23. Captive

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I kept wishing I could have done more when that woman recognized me at the airport. She seemed so sure of herself when she said I was Black Spade. I wanted to cry and tell her it was me, but Wayne was quick. He explained to the woman that I wasn't who she thought I was. I knew she didn't believe it, because the authorities were onto us before we were able to leave the tarmac.

They had shut all air traffic down, preventing us from leaving the airport. I'd been hidden in the cockpit, which was unfortunate on my part. No one would think they'd hide a hostage among their pilots. The officers checked the cockpit, only to see the pilot and copilot chatting each other up. The flight crew were fully prepared to deny everything.

I thought I had a chance when I heard one of Wayne's men on the phone. He'd expressed his concerns about being tracked. I knew the authorities would be contacted whenever we landed. They'd be waiting for us once, ready to arrest whoever was involved. This made the trip a little worthwhile. I didn't feel the need to stay alert and let myself relax.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

"...Not you." Wayne's eyes darted behind me. I looked and scowled. Of course. All men are the same. "You're not that attractive."

"I'm attractive enough."

"To who? Not me. I have a wife who surpasses you in both beauty and brains. Now shut up before I shut you up."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. There wasn't much to see. The sun had gone down, so it was dark enough that I had to strain my eyes. I closed the blind and sat back. There was nothing to do. I had no books to keep me sane. My phone was possibly nonexistent by now. Leave it to Wayne to make sure I suffer.

"Dude, I need a blanket," I said. "It's cold."

"Aw, that's too bad, isn't it?" Wayne rolled his eyes.

"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is accommodate me."

"When you get kidnapped, you don't talk, and you sure as heck don't ask anyone to be nice to you. Be lucky I haven't knocked you out, yet. I should have done that as soon as you got on."

"And the police would have found me. It seems kind of hard to hide an unconscious hostage."

"Shut up..."

"No. I want a blanket. Get me one and I might."


"Well, I guess I'll keep talking. I'm cold, so talking will warm me up."

If he wanted to play this game with me, I could only accept the challenge. I didn't get the chance to annoy him when he had me locked up. He never came in contact with me. He was always out doing God knows what. The guard at my door for sure had ear plugs in. They were always prepared to tackle me when I was granted my freedom to roam.

I decided to take it up a notch. I needed to get his attention. He needed to listen to me. I wasn't going to let him boss me around. Whether he knew it or not, I could easily overpower the staff here. I have enough training to do so. He and his guards posed a problem, but I could handle them.

I jumped out of my seat, startling Wayne and his guards. Two of them jumped up, but Wayne stopped them. I planted my hands on both sides of Wayne's seat and glared at him. He only stared back and sighed. I guess he was expecting that. I'm not that spontaneous.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"I want a blanket," I said. "Now get me one or you're never going to hear the end of it."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise."

Wayne sighed again. He nodded his head at one of his guards and asked me to sit down. I didn't want to listen, but he was finally listening to me. I didn't need to test his patience. If I did, he probably wouldn't listen another time.

Once I had my blanket, I settled down and prepared to try and get some sleep. Once we landed wherever they were planning to land, I knew I was going to be rescued. There's no way Wayne is friendly with the police. He's always running from them. I'd rather believe the cops in New York are on his side, than him being friends with cops in another state.

Wayne's phone rang just as I had nodded off. He got up after glancing at the caller ID. I swear I saw him smile a little bit.

"Hé, bébé," he said. "Comment ça va?"

Paige. It's got to be her. I miss her. I haven't seen her in years. That's not an understatement. Wayne always keeps her away from Lexi and I. It's not like we ever ask her if she regrets marrying him. Her actions speak for her. If she ever regretted it, then she would have found a way out of his life. I'm sure she never would have had kids with him, if she didn't love him.

I looked around the plane, taking in where everyone was seated. Two guards were beside Wayne and I. The other two were in the front. A flight attendant was walking the aisle every once in a while. The other two were seated in the back. I caught Wayne's eye, but he didn't look the least bit concerned. I guess he loves Paige a little too much to care about what I might be up to.

I decided against my plan and kept thinking about how I was going to be rescued in less than seven hours. I was going to see my kids again. Derek was going to be so happy to see me. I think. He sure didn't look sad at the press conference following my disappearance. Lexi's plea for me to be returned looked more believable than him.

Wayne came back and stood in front of me. I stared up at him in disgust. What did he want? I was going to go to sleep and stop annoying him.

"Guess what?" he said.

"What?" I scowled.

He leaned down as one hand snaked around my head to grab my hair. I tried to pull away, but he stopped me. What the heck was he trying to do? Before I knew what was happening, I was locked in a kiss I'd been longing for from Derek for seven months. Forget that he cheated on me! I just wanted to be in his arms again. I wanted to feel loved by a man who keeps saying he's incapable of loving anyone.

"Goodnight," Wayne muttered.

My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. He tricked me!

 He tricked me!

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