the encounter

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Crystal prep academy soccer field with cobalt and others students doing push-ups and crutches in middle of the grass during 2nd period while being by watch coach Rommel.

Coach Rommel: "good work guys few more push-up and crutches to go and after that taking 5 minute break."

Cobalt: "you got it coach."

Coach Rommel: "atta boy cobalt."

"Whirrrr! Don-fah!"

Make everyone stopped to heard strange nosie by unknown creature inside the forest as coach Rommel said to them with confused, "what was that?" Then suddenly iron treads come out from forest to soccer field in middle at 9 feet away that shocked from the students and coach Rommel.

Coach Rommel: "what the heck that thing."

Cobalt: "iron treads, coach. It's resemble to a Pokemon known as donphan. It live inside crater of area zero at place called paldea region."

Lime: "curls it own body with a attack."

Iron treads staring at them directly with shyness expression when cobalt getting up on the grass begins walk toward it very slowly to alarm lime and said, "dude! What are you doing, it will attack you." Cobalt look back at them with stern look on his face, "I think it won't attack me when I get close to it." He looked back at iron treads again began walking it very slowly a bit and stop at few feet when he get down with one knee to staring at iron treads directly with kindness, "hey there, come over here let me pet you. That's okay I'm friendly, trust me, I'm not going to hurt you." Iron treads begin walking towards him for a second and stop in front of him at 2 feet with cobalt place his hand on iron treads right metal cheek begin rubbing it and iron treads like it with happiness expression and give small a friendly cry, "whirr!"

Lime: "well I'll be, cobalt calming iron treads down."

They saw both colbalt and iron treads walking up to them as coach Rommel happily impress about cobalt bravery to petted iron treads and said, "good job son. You brave enough to clam iron treads down." Cobalt said to coach with kindness, "thanks coach, it seems friendly and shy not dangerous at all."

Poppy pin: "it's look so cute for a little creature."

Bright shine: "yup, you said it girl."

When suddenly a orange portal show behind them as they turned around to look at it begin open up to reveal section 23 main lobby with 26 yrs old captain arlelt himself exit the portal to the soccer field being accompanied by Connie springer who levitate above half an inch above the grass.

Captain arlelt: "wow, not bad my boy to calm down iron tread."

Colbalt: "y-y-your captain arlelt from section 23 at your world."

Captain arlelt: "the one and only, anyway I'm proud of you to calm down iron tread."

Lime: "yeah but it didn't attack him at all. Really shy and friendly."

Connie: "really, not bad kid."

Captain arlelt: "how do you like to be section 23 future paradox pokemon handler when future Pokemon show up to others world little bit scared."

Colbalt: "of course I'll be honored to do that, captain, thank you."

Captain arlelt: "anytime kid."

"Exscue me captain."

They turn around to see male agent walk up to them from the portal being joined by kaede when captain arlelt said to him with kindness, "what is it."

Male agent: "training course done set up for rookie agents from other worlds who want to join on Monday afternoon."

Captain arlelt: "good."

Coach Rommel: "not bad my boy."

Male agent: "and this is kaede, who want to join section 23."

Captain arlelt: "welcome to section 23, kaede. You got any weapons or super powers that we know about."

Kaede: "I use sword because I'm half samurai and half pirate like my brother."

Captain arlelt: "really that's good."

Coach Rommel: "pretty impressive son."

Liberio city at 12:24 pm

Gabi is in her room with her folded clothes in her hands placed on her bed from the drawers while wearing gray sport bra to expose the whole midriff with belly button got moon shape belly button ring in upper belly button, and lime green sleepy shorty shorts only. She was about to grab rolling luggage inside her closet but she begin to blushed and to give out small moaning, when she look down at her d-cup breasts with smile on her face.

Gabi: "(thought) my girls is ready for Falco when staying at luminous city luxury hotel room, it's good thing i got soundproof bedroom that everyone won't hear us what we doing."


She look at door and said, "who is it?" The person replied back to her from outside her room with Falco voice, "it's me, beautiful." He open the door forward really wide to enter her bedroom and approach her very close.

Falco: "are you excited about having our romantic vacation at luminous city, kalos in 2 weeks."

Gabi: "you know it babe."

He poke his finger at right side of left breast inside the sport bra pad lightly to hear soft moan from his girlfriend with a smile and said, "just wait when we get there at luminous city on Sunday morning, babe." He chuckled and said, "I know beautiful you have beautiful breast with milk inside that produced since 2 month ago to become beautiful 18 yrs old woman."

Gabi: "thanks babe, you got box of protection inside your travel bag."

Falco: "sure do."

Gabi: "good."

She placed her hands around his back of neck with her breasts press against his chest, she looked at them with lovable eyes and said, "how you were so lucky to have captain archer as your girlfriend." Falco smug expression on his face, "pretty lucky."

[New chapter is out for today]

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