Chapter 24

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He screamed furiously while flying towards Mr. Binge. The white aura around his face faded away, revealing his skull head. Bert's dad shined his flashlight on the ghost. The secret society member shielded his face from the light. Suddenly, the ghost could feel something hitting him on the shoulder. The twins' mom was angrily hitting him with a helmet that the miners used. "This is for kidnaping my daughters." She shouted at the ghost in anger. The miner ghosts came to help. They held out their pickaxes in front of them. Mr. Binge and the other parents shined the light from their flashlights at the ghosts. The miner ghosts dropped what they were holding and tried to shield their eyes from the flashlights. "Stop it!" One of the miners demanded. "You will pay for that." Another miner said, revealing the skull face. The parents got closer to the ghosts with their flashlights. The ghosts backed away, trying to block out the light from their eyes. The mayor was getting mad by just watching the ghosts backing away from the parents

"Give our kids back you jerks!" Bert's dad shouted while shining the light from his flashlight at one of the ghost miners. Two more secret society members went to go and help the other ghosts. "Hold it right there!" The mayor ordered. "We have some more ghosts to help us." Suddenly, ghosts appeared in the cave. Some were mechanics, policeman, or parents looking after their ghostly kids. "Good, all of you are now here." One of the secret society members said to the ghosts. "Go and push out the intruders. We do not want them to interfere with us casting the spell. The ghosts floated towards the parents but stopped. They all faced the mayor. "What is it townspeople, we need these intruders out! Get rid of them!" Mayor Harold told the ghosts of the townspeople. They did not move and some of them just had their arms crossed in front of them. A few of the ghosts started to scowl at the mayor. The mayor was feeling a little stressed out. "Why are all of you sulking? Get the parents and lock them up!" Sonny's great grandfather's ghost ordered. The ghosts did not move. Instead, they continued to scowl and went to surround the mayor. "Stop it! Stop it now! What are you mad about?" He yelled to the ghost. He was feeling mad and stressed out all at once. The miner ghosts slowly floated away from the parents. Sonny's dad went to the circle. "Stop that man!" The mayor ordered. A secret society member floated up from where he was standing and went to get the human. However, six ghosts from the big group of townspeople ghosts stopped him. They held him back. "Get off of me." The secret society member said to the townspeople. "You have betrayed us." The townspeople mentioned to the mayor. "How could I have betrayed you? I am having this town become the home of earth's most powerful leaders. I was casting this spell so that all of us will become respected by the worldwide population." The mayor explained to the townspeople.

"How dare all of you for not obeying your leader. You're all not the respectable townspeople that this town once knew." Sonny's great grandfather shouted. "Grandpa!" Sonny's dad shouted. The secret society member turned around and saw that his descendant was only four feet away from him. "You're not yourself. They have cast a spell that will make you do the bidding of the secret society." Sonny's dad exclaimed to him. "How could you say that? The secret society has always treated me well." Red eyes continued to glow from white aura around Sonny's great grandfather's face. He took one step towards Sonny's dad. "You haven't always agreed with them. In fact, you were shocked when they tried to cast the super ultimate ghost spell. You even left them. Just so you can give your son a better life. My father's life." Sonny's dad continued. "Don't you dare talk about my son. He was happier to be here. Moving out of Cecil Town was a grave mistake on my part." The ghost argued. "I don't think you saw it as a mistake. After you left, the mayor betrayed the townspeople by unknowingly turning them all into ghosts. He only cares about becoming more powerful." Sonny's dad continued, trying to convince his ancestor. "Why are you listening to him? Just throw him in the cage with the children. I've just about had enough of this human." The mayor spoke to the secret society member. The white aura around the ancestor's head disappeared, revealing the skull head and face. He screamed at Sonny's dad. The adult shined the light from his flashlight into his face. It blinded the ghost. He then pulled out a folded-up piece of paper from his pocket. He then unfolded the piece of paper. Sonny's dad started to read some strange words off the paper. Sonny could faintly hear the words that his father spoke while reading out loud. "That has to be one of the spells that can undo the mind control stuff, right?" Bert asked Sonny. Sonny watched as the skull head of his great grandfather turned back into an aura of white light. The red eyes that the ghost had, started to slowly disappear. The aura of white light began to disappear. The ghost became a human shape. Sonny's great grandfather still had his hands covering his face. The gray cloak that Sonny's ancestor had on, slowly fell through him. It landed on the floor. "So, is the whole town betraying me? Even after all the great things the secret society has done for this town?" The mayor rallied to the ghostly civilians surrounding him.

"You have betrayed us Harold Fern. We are avenging ourselves, for what you have done to this town." The ghosts all spoke together. "What have I done to you? I tried to make this town a popular tourist attraction." He said to the ghosts. "The first spell that you used to turn the 'secret' society into powerful ghosts backfired. You turned us into ghosts. Now this town is rotting, all because nobody is taking care of the buildings. You have taken our human lives away from us." One of the ghosts explained to him. Sonny's great grandfather looked at Sonny's dad. He looked at him with a serious face. "I have a great grandson?" He asked him. He looked at the cage where Dennis and his friends were being held. He slowly floated over to the cage. A smile could be seen starting to spread on his face. He went into his pocket and pulled out a key. The secret society members tried to fight back by getting one of the pickaxes or trying to push the ghosts away from the ghostly mayor. The ghostly townsfolk quickly held the secret society members back. "Stop! You don't have the authority to hold back the secret society!" The mayor protested. Sonny's great grandfather floated up to the cage door. He unlocked it with the key. "Great grandson? This is the first and only time we have met." The ghost said as he looked at Sonny. His eyes twinkled with joy. Dennis and his friends got out of the cage. "Thank you, kids, for setting me free from the evil spell." He spoke to Sonny's friends. "Wow." Sonny stated while amazed. "Hard to believe that you have seen one of your ancestors, yes? What's your name?" His great grandfather asked. "Stop it!" The mayor screamed, becoming more annoyed. The ghosts of the townspeople formed a tighter circle around the mayor. "My name is Sonny." Sonny replied. "That's a very nice name." His great grandfather said. He looked at the mayor and the secret society members. He slowly started to disappear. "Watch over your father for me Sonny please? He is a good man. Now I may rest knowing that the nightmare in Cecil Town is over." Then, Sonny's ancestor's ghost left. 

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