Chapter 11

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Dennis' dad went outside to fetch the rain jackets. The rain poured on him and made his shirt wet. "Just our luck, we are getting rained on even if it is not a rainy day." Reggie said looking outside. Mr. Binge came back with the rain jackets. "Here you go Dennis. We better set up a fire somewhere so we could cook our supper for the night." "Well we could try to make a furnace of some kind. That way, the covered fire could not be rained on." Bert's dad said. "How are we going to that? There is nothing out there that could cover a fire. The fire circle could burn the material covering it." Jill and Zoey's mom said anxiously. "I'm not talking about using material that won't easily catch fire. There has to be some materials around here that cannot be lit on fire. I'm going to look around the fountain for them."

"I'm coming with you dad." Bert volunteered. "Same with me. There's got to be a way of building something that will protect the campfire from the rain." Sonny jumped in. "Alright. But be careful. There's going to be some wild animals and ghosts out there." Reggie's mom said. Bert, his dad, and Sonny went outside. "Supper is not going to be for a few hours yet. Maybe you kids can figure out where we should go next for tomorrow." Mr. Binge said as the rain now poured heavily on the roof of the abandoned bank. Dennis took the map, Reggie and the twins looked at it. "All we have to do is to get to the garage and find some tools that will help us fix our cars. The garage we're looking for is located on Caesar road right here." Dennis announced. His father rushed in. "I think we should walk out of here." Mr. Binge suggested. "You can't be serious!" Reggie's mom shouted with her mouth wide open. "Yeah!" The twins' mom spoke in agreement. "First you say its too late to rescue Sonny's dad. And now you are suggesting that we should go by foot to get out of here. This haunted ghost town won't let us leave. We need a strong plan. There is no way we can carry all of our luggage from our cars. It's going to take too long for us to get back home." Reggie's mom added. "I think we should go to the abandoned garage and see what kind of tools they might have left. Besides, if we get the cars all fixed up. Then we could easily leave town." Jill and Zoey's mom said trying to point on the exact location on the map. There was the sound of thunder, and a flash of lightning. "My point is that we carry all of our luggage by hand, then we could transport all of it over the abandoned cars blocking the way. Those ghosts can't keep us trapped in here for long." Mr. Binge argued. Then the ceiling shook. "We could have you trapped in here for as long as we want." A ghostly voice said in the ears of the three parents. Zoey let out a short scream. Dennis and Jill looked and saw one of the townspeople. He was carrying a pocket watch in one of his pockets. He had a ghostly aura around his head. His face couldn't be shown. The bright aura was making it hard to distinguish his face. "After the spell is complete. We're going to be rid of you...Permanently."

The ghost zoomed down to where Dennis was. He ducked and the ghost passed through the teller counters. The ghost floated in the air. His bright aura changed into a skeletal face. It screamed and let off an angry shriek. Dennis could not see the ghost's scary face because he was on his knees trying to pull himself up using the teller's counter. The ghost's face was now surrounded by a bright white aura. With a quick bright flash, the ghost disappeared. Dennis pulled himself up. "I think the ghosts hate us more than anything else." Jill said. "In the video they just simply scared the first YouTuber out of town. Why didn't they scare us out of town?" Mr. Binge questioned, now covering his face using his left hand. "Well we did know that they're trying to become ultimate ghosts." Dennis answered. "Well, do you think we should stop these ghosts before somebody else gets hurt?" Zoey asked as she looked at the map. "I don't think it's a great idea. They might want to use another magic spell that might include us as ingredients." Mr. Binge said, who felt annoyed. "I think it's a great idea. The ghosts are trying their hardest to stop us from going back home right?" Reggie's mom asked. "Yes, so?" The twins' mom responded "So if we could stop them. Not only we could go home, but we could also free Sonny's dad at the same time." "That sounds like a great idea dad. We should face the problem head on." Dennis said. Mr. Binge felt overwhelmed. He felt that there was no way to convince the kids and the parents otherwise. After a sigh he said "Alright, I'm sorry. I know I should do a lot more research about this place. I should have known that there was something strange with that video about the group of YouTubers. I think its time that we rescue Sonny's dad." The father looked at the map. He then looked at his son. "You said that the secret society wanted to cast the spell in the abandoned town mine. So, what's missing in this picture?" Mr. Binge asked Dennis. "They can't activate the spell without Sonny's great grandfather. He's dead." He answered. Mr. Binge pondered for a short while. "Well I think that we should think about how they are going to complete the spell without Sonny's grandfather. It is going to fail anyway. So, what do the ghosts want with Sonny's dad?" "Maybe they are going to cast a spell to revive him." A voice said from the front door.

Dennis and his friend and adults turned their attention to the door. Bert and Sonny were back. Bert's dad was closing the door. "We managed to build an oven." The father explained. "Okay, I think I should be the one concentrating on the supper this time." Mr. Binge said zipping up his rain jacket. "No Mr. Binge. The only thing the secret society needs in order to activate the spell is to complete the ultimate ghost spell is to have all of the secret society members there so that it could be cast. They only have to bring my great grandfather back." Sonny said as he took off his rain jacket. Mr. Binge stopped for a moment. "I don't think he would want to agree with the other secret society members. Since he left town before the town became a ghost town." Sonny added. "Then the spell wouldn't work." Mr. Binge denoted. "The two reasons why that spell needs to be cast in a cave. And the town mine is not technically a cave. Second reason is that the secret society members need to agree with each other and be present when the spell is cast. With Sonny's ancestor gone, they weren't able to complete the spell properly." "Well, they wouldn't take my dad away without a reason. I think they would want to bring my great grandfather's ghost to the mine. So that they could cast the spell properly." Sonny said. "How could they bring your great grandfather's ghost back? That makes no sense." Mr. Binge divulged, refusing to believe him. "There must be a spell that might bring him to the mine." Dennis said. "Alright, but what kind of spell is out there that might bring him to the location of the ritual?" Reggie asked. "My great grandfather would never agree with the mayor or with the secret society." "Well if you excuse me. I'm going to get the supper ready." Mr. Binge spoke as he went outside in the cold rain. "I'm going with you." Bert's dad offered as he followed him outside. They went to the furnace next to the abandoned bank. The sticks and wood used for the previous campfire while the group camp out there was also used in making the fire. There was a car grill used as the grill for the oven. It was a little bit difficult to set the fire since the wood was wet. The two parents also cut some grass and another small tree growing out of the pavement.

With determination, Mr. Binge was able to cook some mini steaks in the oven. There were also two pots of canned corn that Bert's dad brought along. They were set onto oven. The heat coming from the fire was cooking the corn while exposed to the cold rainy temperatures. The parents used an umbrella that the twin's mother brought along to protect the corn from the rain drops. Mayor Harold observed the Dennis' and Bert's dad as they cook the mini steak and corn from the other side of the wall of abandoned cars. He turned around and looked at another ghost that had a smoke gray cloak. A white light was coming off the ghost's face. "Do you think its okay?" The cloaked ghost asked the mayor. The mayor shook his head. "That father already knows too much. Besides, he helped us get an important ingredient. Which will help us to cast this spell." Harold Fern answered. "The group would want to find him. Should we trap them in the bank. That could be...""Not now my friend. We will wait later. When we finished casting the spell, then we shall dispose of them." The Mayor interrupted. "Should we cause more trouble for the group? They should have been thinking twice before coming to Cecil Town." Another cloaked ghost spoke, travelling through an abandoned building. He walked through the glass and wall as if it was thin air. "Calm down my friends. This is a special occasion. We will finally cast the spell that will make us the world leaders." The mayor adduced, nearly with a loud voice. "Calm down sir. We do not want the group to notice our conversation. I am not so excited for the event. The last time you said those words are when you have found a spell book in your family's library." The first cloaked figure claimed before looking at the father collecting the cooked food and bringing it inside. Bert's dad let the rain come into the oven. The drops of water extinguished the flames a little. "My mother has bought that book for nearly nothing. Its my family's heirloom. I may have made a big mistake, leaving it in the library where those brats could find it." The mayor said. "I think we should let the group go. I do not think anybody will believe them. We will take over their town while they are sleeping." A cloaked figure proposed. 

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