(section 17) dna digivolve lesson #2: new moves

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Section 17 training ground with Wargargomon, archerchessmon, and blitzgurumon begin testing out their new powers on four robotic training dummies resemble to eggman, birdbrain, comrade red, and major minor, they being watched by rookies and everyone sitting in the bleachers at right side of training ground until luke cis said to archerchessmon, "you're up rookie." He nodded his head while pull out arrow with holy cross like shape tip from his quiver and place on the bow begin pulling it to aim at eggman and said, "holy arrow!" He fire holy arrow from the bow straight to eggman right in the forehead cause to explode into pieces, it collapse backward on the ground that surprise everyone.

Amity: "not bad at all for archerchessmon attack move."

Erwin: "way to go Mr. Sentry."

Lynn: "I guess, your up Wargargomon."

He aim his machine guns at both of comrade red and birdbrain at 9 yards away and said, "mega gargo bullets!" he fire mega gargo bullets on  both robotic dummies with really loud to make everyone covered their ears for a minute until Wargargomon stop fire with everyone uncovered their ears and become shocked to see many bullets holes on robotic dummies and the wall from behind too, as they collapsed on the ground that impressive Lynn loud jr, sunset shimmer, scootaloo, and Starlight glimmer.

Scootaloo: "(whistle) that's mega gargo bullets is dangerous attack I ever saw."

Starlight: "you said it scoots."

Lynn: "it's incredible moves, dude, hahaha."

Wargargomon: "thanks ms. Loud."

Ricky: "anyways. Blitzgurumon. Show us what you got."

Blitzgurumon: "yes sir, mr. Montage."

She rasie her cybernetic claws up at last robotic training dummy with cold stare and said, "rocket claw!" She fire cybernetic claw towards last robotic training dummy as a rocket that surprise everyone when rocket claw went through dummy stomach to the back turn around back to the owner when cybernetic claw face foward begin attached it as dummy falling back on the ground.

Luke: "that's my girl right there."

Wargargomon: "not bad blitzgurumon, that rocket claw is little bit powerful move then mine."

Archerchessmon: "you said it dude."

Blitzgurumon: "thanks you two."

Kate Patricia House, in the living room with kate introduced her girlfriend to her father family and become surprise after that, when Mr. Patricia sister, Sarah Autumn said to Whitney with kindness, "take care of my niece, ms. Warmheart. Please." Whitney replied back to her with kindness, "i will Mrs. Autumn." As kate pulled put three pokeball on both hands and toss in the air, "come out guys." It released squirtle, Fidough, and pawmi from their pokeball appear in the floor that Mr. Patricia family."

Sarah: "you got two new paldean pokemon from paldea region that amazing."

Fred smash: "you said it sis, they're pretty sure cute and strong pokemon."

Whitney grab kate by the hand with a smug expression to exit the living room toward upstairs heading to her room without anyone noticed too busy with kate 3 pokemon except for Mrs. Patricia with a smile.

Mrs. Patricia: "(thought) good thing, kate got the whole bedroom is soundproof that everyone won't hear it from below."

Whitney laying down flat on the bed with covers on without shoes and place her head to stare at kate is half naked wearing red lacy bra in beautiful slim body, she think her girlfriend is beautiful without glasses that place it on the nightstand.

Kate: "are you ready babe."

Whitney: "you know it."

She begin unhooked her bra from behind to let her bounce breasts freely from their prison and begin stand in all four for Whitney cupped right breast begun sucking and use her hand to groping another one to hear a moan of pleasure from kate with erotic expression on her face.

Kate: "ooh...kept going babe."

She pinch and pulled the nipple really hard make kate moan really loud with tongue sticking out from her mouth and she liking it while feeling something wet on her pantie inside her shorts for a moment until she felt something inside her breasts and warn her girlfriend, "I...I'm gonna cum...any minute." She latch off the nipple and begin groping on both breasts with her hands really hard.


she scream as spray milk from her nipples everywhere like running out of control fire hose for a few minutes and stop as she went right side of the bed with heavy breathing and sweating from her forehead, she begin staring at ceiling as Whitney wipe off the milk from her lip and said, "I'm gonna use bathroom quick before get busy."

Kate: "of course baby."

Whitney get up from the bed toward the door to open halfway exit while Kate taking her clothes off and she closed the door behind her, then she turned around to see Mr. Patricia with a smile on his face while holding pawmi in his arms and said, "have fun with my daughter, Whitney." She smiled pride and salute to her future father in law for a second and stop when he heading back downstairs to join his family, wife, and Pokemon living room. Then she heading to the bathroom few doors away in right side of hallway.

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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