chapter one

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Her eyes wandered over the various fruits inside of the large wooden box, bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she stared at all that it had to offer. One side had small cartons of strawberries, the middle had watermelons, the left side had peaches and blueberries.

Her hand reached out to grab a peach, feeling around to be sure it would be the perfect piece of fruit, not too ripe or old.

Thalia adjusted the basket resting on her forearm and placed the peach inside of it, laying it amongst her other items. Normally she would be embarrassed by what else was inside, but there were little to no other people inside the store.

She ran a hand down the side of her face, sweat collecting on her fingertips. It was a hot day in Texas, everyday in Texas was hot but this was one for the records.

Her brown hair had long been tied up in a messy bun, her navy blue sundress doing little to cool her down but with light colors she feared sweat marks, settling for a bit of extra heat to save her the embarrassment.

Thalia couldn't help but furrow her brows at the sound of something behind her, a snapping sound and a few hisses, she couldn't make out the harsh words so she chose to ignore it. That was until a finger tapped on her shoulder.

She turned around with a curious expression, her face softening at the sight of the young girl in front of her. She couldn't have been older than 10, her curly hair framing her beautiful face, big eyes boring into her own.

"Hi." She couldn't help but giggle, "Hello? A-are your parents with you?" Her head turned upwards and she found a man, leaning against a shopping cart with his hand over his mouth. Their eyes met and she found a small flutter in her stomach as he gave an awkward wave.

"That's my dad, his name is Joel and he thinks you're really pretty." A blush spread across her already sunburnt face, doing little to cool herself. For a small moment she wondered how this man could see her as beautiful in this state, hair an absolute mess and sweat dripping down her face and neck.

"I'm flattered..." The small girl giggled, holding her hand out, which Thalia gratefully took, "My name is Sarah."

"My name is Thalia. It's a pleasure to meet you." Their hands separated and she found her gaze back on the man, now known as Joel, who was approaching them with an embarrassed expression.

"Don't mind her, she's just... you know kids hear stuff and they blow it out of proportion." Her eyebrow raised at his comment, "So you don't think I'm all that pretty?"

The way his mouth made an O shape, his eyebrows shooting into his hairline, caused her to giggle. "I-I didn't mean it like that. I mean you are very gorgeous, so gorgeous but my daughter- she... wasn't supposed..."

He stopped himself from talking and Sarah hissed, "Dad, I think you're blowing it." Joel tapped his fist against the cart, "No need to remind me Sarah." Thalia had to bite on her thumb nail to keep from bursting out in a fit of giggles.

It'd been too damn long since she'd been hit on, the feeling made her all- soft, and fluttery. "I'd say he's doing an amazing job." The man across from her visibly relaxed at her words, but she saw him stiffen when he looked inside her basket.

His eyes scanned each item and couldn't help but let his mind wander to the idea that she had a boyfriend. A glass of wine, a peach, and duck tape. Thalia saw his very visceral reaction to the contents, cheeks turning a shade as deep as the red wine.

"I-it's not what you think..." He let out a deep chuckle, the sound resonating in his chest and making her heart clench. "I had a bit too much to drink last night and broke my coffee table... I caused a ruckus for my neighbors."

She pointed to each item as she continued her story, "Duck tape to fix the table, wine to replace the bottle I drank last night... and a peach to bake an apology pie."

Sarah stared at the woman with curiosity, "What did he think it was for?" Both adults froze, staring at one another with wide eyes. "Nothing, baby. Why don't we let this very- nice lady go about her day?"

"Oh it's no trouble... really." He relaxed at her sentiment, seemingly so calm about his daughter coming up to her with such an absurd comment. She peered into their own cart and found all the ingredients to bake a cake. "Anything special?"

"It's his birthday tomorrow! He's getting old." Joel gave another nervous chuckle, "Not that old, Sarah..." Thalia smiled and looked between the pair, "And just how old is he turning?"

In a hushed tone, she whispered to the woman standing just to her right, "31... he's gonna need to wear diapers soon." Her fingers covered her mouth to suppress yet another laugh, trying not to embarrass the man even more so than he already was.

"Who says that's a bad thing?" Their eyes met once more and she couldn't help but shift on her feet, something about this man made her feel all... well she didn't really know.

He made her feel something, that was for sure. "See Sarah, she cares about this old man."

"Rookie mistake." Thalia laughed at her tone, so wistful. Joel couldn't take his eyes from the woman standing in front of him. Her stunning hazel eyes, the brown strands piled atop her head. He couldn't help but notice she was quite young, but she found him attractive so he'd take the win either way as he continued to check her out.

The navy dress she wore highlighted her sweat glistened, tan skin. He meant his earlier words of her being absolutely gorgeous. "It was nice meeting you Miss..."

"Sloane... and it was a pleasure meeting you Miss?" Sarah beamed, "Miller!"

"Well I hope you have a lovely day Miss.Miller. You as well, Mr.Miller..." There was a way she said his name, he didn't want to leave her just yet, not without getting her number, or scheduling a date of sorts.

"Sarah, why don't you go get some sprinkles? For the cake?" He raised his brow and hers furrowed, "But we already have-..."

"Why don't you go look? There's a display case right over there." He pointed to a stand that had various cake decorating supplies just in his line of sight. The young girl grumbled but complied and shuffled towards the display.

"Sorry about her she's just..." Joel struggled to come up with an excuse and Thalia was quick to raise a dismissive hand, "Oh there's no need to worry." There was a strong sense of tension in the air between the two, both heavily attracted to one another but too afraid to act on it.

"You know... I could help you fix the table, be a hell of a lot better than some duck tape."


She smirked at the words leaving his plush lips, she wasn't quite sure if he wanted a date, or simply thought she was pretty and wanted to leave it at that. "That would be great. Come by my place tonight? I'm a pretty great cook."

"A good baker too." He nodded to the peach in her basket and she giggled, "Oh no. Terrible baker, but I try. It's cheaper than making them an apology lasagna." Joel was practically beaming, his face glowing as she spoke.

He found himself lingering on each and every last word, he often drifted off into space when it came to people talking. Tommy gave him shit all the time.

This girl made it seem so easy, so easy to just talk and relax. It was something he added to the list of things he liked about her and it was quickly growing. "It's a good thing you know how to cook cause I don't. Fuckin' terrible."

"Then maybe you can come by and I can teach you a thing of two." He nodded and glanced over at his daughter, who was staring him dead on, simply hovering over the display case but taking no interest in it. "Sounds good to me."

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