meet professor turo

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Howler already parked in mesagoza city helipad at left side of city being watched by professor turo and chansey supplies male manager at 6 feet away to see ymir and her group exit the howler on cue they apporched the group with smiles, and professor turo said to them with polite, "welcome my friends to mesagoza city, the biggest city in paldea region and I'm professor turo at your service."

Bucky: "thank you, I'm Sgt. Barnes."

Black widow: "black widow."

Ymir: "s'up I'm ymir."

Ymir 2.0: "I'm ymir 2.0."

Professor turo: "human android, fantastic."

Ymir 2.0: "thank you."

Mothball: "I'm prince mothball or you can call me mothball instead."

Flare: "I'm flare warden."

Kate: "I'm Kate patricia at your service."

Rainbow blitz: "I'm rainbow blitz and this is my buddy, pancham."

Pancham on rainbow right shoulder to give out friendly greet at them, "pancham, pan." Professor turo that surprise to see pancham first time at paldea region and female pilot begin to speak while holding small crate in both hands, "I'm captain sky storm. Here's the crate of zinc supplies that you requested sir." Store manager become happy for his zinc supplies and said to her with polite, "thanks my dear and can place it on top of counter at my store so my employees grabs it and restock the shelves. Follow me please." He leads her to his store in few blocks away and professor turo got a idea for flare, Kate, and rainbow, and he said to them, "you three explore the city while Sgt. Barnes and his group have a chat with me at artistan bakery about paldea region. You can shopping for little bit at fashion street and you got free discount for heroes of universes."

Flare: "neat."

Rainbow blitz: "sure."

Kate: "alright, I'm gonna get two paldea region pokemon."

Professor turo: "good idea my dear, there pokemon center at right side of city to get your pokemon heal fast, it's outdoor pokemon center has a poke'ball sign on the roof and there outdoor pokemon center all over the paldea region."

Ymir 2.0: "outdoor pokemon center, that amazing."

Bucky: "nice, different similar to indoor pokemon center from 8 regions and other universes."

Mothball: "not bad at all."

Kate: "excellent."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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