chapter five

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Her face flashed by in one of the windows, the glass was dirty, most of it covered in a drying substance. The stupid symbol etched upon it in bright red paint.

She liked to believe she hasn't changed much. Just earlier on in the day she was thinking about life before the outbreak. It was something she did often to cope with the pain, taking herself to a world that was happiness, softness, all things good and joyful.

Her appearance was much more rugged, she'd aged since then of course, twenty years of stress will do that to a person. She no longer had access to any hair tools, it had returned to its normal curl pattern which she considered to be a frizzy mess.

She had no smile lines because she no longer smiled. Joy seemed to disappear from her life, leaving nothing but despair and anger in its place. She kept walking, over to the table which held a FEDRA soldier, the line was long and she didn't give a shit.

Thalia cut to the front of the line, earning a few mumbled curse words as she passed by. She stopped at the table and knocked on the wood, "Got a job?"

"Wait your turn ma'am. Just like everyone else." The brunette raised an eyebrow, "Look up and realize who you're talking to, fucker." Her voice held such malice that he picked his head up, his writing stopping and leaving him a bit dumbfounded. "What kinda job you want today?"

"Does the outside need clearing?" He looked around but none of the people in line seemed to be paying any attention to their conversation. "Yeah, found a small group just outside the walls."

"Give it to me." The boy raised a brow, he couldn't have been older than twenty. He gave her a once over, "Sure about this? Turning forty seven soon." Thalia forced a smile, leaning down and getting right into his face, "Look at me like that again... and I'm cutting your finger off with this axe in my pocket."

She actually smiled at the way his lips parted in shock. Thalia winked, standing straight up, "Now give me the job, pretty boy." He swallowed thickly, writing down the address and refusing to look her in the eye again.

He handed over the paper and checked over the directions, "Thanks sweets, had fun doin' business with you." Her face was now back to its normal stoic expression and she shoved the small piece of paper into her back pocket. But she didn't leave without grabbing a few cards from his table.

Thalia stretched out her neck until a loud bang rang out in the air, everyone in the streets looked around until a crash came. Something inside of her clicked and she was taken back twenty years, back to a night that ruined her life.

The apartment was small, with a heavy heart Thalia waited at the kitchen table for Joel to return home. The outbreak had happened exactly two weeks ago to the day, Sarah happened exactly two weeks ago. Their...

The door opened and slammed shut, the loud crashing sound it made had her flinching. All she could see was his shadow looming over their apartment. If he was angry, sad, or just fine she didn't know, she lost the ability to know what was wrong with him weeks ago.

Thalia sighed and began crying, she didn't know why but there was this permanent- forever residual sadness. It was a seed in her mind and with every passing day it grew.

Their apartment wasn't anything to write home about, they'd been transported to the QZ the next day, placed in an apartment after several hours of inspections and examinations. Tommy was distant, she suspected it was because of his guilt, that he'd give the couple some space.

Yet space was the last thing they needed.

"Joel?" Her voice was small and timid, she immediately wiped her nose, trying to erase any trace that she was feeling the way that she felt. "Jus' me."

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