Chapter 17

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Dennis folded up the map and used the same broken pickaxe handle and used it to move away the webs. After he moved the first web he moved out of the way, a spider fell to the ground. It was the half the size of Reggie's thumb. Zoey quickly stomped on the spider. Dennis moved the four webs out of the way. Six spiders fell from them onto the floor. They were the same size as the first spider. Dennis moved the next web out of the way. A giant spider fell to the floor. It was the same size as Mr. Binge's chest. Dennis screamed and moved away. The spider screeched at the kids angrily. The spider crawled at Dennis furiously. It was about to leap at Dennis when Bert jumped on the spider. The spider screeched and Bert got off it. The spider tried to lift itself up but felt weak. Dennis felt a little less frightened and slowly got closer. He poked the spider with the broken pickaxe handle.

The spider was now back up, but it did not move. The creature attempted to jump at Dennis, but it just fell flat on the mine floor. Dennis and his friends walked past the giant spider and continued to clear away the spider webs. There was some small spiders that fell out of them. Jill and Sonny found some old broken miner helmets and some pickaxes. They helped Dennis clear away the spider webs. There was another giant spider that fell from the ceiling. The spider got back upright. Dennis and his friends did not run away at first. The spider grabbed the broken pickaxe handle out of Dennis' hands with its mouth. Dennis tried to pull back. The screeching noise that the spider made, made two other giant spiders come out from their webs. The giant arachnids walked on the walls till they were on both sides adjacent to Dennis. Jill quickly figured out what was going on. "Let go Dennis!" Jill shouted. Another giant spider came out from the webs blocking the mine tunnel. It was now over Dennis' head. The kids felt frightened. The spiders were ready to pounce. Jill and Sonny tried convincing Dennis to let go of the broken handle. The kids felt frightened by the second. In a second, the spiders jumped off the walls and ceiling and attacked the Dennis's friends. The giant spider that was fighting with Dennis over the broken handle then jumped on him. The giant monster knocked him to the floor. It screeched at Dennis. The spider then snapped at Dennis with its fangs. Dennis struggled to fight the spider off, but it hanged on with its hairy legs. Bert was trying to push off a giant spider that attacked him from the ceiling. It snapped at him and screeched angrily. The creature had Bert pinned to the wall. He pushed at the giant spider's face. He also made sure that his two hands weren't eaten as he tried to push away the creature's mouth. A spider was on Jill's head. She screamed and hit the spider with her arms. The arachnid held onto the collar of her T-shirt.

"Get of me!" Jill screamed as she tried to fight the spider away. The creature tried to snap its fangs at her. Zoey tried to pull the spider off, but it was no good. They even tried to hit tips of spider's legs on the mine wall. Reggie had a giant spider on his back. It snapped at the back of his neck. The spider screeched as it held onto Reggie's back. He even tried to throw himself on the wall so that he could crush the spider. Sonny tried to think of something. He tried to pull the giant spider off Reggie's back. The spider screeched furiously. It snapped its fangs at Sonny as he tried to pull the creature off Reggie's back. Sonny then picked up the broken pickaxe handle that was dropped to ground from the struggle between Dennis and the giant spider. He hit the giant spider that was attacking Dennis. The blows felt like pushes to the spider. The creature was not hurt at all. He stopped snapping its fangs at Dennis and turned its attention to Sonny. It let out a faint but angry screech. It was about to pounce when two hands grabbed it from underneath. Dennis used his arms and the weight of his body to pull the giant spider to the ground. The arachnid tried to stay on its eight legs. The pressure that was pulling the spider to the ground made it let out the loudest screech. Sonny pushed the spider near Dennis' chest. The spider was slowly losing the fight against Dennis. In a minute, the giant spider's body was flat on Dennis' stomach. Dennis rolled until the spider was underneath him. He smothered the giant spider. The giant arachnid screeched loudly. Sonny went to help Bert. The spider tried to snap its jaws at him even though he pushed the spider away from his face. Sonny came to help Bert pull the spider off him. Meanwhile, Jill had her head aimed at Zoey. Zoey tried to pull the giant spider off her sister. The giant spider's hairy legs were starting to lose their grip on Jill's T-shirt collar. The giant spider screeched as it was off Jill. It trashed its legs around. It shot a sticky web on Zoey's feet. Jill told Zoey to let go of the spider. Zoey dropped the spider as it landed on her sticky foot. The arachnid quickly got on its feet just in time to see Jill falling back first on top of it. She crashed on top of the creature. It screeched from being crushed. Jill slowly got off of it. The spider slowly got back onto its legs. Dennis got up from the ground and the spider that he smothered was slowly trying to get back up.

"Help! Get it off!" Reggie panicked. The spider nearly pinched the back of his neck with its jaws. The twins went to help him. They slapped the spider as it clung onto Reggie. Dennis turned around and saw that there were three more spiders coming out from the webs. A fourth spider came out from the dark part of the tunnel. It was the same size as the spiders, but it was all ghostly white and a little bit transparent. The first spider jumped at Dennis. It knocked him to the wall. A second spider clung onto Dennis' legs. Bert smothered the giant spider attacking him. The creature struggled to snap at his face with its fangs. Sonny tripped Reggie, and he fell on his back. The giant spider attached to his back was screeching and thrashing its legs wildly. The third spider was attacking Zoey. It jumped from the ceiling and clung to her back. The creature snapped its fangs. Zoey fell. The spider felt hurt from being hurled at the floor. Bert waited for a few seconds before getting back up. The giant spider moved its legs slowly, but they were not touching the ceiling, floor, or walls. Bert went to help Dennis. The ghostly white spider was lying in wait. As soon as Bert came to pull a giant spider off Dennis, the ghostly spider leaped at him. It knocked him to the ground. Bert tried to push it off, but its hands went right through it. "Are you kidding me?" Bert asked as the spider snapped at him. He surprisingly tried to push away its fangs. Every time the spider's mouth was the furthest away, Bert's hands passed right through the spider. Reggie got up from the ground frightened. The spider that was clinging to him earlier was upside down on the ground slowly moving its legs. Reggie went to help Dennis. One of the giant spiders that was on him was screeching and snapping at his face. Reggie slapped the two spiders. Sonny went to help Bert. He tried to grab onto the spider, but his hands just went through it. Bert held the mouth of the creature the furthest away from him as possible. "What is this a ghost spider?" Sonny queried as he tried to grab the spider.

"Looks like it." Bert replied. Sonny got his hands under the creature's mouth. His hands did not pass through the creature. "Can you remove the spider's legs off your shirt?" Sonny grilled, as the ghostly spider screeched. Bert grabbed one of the ends of the spider's legs and tried pull it off. His hands just went right trough it. Zoey, who got up and the giant spider who attacked her was now moving his or her legs around quickly went to help Dennis. The first spider that was on his chest was moving onto Reggie's T-shirt. "Get off me! Get it off!" Reggie yelled in a panicked state. He ran towards the wall and the spider screeched. Reggie was pinned to the floor with the spider on top of him. The creature snapped its fangs at Reggie's chin. The second spider on Dennis was quick to move up to his chin. It snapped at him frustratingly. Zoey punched at the spider, but it didn't feel anything. Zoey then held the mouth of the spider away from Dennis while he rolled until the spider was underneath him. The spider was struggling to get Dennis off from him or her. It tried to hit Dennis with its feet without any success. Zoey went to help Reggie too. She helped Reggie to roll on the ground until he was right on top of the creature. Reggie then smothered the spider and stayed on her or him. Zoey saw that Bert needed some help. The white spider held on tightly with its hairy legs. "This is a ghost spider." Bert said. "If you try to touch something other than the bottom of its mouth, your hands will go right through it." Sonny said. Zoey picked up the lantern to check if any other big spiders were in the tunnel. Suddenly, there was the sound of a screeching spider coming from Bert. Zoey backed away and watched as the white spider came off Bert's T-shirt. She shined more light on the giant spider and the creature moved further away from Bert. Dennis slowly got off the ground. The spider he smothered was moving its legs slowly. It only twitched its head slightly. Dennis saw the white spider. He looked further into the tunnel and saw three more white spiders. He picked up the second oil lantern. He shined the light from it further down the tunnel. The first white spider backed away and crawled backwards. Zoey helped Reggie to get back up and Sonny picked up the broken pickaxe handle. He then started to clear another web from the mine tunnel.

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