Btw, they will be calling eachother by mission name during missions. Their mission names are in the information.

Chapter 2
Mission and BTS
At 10:00pm


"Ready for the mission?" Sooya asks. "Yup," I skip in front and enter the van. We go to the Royal Party with the fake invitations Sooya unnie made online. We enter and sit on an empty table. The plan is: At 11:55, Sooya unnie goes to the bathroom with her laptop and hacks the lights in the mansion. She makes all the lights in the mansion go off at exactly 12:00am. After that, we will have precisely 7 minutes 9 seconds before the lights turn back on. In those seven minutes me, Jane unnie and Rosè will go to the top floor with Sooya unnie guiding us by hacking the cameras. She'll tell us which direction to go to reach the room with the crown and steal it for good.

At 11:54 pm

"Guys, time for me to go" Sooya unnie walks towards the bathrooms. We nod and wait. A few minutes later, "10 seconds till 12" Jane unnie says and our faces grow serious. "In 5," Sooya unnie says through her earpiece "4" Rosé says "3" Jane says, "2" I say "1!" We all say in unison as the lights go out. The guests start to panick. I hand them the small torches I hid in my dress and turn them on. "Go throught the white big door on your left" Sooya unnie says looking at us through the security cameras. We walk through the door and she continues to guide us through the mansion. "You're close to the crown but there are gaurds in the direction you're supposed to go" Sooya unnie says. "How many?" Jane unnie asks, "7 to your left" unnie says. "I'll take care of them. Y'all go ahead" Chae-I mean Rosé says.


"Ok!" Lisa says to Rosé. Rosé clears the path for the two by fighting the men. She starts by kicking one man at his nose making him hold his nose in pain. Rosé is smart, she knows she doesn't have enough physical force to cause damage to his skull enough to pass out so she kicks the weak nose bone to defeat him. 1 down, 6 to go. Two men grab each of her arms from the back and she does a backflip, making both the men fall to the floor. She has a light, tall body and can easily do flips. 3 down, 4 to go. Rosé throws two kunai knifes in the air and jumps up high and kicks both the knifes mid-air. One of the knives hit a guy's lung and the second his forehead. 4 down, 3 to go.


Three men left to beat. Two of them rush at me from the back and the front. I roundhouse kick the guy and front of me. I elbow the guy behind me but he dodges and grabs both my wrists, holding them behind my back. I use my ankle to kick him where it hurts and he groans on the floor. 6 down, 1 to go! The last guy stares me in the eyes and I return the glare. He runs away "huh?" I chase after him and grab him by the back of his collar and take out another kunai. I hit him in the back of his head with the kunai's handle. "Good job, Rosé" Sooya unnie says through the ear piece.


We leave the gaurds to Rosé because we know she can easily handle it. We are called the world's strongest mafia team for a reason.

Sooya unnie guides us through the halls to the crown room. "You only have 3.5 minutes left" Sooya unnie says. "Let's grab the crown!" Lisa moves towards it. "Lisa wait! There are lasers here!" I say, pointing to the laser generators on the walls. "Well good thing were flexible" she says proudly. "But how do we see the lasers?" I ask. "I have a contour powder with me which if you blow on lasers, they become visible" unnie says, "You see the window on your left? If you look out, you'll see the ground floor bathrooms outside. I'll throw it to you through the window so catch it!" She says and Lisa makes her way to the window. She catches the makeup and passes it to me. I give a strong blow on the contour and it spreads across the air as well as many red lasers. We skillfully make out way past them and I grab the crown. "I got it" I exclaim "yay~~~" Rosé remarks. Me and Lisa run to the direction of the main hall, meeting Rosé in the way. "There are gaurds coming your way" Sooya unnie says "Fighting?" Lisa asks. "We already got the crown so it's pointless. Run to your right. Theres a balcony there so jump out the balcony" We skill three go right and jump down the balcony. We skillfully land on the ground and see Sooya unnie already there. She stuffs her mini laptop back in her lady Dior purse and we run to the limo. "Mission complete." We exclaim in unison. And again, we live up to our name of strongest.

Somewhere else at a diffrent time. (Not meanwhile)


"You expect us to one day fight blackpink? The strongest mafia group of all time!?" J-hope says. "Yes," Jong Suk says with a straight face. "But for now, just try to find them in school" Jong Suk says, "Hmm who could they be?" Rm wonders "4 girls with the strongest superpowers to ever be known" I say, shrugging. "You can go now." Boss says. We all leave the empire of ice and head home.I go to my room to finally get a rest when I hear Seokjin "MOVIE NIGHT!" I sigh 'now I'll have to put up with the TV volume and thier screaming.' I think 'When will I ever get a good night's sleep?' I plop myself on the bed and put on my noise cancelling headphones.
[I hope your gf chokes you in your sleep Seokjin. Oh wait, you don't have one] I send him the text and try to go to sleep.


I head home after the meeting with boss and go to my room to change. I wear my pajamas when I hear "MOVIE NIGHT!" Seokjin hyung is calling everyone for movie night. I head down and see the others already there exept Yoongi. "Where's Yoongi?" I ask, "I dunno" Seokjin hyung replies. Just then, a messege comes on his phone. It's Yoongi hyung threatening him because he's tired. This grumpy grandpa. We start watching the movie 'spirited away'.

Time skip

I hear Yoongi hyung coming down to the kitchen then going back up the stairs. I follow him back to his room "I know you're there Taehyung. Your stealth skills are failing you." He says, "Or maybe you're just too good" I say and drag him up the stairs. He doesn't say anything but I hear him groan as I take him to my room. "Taehyung, I have an idea" he says "What?" I raise my eyebrow "I have an idea of who Blackpink may be. Or well I have an idea on how to find out" he says and I nod "You know the librarian, miss Eunha? She might know something about Blackpink girls." He says "How?" I ask "Last time, a mafia mentioned that they saw masked blackpink head towards a women with a yellow scarf before escaping. Miss Eunha wears a yellow scarf!" He says and it does make sense. The pic the guy showed us of the scarf is pretty similar to the one miss Eunha wears. I nod in acknowledgement "Don't tell the others yet. Only Namjoon," He says since Namjoon is the leader. We head back down and continue watching the movie. Later on at night, I sneak into Namjoons bedroom and tell him our theory. I go back to my bedroom and start thinking about what happened today. That girl who stood up to me was quite hot. Hotter than any female at our school I've ever seen. I think, She punchered the tyre of my car though! Well I did first but she should know better than to park on MY parking spot. I sigh, How is she slowly taking over my mind???


I head to my room after checking my bag for school as I wait for everyone to continue getting ready. A few minutes later we are heading to school when I feel something land on my chest. I look down to see a woman on skates has clashed into me. She looks up at me and my breath gets taken away. She's gorgeous! Is she miss Korea or something?! She looks at me for a solid second and then tries to get a hold of her skates. She tries to but fails and lands in my arms again "I am so sorry. I accidentally clashed into you" she apologises letting me see every inch of her beautiful face. "Its okay" I help her get her balance back and she skates in circles around a few times before stopping to say "Sorry again. I am Jisoo by the way! I've seen you in class so see ya later ig?" She asks with a smile that can crush the hearts on millions of boys "Ya. Bye!" I say, I was so mezmorized by her beauty that I didn't even tell her my name. She probably already knows because I am the president of the student council but it won't be a proper introduction if I don't say it myself! I think. I look over to see Hoseok smirking at me. "What?" I ask "Nothing" He says but I am pretty sure I know why he was making that face. We reach school and I look over to see Taehyung pinning a girl against a locker. I figure it's just some random girl he'll kiss once and then forget but then I realise it's the girl that punkchered the tyre of his car the other day. She pushes him away and walks away with another girl. I quickly recognise the other girl as Jisoo, the girl I met this morning. I did already know her name as she is the topper but still. She looks even more beautiful than earlier. Wait- HUH!? What am I thinking!? I slightly chuckle and then head to class.

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