Chapter 12

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The group enjoyed eating their mini steaks. They even got to eat them with barbeque sauce. The mayor and a secret society member watched them before walking towards the truck that was blocking the way into town as soon as each ghost walked towards the truck. The ghosts slowly disappear into thin air. "So that's why you kids have wanted us to go to this garage. It is lot closer to the mines am I right?" Mr. Binge asked. "Yeah dad. Sorry we did not told you about this earlier, but we want Sonny's father back. We think that the ghosts have him trapped in the mines. Since the mines look a little like a cave, that is where the spell should be cast." Dennis affirmed before taking the last bite out of first mini steak. "We could make our way to this garage tomorrow. We also need some rest so we could walk the whole way." The twins mother said as she sat next to one of the tents. "We should also watch out for the ghosts that haunt this place. Who knows what sort of trouble they have in store." Bert's dad spoke while eating a fork full of corn. The rain kept coming down the whole evening.

The adults and kids both got themselves ready for bed. They both looked out the windows and the weather has not changed a bit. The rain kept coming down heavily. The heavy rain could be heard pounding on the roof of the abandoned bank and the abandoned buildings around it. The kids and adults tried to sleep with the heavy noise keeping them somewhat awake. The adults zipped up the openings of the tents and secure the bank entrance. The group all managed to fall asleep a few minutes later. A ghost wearing a smoke gray cloak rose out from the fountain. He was transparent as he slowly appeared. The ghostly society member carefully looked into the bank itself. He did not see any lights in any one of the three tents. The ghost then walked back to the town fountain and waited there for a while. He sat on the side of the fountain. The rain simply fell right pass him or her. The next day, Dennis woke up with a yawn. He could see a bright sunlight shining on the tent he was sleeping in. Dennis was careful not to wake up his father or Reggie. Dennis carefully went outside of the tent. Wearing only his sneaker and socks. When he looked at the window, he went back to his tent. Dennis was quick to wake up his dad. "Dad! Dad! Wake up! We're trapped!" A startled Mr. Binge woke up from his sleep. "Whoa Dennis! What's going on?" "Dad were trapped! Our car has blocked the way into the bank." Dennis exclaimed. Mr. Binge got up from his sleeping bag and went to the front of the bank. He was shocked and even surprised that the door to the bank was blocked. "Those ghosts are doing everything they can to make our visit very interesting." Mr. Binge commented. The twins and their mother got out of the tent. And they too were surprised that the bank door was blocked using Dennis' dad's car. The people who were in the group that were already awake went to wake the others up. Mr. Binge went to wake up Sonny, Bert, and Bert's dad. Dennis went to wake up Reggie. They all got their clothes on and packed their bags. "How are we going to get out of here?" Bert asked. "Don't worry Bert. When there is a will, there's a way." His father answered. He helped to pack up and carry one of the tents with him.

Mr. Binge looked at the staff room of the bank. He was trying to find an emergency exit in the bank. "Uh, dad. Are you sure that the bank has an emergency exit?" Dennis questioned. Mr. Binge looked at Dennis with a smile and he spoke. "I visited this building on the first day that we were here. So, I think there's another door out of here." Dennis followed his father without hesitation. There was a door that was closed. Mr. Binge charged and hit the door. It did not budge. Bert's dad heard the noise and went to help. "Wait a second, I think I could help you guys with this." He said as he dropped his luggage and the folded-up tent. He motioned to Dennis' dad to step out of the way. He charged and gave the door a good kick. The door's lock fell off in small pieces. It was now easy to open and close the door. Mr. Binge opened the door by simply pushing on it. The door opened to an alleyway. Mr. Binge stepped outside and looked for a way back to the town fountain. It was little hard to find a part of the alley that led to the street. There was some trash that was blocking the alleyway on both ways. There were old tires, worn out gray palettes, and even yellowed newspapers. The group waited until Mr. Binge knows where they should go next. Dennis' dad went down the way he thinks goes to the street, pushing away the trash that was in the way. He cleared a path to the street. Dennis was getting a little bit of exercise as he climbed over and walked around the trash that was covering the alleyway. He waited until his dad has made it to the street. Then he jumped off the junk that he was travelling across. He landed on the sidewalk alongside his dad. They both waited for the rest of the group as they made their way through the alleyway.

The parents tossed some of the junk aside so that they could make the path a little bit cleared up for the next adult or kid who is climbing across the junk to the street. There was one area where there a pile of old newspapers on the right side of the alley. The sun was then beating on them while standing on the old sidewalk. Once the group was all at the sidewalk. Mr. Binge led them to Caesar road. Bert's dad quickly hurried away to his car. He unlocked his car and took a few things out of it. They passed a lot of buildings on their way to the garage. There was an empty store, who's big window had a big hole in it and the glass was all over the floor of the building. A tall tree was growing out of the pavement. A rusted car was on its side next to the tree. There was a small restaurant that they passed. The sign that hung above the store was now dangling from where it once stood and the only thing holding it there was only the wires that gave it light. The sign had a picture of a meatball on it. It must have been a restaurant where they served spaghetti at. They passed another building. Dennis recognized it immediately. "Dad isn't that the old radio station that the YouTuber got trapped in?" He asked while pointing at it. Mr. Binge turned his head and looked at it. "Yes, that it is the building. Don't worry we already know what's in there and so we're not bothering to look in it." He answered. "Did they have a townhall as well? I think that is where the ghosts are hiding. We must be one step closer to getting my dad back." Sonny said feeling excited. "I don't think your dad might be in there though. Remember, if they want to cast the spell, then they need the ghost of your great grandfather. And they need him to be in a cave where the spell is going to be cast. So, I think that your dad is in the mine somewhere." Dennis conveyed. The group stopped when they stopped at the garage. It had a small gas station. An old, abandoned bus was parked next to the door inside. The only thing holding it up was an old, rusted jack. It only had one of its front tires off it. "It looks just like what the YouTuber showed Dad. The old bus is here. And nothing is too different about it as it is from the video." "I think we should camp next to this old garage. I'm confident that we will find some tools in here." Reggie's mom declared excitedly.

The kids and parents put their luggage bags and folded up tents on the ground. Dennis helped his dad in unfolding and setting up the first tent. Bert's dad and Reggie helped set up the second tent. The twins set up the third tent. "I'll begin to prepare brunch." Reggie's mother announced. "Here, let me help you with that." Bert's dad said as he washed out the pot using another water bottle that he had took from his car before. He helped to make porridge. The main dish was served with orange juice. Dennis and his friends got to work on their English homework. They carefully worked through the homework together. They all did well while completing six pages of their schoolwork. "After brunch, we should explore this old gas station. We could find some tools and the other stuff to help get our cars into tip top condition. After that, I think we should just stare down the two roads." Mr. Binge told Dennis and his friends as they finished part of their schoolwork. "Why should we just stare down those two roads?" Bert asked. "I took a good look at the map, and I found out that the old school and oldtown hall that the Youtuber visited are somewhere near here. The only place we are going to explore for today is this gas station. We will try to rescue Sonny's dad later. We could do it tomorrow. Since the mine is further down Caesar road." Mr. Binge said pointed at sign with some rust on the sides. Dennis looked at the sign. The sign showed the mine was only a block away from the gas station. Reggie's mom got the porridge ready, and Bert's dad help to serve the meal in plastic bowls. The bowls were distributed to the kids and adults as they sat on the side of the abandoned street. Sonny felt excited. They felt that they would be one step closer to rescuing his dad. There was some extra porridge left over. Bert's dad was wondering if the meal should be finished off. Suddenly, there was a short whistle of a gust of wind. Sonny looked up and yelled "Dad!". Dennis and the rest of the traveling group looked up. There was Sonny's dad, who was floating forty feet over the street. He was thrashing his arms and legs around. "Let go of me!" Sonny's dad shouted. He then stopped floating and begin to fall. Dennis quickly dropped his bowl of porridge and went to grab a sleeping bag. 

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