chapter twenty-two

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"Why don't you?" The girl turned to her left, interrupting the conversation, "Why does she have an axe?" Marlene rolled her eyes, Ellie turning back to Thalia and studying her with furrowed eyebrows. "Who the fuck carries an axe?"

Ellie stayed quiet, the room silent until she was readjusting her pants, "Whatever you say... want me to stand guard too, or are you going to be ok by yourself?" Thalia turned around, "Talk about Joel being an asshole, I could say the same about you, kid."

Tess was shocked to say the least, watching the woman she'd known as cold hearted for so many years be so open and friendly to someone she'd just met a day ago. It was a nice change of pace, watching her small smiles and the little giggles she tried so hard to suppress.

Him and Ellie had been making small talk, he told her a bit about Tommy, then she stated that she was barley tired. A few minutes later he saw Ellie with her head on Thalia's shoulder, and her head resting on the teen's. Who knew someone so small could make such a big impact?

She made a play and hit the middle of the wall, scoring a goal and throwing her hands up in victory. Sam immediately went to tackle her, scooping him up into her arms and spinning him in a small circle, feeling Ellie grabbing at her back.

"Thalia thought it was funny." As she climbed up the stairs she looked back for some sign of the woman being on her side, "No. Now go." Her tone was harsh which made Ellie smirk, "You fuckin' laughed! Liar!" The brunette shook her head, standing up and pulling her gun from the holster.

Thalia broke into a fit of giggles, Ellie following soon after, "I have never been an artist..." With this sweet interaction she suddenly felt warm, her heart swelling as she looked at Ellie, studying her features and admiring the twinkle in her eyes.

Thalia took off her jacket, unwrapping the blanket from her torso so Daisy, so small and fragile, could rest in the crook of her arm. She turned her body once more and held her left arm out, the teen launching herself into the arms of the woman she's come to care about so much.

Those were the memories flooding her mind, the first sense of clarity she had since that carnal desire overtook her. Thalia lifted her head, staring at the empty floor, it wouldn't be empty for long. The gunshots would have every soldier in this building flooding this area.

She couldn't remember how she got here, one minute she was sitting on the bed, then she was using a chair to smack that frosted glass. She used a shard of glass and stabbed the guard in the neck before stealing his gun and clearing the floor.

Never mind, she definitely knew how she got here.

She stood up and grabbed a spare gun from one of the soldiers, three people were on her mind as she took careful steps around every corner and sharp turn this hospital had to offer.

Stealthy, silent, and cautious. The rush this gave her was like nothing before, her heartbeat was steady, her hands no longer shook. Thalia pulled the trigger, watching the blood splatter, painting the white walls. She approached the door, gently opening it with the gun out to anyone inside.

The eyes she met made her feel guilty, for a mere second, then all those emotions took over once more and she shut off. Thalia stepped inside and shrugged the strap off her shoulder, tossing the heavy duty gun onto the bed.

"They have her up in the pediatric ward." By the look on his face, that clear distress told her he got the same, fucked up speech. You can't save her.

"Fuck Marlene. You comin' or what?" Joel stood up and grabbed the gun, eyes glossed over as he checked the gun was loaded, the safety was off as he followed her into the hallway.

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