chapter sixteen

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TW: GORE, illusions to / talks of sex but mainly just mush between mom and dad<3

The cabin was cold. Freezing, was the better term. The trio happened to stumble upon it while deep in the woods. There were two bedrooms and Ellie was currently sleeping in one of them, buried under all the blankets she could find in the house.

They didn't use the other, too guarded to leave the rest of the house empty. Joel and Thalia sat in the living room, a comfortable silence falling between them. Guns were nearby and they didn't start a fire because of the chance of people stumbling across them.

There was something on her mind, something that had been stirring all day. Joel was sipping on the flask that Tommy had given them, he passed it to Thalia and she took a small sip before giving it right back. He tipped it back when she voiced her concerns of that day, "Do you miss sex?"

The liquor came right back up and he leaned forward, swallowing it down with a gruff cough. A hand laid on his chest as he dared to look to his wife with a slightly bewildered expression, "What're you talking about?"

"Don't make me repeat it. Do you- or do you not?" He just stared, mouth agape as she raised her brow, tempting him to answer. Joel settled down and back into his front facing position, "Sometimes."

What was he supposed to say? Yes? He'd feel like a terrible person for wanting to push her into something she clearly wasn't comfortable with. If he said no, he'd be an idiot. Either way, it didn't work well for him.

"How often is sometimes?"

Fuck, she wasn't just gonna let it go.

"Why are you bringin' this up?" She just shrugged and burrowed under her blanket, back resting against the dusty, navy couch. "I've been thinking about it. It's been seven years since we've had sex... I mean I don't know if you've done anything- with anyone- and I think it's fine-"

"I haven't." He cut off her blabbering, saving her from the red tinge that was covering her cheeks. "Oh... I wasn't accusing you of cheating! I promise- I wouldn't blame you if you did though- we weren't technically... fuck- I'm gonna stop talking."

He nodded and they both slunk back into their respective seats, fiddling with anything they could get their hands on. Joel took another swig of the drink that was supposed to warm him up, now becoming liquid courage as he dared to ask the burning question.

"Do you?" Thalia bit down on her lower lip, fingers laced together, "I don't know... yes- sometimes..." She groaned and put her head in her hands, pulling back her shorter hair. "After him... I was scared... I didn't want anyone to touch me because it reminded me of him."

His brown eyes searched her out and he couldn't help but yearn for her. How could he not? The new haircut made her drop dead gorgeous, he'd loved it the first time but it didn't hold the same meaning. First time was because of him, but this time, she did it for herself.

Her skin was glowing, she smiled more often, and her graying hair was nothing but sexy to him. He missed the touch of his wife, not just in the sexual sense but emotionally. Sure, he'd gained the ability to cuddle her and kiss her but he craved more, the touches that lit his skin ablaze.

He missed looking down at her and that soft smile that would paint her lips, when she'd graze his cheek with her fingers before her eyes fluttered shut.

"Joel?" Their eyes met and she seemed nervous, almost flustered and he hadn't seen her like that since they were in their youth. "Yeah?"

"Swear you'll love me?"

"What d'you mean?" She swallowed thickly, "I just... need to hear you say it... please..." Joel set the flask down, "'Course." Thalia nodded and took her coat off, closing the distance and sitting between his legs that were spread out. "Thalia-"

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