage parts inside the sand crawler at huge hanger that Captain sentry want?" Serena cleared her throat and begin to speak jawese, "excellent he give you 10 galactic credits."

Jawas: "thank you so much."

Girl arachnid try to speak little bit jawese but failed, "you' friend." Both of them begin to laugh at girl arachnid speaking failed jawese and one of jawas said to her, "you speak terrible jawa. You sound like a wookie."

Dawn: "wookie?"

Girl arachnid: "sorry about that Serena I kinda rusty."

Serena: "that's alright you still learning."

[End part one in this story and here's the picture of hearthome city arena as a battle stage.]


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