Chapter 31 Let's Eat Together

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Because Eli was injured, Shen Xi gave up his plan to go out to investigate the environment. Eli half-lyed on the bed and closed his eyes to rest his mind, while he sat beside him and read the comic books. These comic books were all read by Eli when he was a child, and Shen Xi read them with great interest. Sure enough, the way of education in the other world is different from the modern one! But the themes of heroes saving the beauty, advocating the good and punishing the evil are similar. For example, this is a story about a black panther orc who released a mermaid trapped in a diving pit back into the sea.

At dusk, Hebrew came over. Under the crimson sunset, the pair of nearly transparent wings on the back were also dyed a faint crimson color, which made people unable to look away.

"Father." Seeing him coming in, Shen Xi quickly stood up and greeted him politely.

"You're welcome, sit down quickly." Hebrew sat down on the head of the bed with a smile on his face. He saw with great interest the strips of cloth tied by Shen Xi on Yilai's chest, and he pursed his lips and smiled: " You have really improved a lot after going out to practice, and it is the first time I have seen your father injured like that."

Eli said lightly: "Don't comfort me, if you lose, you lose."

"Hey, Do you want to act like a spoiled father with this appearance?" Hebrew laughed, taking advantage of Eli's physical injury, he stretched out his fingers to ravage his son's face, Eli turned his head to one side, and his fingers missed. Hebrew continued to stretch out his claws without giving up.

Shen Xi looked at the interaction between the father and son, and it was really powerless to complain. Eli is not being coquettish, he is clearly arrogant!

"Father!" Eli couldn't bear it anymore, and his eyes conveyed: at least save me face in front of my partner, my lord father!

"Okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore." Hebrew sat down again after he had been tortured enough.

"It's obvious that I'm the one arguing with you!" Eli glared at him.

"Well~ don't care about such small things," Hebrew smiled and waved Cen Cen, "I'm here to ask you what your plans are after the coming-of-age ceremony."

According to the rules of the Moon Clan, an adult orc cannot live with his father or his father, and the clan will allocate a piece of land to him. If Eli challenged the patriarch of the Moon Clan——his father Dange succeeded, he would replace the patriarch of the Moon Clan and live in this palace, but Eli failed. Although it was just a little bit short, it was still a failure.

"Of course according to the old rules, I will take good care of Xi." Eli said. "You can't even take care of yourself, you don't even know how to do housework," Hebrew was noncommittal, and suddenly he hugged Shen

Xi and beat the bed crying, "Poor child, if you choose my Eli, you will have to suffer in the future!"

Xi touched his nose and said helplessly, "You don't have to worry, I will take good care of Eli."

Both Eli and Hebrew looked up at him in surprise.

"Did I say something wrong?" Shen Xi blinked innocently.

Hebrew looked at him with full eyes, and said movedly: "My child, you are so sensible! Let me tell you, Eli is a poor boy! You have a bad temper and bad habits, don't bear it." Now, I have to straighten him out! I think it was the same with his father back then, when I was pregnant with Eli and Cyril, I trained him bit by bit..." My lord

father opened the Chatterbox, and talked about his past with Dange. Eli, who had listened to it countless times, took the comic book from Shen Xi's hand silently and read it.

Shen Xi listened with great interest to Heber's description of his skills as a steward, and he might be able to use them in the future. It's just that he was curious about pregnancy and childbirth. How did Hebrew, who was obviously a man, give birth to Eli?

"My lord, is it time for dinner?" As the sky darkened, it was time for dinner.

"Well, let's pass it on." Heber stood up and said, "Eat slowly, father won't be with you anymore, Dange is still waiting for me to go back to have dinner."

After sending Heber away, Shen Xi asked Eli: "Let's eat something. After all, I lost a lot of blood today and need to replenish my body."

Unexpectedly, Eli nodded this time: "Yes, good."

After the food was served, Shen Xi helped Eli get out of bed. In fact, Eli was already able to walk freely, but when Shen Xi stretched out his hand, he still graciously put it on.

Dinner is still eight dishes, four vegetarian and four meat, one soup, one plate of dim sum. Shen Xi looked at the dim sum first. It was the simplest kind of mung bean cake. The dark green cubes lay loosely on the white porcelain plate. Yes, but not greasy at all. After eating, there is a burst of fragrance in the mouth.

"This tastes good, sweet and not greasy, very similar to the ones sold in my hometown." Shen Xi said as he picked another piece. I think the taste is very similar to the mung bean cake I bought in the supermarket.

"It's made by the mung bean cake shop we passed by today. It's the only family in the city that knows how to make it. When I was ten years old, the old man Lu was making it." Eli remembered that when he was just ten years old, he I often go there to buy pastries with money, and then my father specially ordered the palace to go there every day to buy cakes.

Seeing that Eli picked up a piece of pastry and ate it carefully, Shen Xi said in surprise: "I thought you only ate raw meat, and you didn't eat it when I was making barbecue and cooking on the way."

"Although raw meat tastes better It's refreshing, but this kind of dessert tastes good too."

Could it be that this person dislikes the bad taste of my barbecue and cooking? Shen Xi looked at him holding up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, and thought full of fighting spirit: That's a skillful woman who can't cook without rice, and I'll let you see my amazing cooking skills in the future!

The staple food of the Moon people is the fruit of the bread tree. The thick bread fruit is roasted and cut into slices, and placed in small bamboo baskets. This kind of breadfruit is very easy to make people feel full, and has a slightly sweet taste, even the orcs like to eat it.

Although Eli ate elegantly, he was not slow. In just a short while, he wiped out more than 1/3 of the basket of bread slices. Although the orcs eat much more, fortunately, the breadfruit is very big, the size of two footballs, and a tree produces a lot of fruit, which is enough to meet the needs of the orcs.

In modern China, eating bread is still a relatively Western way of eating. Shen Xi is still used to eating rice or steamed buns as the staple food, but this kind of sweet bread is better for breakfast. But since the Moon Clan has mung bean cakes and other snacks, there must be rice, and it will be fine to cook white rice by yourself in the future.

Steaming white and tender steamed buns seems to be good, but I don't know how to steam steamed buns at all. It would have been nice if he had learned some cooking skills like his big cousin who was a chef, Shen Xi thought regretfully.

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