chapter twenty-one

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The wind blowing was harsh, it had her hair whipping around in every which direction. Thalia sat on the bed of the truck, baby in arms as she scoped out the area around them. No one had been seen for miles which somehow both comforted her and frightened her.

The less people, more infected, but there couldn't be too many infected living nearby if the Fireflies were here. That was the one thing they hated almost as much as FEDRA.

She inhaled a deep breathe and looked to her right at Ellie, eyes in her lap and head in a completely different space. Last night, stories were shared. They'd spent almost the entire night spilling their guts, at least Thalia did. She left out the couple, the man, but other than that she was an open book.

Ellie refused to share her stories, feigning that she was tired which left Joel to give his version of the story. Thalia recognized it all too well, that dazed expression she seemed to always have. It wasn't until she got some shut eye, when she dreamt of David being chopped into bits that the puzzle pieces truly connected.

The thought made her stomach churn, she then considered marching her ass right back into that town and making them all suffer for his actions. For the time though, it didn't matter, she was safe. Thalia swore nothing would harm this kid, fucking nothing.

Joel called out to Ellie, she didn't seem to respond until her got closer, "Did you hear me?" His wife hadn't heard him either, too lost in her own thoughts, "No... what?"

"Well, I found this in there." He held up a can of food, a prideful look on his face, "Beefaroni, Chef Boyardee." The girl could barely muster more than an unamused, "Oh, cool." Her heart broke in that moment, she hadn't been here to see that light inside her favorite girl crumble. Now, being up close to this, she felt herself shatter.

"And have you ever played this?" Joel brought up an old game and she couldn't help but smirk upon seeing what it was, "Boggle? It's a word game... well, if you wanna beat me at somethin' it would be this."

A smirk spread across her lips, everyone else kicked his ass in that game except for her. She could never complete those stupid word games, despite her best efforts.

"Well, alright then. We're gettin' close... hospital that way- may be the one we're lookin' for." Thalia stood up from the truck bed, along with Ellie. Daisy was asleep in her arms, drooling on the new shirt her husband had grabbed her from the trailer. It was a tad bit small, but stretchy and comfortable.

Joel waited for Thalia and Daisy trailing not too far behind them, giving her a sympathetic look. She did the same and offered a small shrug. As he tried to strike up another conversation, this one about playing guitar, it was once again shut down by her ever wandering mind.

"Joel?" Her husband turned around, eyebrow raised in question, "Think you could take Daisy? I wanna catch up with Ellie..." They both were hesitant, Joel hadn't held a baby since Sarah. As terrified as he was, he nodded, gently grabbing Daisy as she awoke from her slumber.

The baby wrapped a slobbery fist around one of his large fingers, big bright eyes looking up at him. Joel, though he would never admit it, felt his heart skip a beat. He now understood what he had been missing out on.

He walked forward, Ellie and Thalia walking farther behind and the teen feared what she wanted to talk about. "Five people... that's how many were responsible for the- thing in Pennsylvania." Immediately she felt the air leave her lungs, she felt herself stiffen even though she continued walking.

"I tore them apart. Every last one of 'em. They all died screaming- begging for their lives as I stuck my axe into their skulls." Their eyes met, "You're not a monster for killing a monster."

𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎 𝐖𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 ⚠︎︎ 𝐉. 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now