chapter two

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The date was a success. She could say that with full confidence because it was exactly five years ago to this day. She thought about that date often.

He came over, fixed her table while she cooked and they made simple conversation for the rest of the evening. That was also the night he learned she was only 21 years old and nearly bolted out the door, but for whatever reason he stayed.

It's a good thing too because there was a second date, then a third, a fourth where they didn't quite make it to the destination of their dinner reservations, but instead her bed, and then many more that came after that.

They fell hard and fast, right into a routine that worked perfectly for the both of them. Sarah adored her from the very beginning and that love only grew once they got married.

It was an October wedding, not your typical time of year but it was too damn hot to try and plan it in June. The wedding was small, consisting of a few close friends and some family members. Every little thing was perfect, and that was nearly two years ago.

Thalia stared down at the diamond ring adorning her finger. There was nothing extravagant about it, it was simple and practical. Just like her husband.

They'd had long talks about marriage before actually getting tying the knot, she'd told him that she would never change her last name unless they were absolutely worth it. So when he found out she was becoming Thalia Miller, needless to say he was over the moon.

Though their relationship didn't come without bumps, they worked through every last one and came out stronger. This was proved over and over again, though it scared her that perhaps one day something big would come along.

A bump they would have a hard time getting over.

The brunette sighed against the pillow case, her breathe hitting the warm air of their room. The fan was whirling over their bed, creating some form of air flowing through the stuffy room.

She loved mornings like this when it was cold, but when she was practically dripping with sweat she couldn't quite appreciate it. Joel's body was pressed against her back, skin to skin and holding her as closely as possible.

The heat was getting unbearable. Slowly she tried to crawl out from under the covers, carefully maneuvering his arm so that he was no longer curled around her.

Thalia hissed when he rustled in his sleep a bit, sighing when she found no further movements coming from the man lying behind her. She slid to the edge of the bed, until her foot got caught in the sheets.

With a small groan, she pulled on her leg but found it was unable to move, and in the process of trying to get it unstuck she further pushed herself to the edge of the bed. With the slippery sheets came a hard thud, her very naked body hitting the ground and causing her to wince.

Joel heard this and immediately sat up, still a bit delirious from sleep. "What's happening?"

"Nothing, honey... just go back to sleep." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around, he'd heard her voice but had yet to see where she was. "Where'd you go?"

"Down here." The bed creaked as he shuffled to the edge, only his head appearing over the side. His wife held an adorable little scowl, her nose scrunched up causing him to chuckle. "It's not funny."

"It's hilarious." He smiled down at her and she crossed her arms, covering her chest that was exposed to the warm air of their room. "Oh don't do that to me."

"Do what, exactly?" A smirk played at her lips and before she knew it he was coming closer to the edge of the bed, offering a hand for her to take. She gripped it tight and he used his strength to pull her up, immediately engulfing her in his arms.

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