Chapter 21

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It did not take long for the kids to figure out what is being created by the spell. A square pattern is beginning to form on the magical ball of energy. The ball of energy eventually turned into a cube of energy. It was a cage. It hung ten feet off the floor. "I do not like this." Jill said. She stared into the cage with horror. "Do you think they want to put us in it?" Zoey asked. The mayor floated up until he was about next to the door of the cage. He unlocked the lock and opened the cage door. He then took the heavy padlock off the cage door and passed it to Sonny's grandfather. Sonny could not believe his eyes. The kids hid behind the cavern wall. "How are we going to stop them?" Reggie whispered. "I'm trying to think of something Reggie." Dennis whispered back. Sonny put his hand over his mouth. "Calm down." He whispered. Bert looked over the corner. He saw that one of the gray robed figures was now coming to them. "Guys, one of those creeps is coming right towards us. We gotta run away!" He whispered. "Not until we rescue my great grandfather!" Sonny insisted in a calm tone of voice.

Zoey could feel something on her ankles. Same with Dennis. They both looked down. There were four transparent hands holding onto their ankles. They tried not to scream. Bert carefully but swiftly tried to remove the hands off the ankles of his friends. He pulled away two fingers off of Zoey's right ankle. Jill also came to help. She started to remove the finger's off of Dennis' left ankle. Reggie also helped. Feeling stressed, Reggie pulled the thumb and fingers off of Jill's left ankle. Sonny looked over, and the hooded ghost was getting closer. He quickly grabbed the ghostly hand holding Dennis' right ankle by the wrist. The ghost hand holding the other ankle went to grab whatever was touching the other hand. Dennis stomped on that hand. Immediately, ghost miner came out of the ground. Dennis and his friends shouted. "Yow! Watch whose hand you're stepping on!" The ghost yelled as the white aura around his face disappeared and a skull was on his head. The two hands holding Zoey's ankles let go, and another miner ghost emerged from the ground. The second miner ghost had his skull head revealed, and it roared at the kids. They were a little bit shaken up. The miner ghosts lunged out at Dennis, Jill, Reggie, and Zoey. "So, I thought that there were some intruders around here." A voice said from around the corner. The gray cloaked figure showed up. "We don't need you young ones poking your noses into other people's business. Thankfully, we have the perfect place to keep you out of trouble." The cloaked figure said as he removed the hood. The head of the cloaked figure was surrounded by an aura of white light. The white light vanished revealing the skull head. Sonny kicked at the one of the ghost miners while Bert attacked the other one. Sonny ran at the secret society member. "My great grandpa would never let you do this!" He shouted. The skull let out a roar. The noise of the roar or the skull head did not frighten Sonny.

He grabbed the skull head of the cloaked figure. "Who are you monsters?" Sonny yelled at him. Suddenly, he could feel something touching him on the shoulder. The kicks and punches that the kids throw at the ghosts went right threw them. Sonny could feel something lifting him off the ground. "We are the secret society of Cecil Town." The hooded ghost replied. "Let me down. What you are doing is wrong! You won't getaway with this." Sonny said fighting back. He tried to kick at the secret society member without too much success. Sonny began to float even higher into the air. Dennis continued to fight the first ghost miner that Sonny was fighting. "What's the matter? You're afraid of getting hurt?" Bert asked, nearly taunting the two miner ghosts. The two miner ghosts picked up Bert and Dennis. They slowly floated off the ground. Sonny tried to hit the creature that was making him float. His hands were only hitting the air. The ghost that was holding him came into focus. It was another ghost miner. He wore an old helmet with a light on it. The ghost's face and head were surrounded with an aura of white light. He floated till he was in front of the cage. "So, you're a descendant of the member too? That's even better." The mayor said with smile. He nodded at the miner ghost, and he threw him in the cage. Zoey, Jill and Reggie were staring at the secret society member face to face. "What do you want with us? Why don't you let us go home?" Reggie yelled, feeling upset. "The mayor will reveal the whole story to you soon." The ghost explained. Three more ghosts came out from the floor. Jill, Reggie, and Zoey turned around. One of the ghosts had a mechanic uniform on him. He held a tire iron in his left hand. The second ghost had an apron on him. He also had a name tag on him. It was nearly fading away. Nearly all of the words on his apron have faded away. The only words that could be seen on the apron was "Groceries". The third ghost has a chef uniform on him. He also wore an oven mitten on her right hand. "Get them in the cage with all the rest." The hooded ghost ordered. Reggie, Jill, and Zoey screamed as they ran towards the secret society ghost. They hanged onto his gray cloak. 

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