34. Or Death Do You Part

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"I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of."

― Charles Bukowski

"Hayden, where are you going?" Lexi asked, peering into the darkened front hall.

"To Alaska," he said as if it was obvious.

"No, you're not."

"You can't stop me."

"The FBI and Cameron are keeping an eye on you. What am I supposed to say when they can't find you? You could be arrested!"

"Doesn't matter to me. You don't have to tell them anything. I was never here."


"You wouldn't say no to Ian."

"Yes, I would. You're my brothers. When I notice whatever you're doing is dangerous, then I stop you. Come on! What will Caerá think?"

"Lexi..." Hayden hated it when she pulled the family card. He wasn't doing this for himself.

"You've run off in the past, because of Sha'Kera. It's like you're still married to her. I know you want to keep her safe, but we have families to look after. Caerá might feel some type of way. Yes, she may be friends with her, but the toleration stops at some point."

"She knows I don't have any feelings for Sha'Kera."

"Are you sure you don't? You drop everything and run to her aid whenever she's in trouble. That's not what a guy with another family does." Lexi shook her head in disgust. "Not unless he's still in love with his ex-wife."

"Lexi, even if I were still in love with her, I wouldn't want her to suffer wherever she is. I'm sure Luca feels the same way about you."

"Ugh, you're making this more difficult than it actually is."

"No, you are. I'm going to find her, and when I do, you'll be the first to know."

"You're challenging Asher and Cameron's authority?"

"I am. If they have a problem with that, Asher can take it up with me whenever I land."

I opened my eyes to find myself back in my room. Just when I was about to get a taste of freedom, I got captured again. I've never been so disappointed in my life. Honestly, what has this world come to? You kidnap people for fun just to live out some sick fantasy? I've held cases against kidnappers, but none of them were this sadistic. Maybe I didn't meet the right ones.

When I tried to sit up, I found myself tied to the bestposts. Panic set in before I could make sense of the situation. Being trapped is the last thing I want to be right now. On top of that, my mouth had been duck taped shut. The thing I feared the most came to mind. Tears streamed down my face as I realized I had no way out of this.

Slow clapping sounded to my right. I looked over to see Chenelle standing there. She looked pleased with herself. What did I do? What did she want? Did she never leave the mansion? That would make a lot of sense.

"You really thought you were about to escape?" she asked. "Honestly, you almost did. You had me there. I was afraid Liam would beat me for not watching you. I saw the way you scoped out the place. I knew you were going to try to escape sooner rather than later."

I glared at her.

"Come on! I have to hand it to you, girl. You tried your best and failed. You'll be able to try again one day."

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