chat with Reiner

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Liberio city at 11:23 am, Gabi hanging out with her cousin, Reiner, and his girlfriend, Cynthia sitting in a table at outside of the coffee shop.

Reiner: "I heard captain arlelt about we're having new types of pokemon from paldea region to come over universes, that wonderful."

Cynthia: "you said it babe, beside I want to catch new paldean pokemon really soon."

Gabi smiled, "you will Cynthia, you will."

Reiner: "anyways, former team rocket members, bob & Cassidy join section 17 as serect agents since before yesterday. Well I'm proud of them to become good guys this time.

Gabi: "yeah, they're blasting off again in the sky by us for stealing every type of pokemon from other universes."

Reiner: "good times."

Gabi: "you said it coach Braun. Good luck to you and your team go up against everfree town high school, the Timberwolves on this Friday at canterlot high school football field as first home game."

Reiner: "thanks gabi, and I hope you and Falco have fun at lumiose city, kalos in two weeks as romantic vacation."

Cynthia: "and be careful on your trip, kiddo."

Gabi: "I will Cynthia."

Section 23 main lobby with moblit Berner and Zoe hange who amazed to see government serect facility underneath the whole trost city from captain arlelt universe.

"Pretty amazing, right."

They spotted dawn cerise and captain arlelt assistance, tygra walk up to them with a smile and moblit said to them with kindness, "yeah, this government serect facility underneath the whole trost city. It's incredible." Dawn Replied back to them with kindness, "yeah, you two wanna see vehicles that we built inside the garage."

Zoe little bit surprised: "of course, but where your boss at anyway?"

Tygra: "he's talking with someone that's all, and sorry he won't here to meet you."

Moblit: "no worries."

At lord Wald palace with captain arlelt having tea with Lord Wald, dot pyxis, and queen historia at throne room, while captain arlelt wearing long green collar shirt, blue jeans, and regular shoes.

Lord Wald: "you calm down real life dinosaur when they were scared, my dear boy."

Captain arlelt: "that's right, I learn from my old friend of mine from equestria ever since. After that we send them to isla zebra with other dinosaurs."

Historia: "goodness, you so brave to calm dinosaurs down, captain."

Captain arlelt: "thanks your highness, on Wednesday mid-morning, captain sentry sent his agents to paldea region have a chat with professor over there to talk about paldea."

Lord Wald: "really, wonderful idea. My boy, it's right thing to do that."

Historia: "indeed, I like these magical creatures you called pokemon, they're really amazing creatures."

Lord Wald: "yeah."


Mikasa and her group exit the gate with two guards guarded it toward her relative house from outside the gate and stop little bit close behind the gate to see future paradox pokemon iron valient staring at them directly.

Connie: "what the heck are we seeing right now

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Connie: "what the heck are we seeing right now."

It walks toward them for a second and stop in front of them with confused expression until mikasa said to it with kindness, "you wanna come with us to my aunt home." Iron valient tilted it head to the right because confused what mikasa talking her aunt home, one of guard said to her with confused, "that Robotic thing don't know you talking about kid?" Then mikasa got a idea so her and her friends walk around iron valient at right side when it turns around to them to scan them with digital eyes.


"Following "

It begins following them toward to azumbatio mansion that surprise two guards and dr. Jagear show up the gate to see iron valient too while holding violet book in his hand.


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Dr. Jagear: "I know that creature before."

Both of them turned around at him with confused expression on their faces, one of guard said to him, "you do, Dr. Jagear?" He open up the book to find the page for a second and found the chapter of "mad scientist creation" And he begin to read it, "it is said, "iron valient was created by a mad scientist in pursuit of creating the strongest psychic type pokemon in existence. However, unlike its noble counterparts gallade and gardevoir, iron valient is ruthless and cold-blooded, never hesitated to cleave anyone it considers as it enemies on its path with scythes." Both of them become scared about iron valient is ruthless and cold blooded, pokemon to plan three kids with a scythes any minute until the doctor said to them with calm, "I think iron valient is different like the others iron valient, it seem harmless and nice."

Guard #1: "good called doc."

Guard #2: "yeah."

Dr. Jagear: "it's good thing I got this book magically show up on my desk at the hospital since 3 months ago."

[New chapter is out for today]

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