chapter thirteen

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How they ended up in this situation she wasn't really sure. One minute they were walking down the streets of the old residential neighborhood, the next they were ducking behind a car from the riffle pointed in their direction. Thalia begged Joel not to go, not to confront the person shooting at them but he wasn't too keen on doing what she told him.

He gave her a kiss to the temple before running off, through the shadows and towards the house that was firing rounds. The wife turned to Ellie, anger written across her face, "Get your gun out. Now." The girl did just as she was told and Thalia couldn't help but scoff, "If only my husband had those kind of listening skills."

One last gunshot rang off into the air before a light shone across her face, Thalia looked off into the distance and her heart plummeted into her stomach. She slowly stood and grabbed her gun, checking it was loaded as the large truck came barreling towards them.

Joel's voice barely registered, pleading them to run as Thalia grabbed Ellie, forcing her to look at her. "Don't leave my fucking side."

"What do you me-?" She saw it and didn't hesitate to start running, the brunette and the brothers trailing not far behind. Gun shots rang off as that truck got closer and closer, each person running for their lives.

Ellie turned around and threw some cheap shots their way until her gun was empty, choosing to focus on running. Joel was no longer firing shots, leaving them to fend for themselves, Thalia turned around for a moment, watching as a shot landed in the windshield.

The truck went veering to the left, crashing straight into the building just over the way. She didn't stop running, making sure Ellie was always in her line of sight. The girls stopped when Ellie hit the ground, Thalia was going to help her up until an explosion went off behind them.

She dove down and covered her with her body, keeping her head buried before standing when one last piece of debris went flying by them. Thalia dragged Ellie up, using Henry's help to dive behind a car, trying to catch her breathe.

"Jesus..." The cars were surrounding them, the people were coming out of them with more guns, more ammo, a big advantage. Her head leaned against the car as she listened to them talking, one man sent out two to the house. The house that Joel was in.

Thalia went to jump up but Henry grabbed her, shaking his head as a sweet voice called out, "Dead end, Henry." The brunette mouthed out quizzically, "Kathleen?" He nodded and she softly groaned, gripping her gun just a bit tighter.

"Gonna step on out? Save us some time...? No? That's alright, it doesn't matter." The two adults looked to one another and Thalia trembled, closing her eyes, "We'll come out, but you leave these kids alone!"

"No. Sorry. The girl is with you- and you killed Bryan. Same with the man inside that house and Sam... well Sam is with you, Henry." She turned her head and looked at Ellie, to calm her fearful expression she put a hand on her cheek, stroking the skin gently.

The girl closed her eyes at the contact before opening her eyes and meeting the gaze of the woman she's grown so found of. Thalia brushed a strand of her hair back before putting the gun in her holster, "Well, kids die, Henry."

She only heard the tail end of their conversation, hands shaking and growing clammy by the second. Thalia looked back at Ellie one last time, whispering, "You know what to tell him." She shook her head, "Thalia. Fuck you, don't do it!"

The woman and Henry stood up, hands held high to show no signs of weapons, revealing themselves to the large group of people. They stepped out in front of the car, meeting their fate and allowing Kathleen to raise her gun.

"It ends the way it ends." Before anything more could occur a rumbling came from the house, the truck tilted and it didn't stop tilting until there was a giant sink hole in the ground, noises escaping from it that she knew all too well.

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