chapter fifteen

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Walking to the town's dining hall was a painful process. They'd bundled her up in so many clothes per the doctor's request, then Joel proceeded to walk right by her side, constantly checking on her in the five minute walk.

It was a bit tedious but she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the gentle treatment. They made it to the dining hall, getting their food and sitting down at one of the benches. She was in between Ellie and Joel, both girls absolutely devouring their food.

The last meal she'd eaten was the soup and that was days ago. Thalia scooped handfuls of... well she didn't even know but it was easily the best meal she has had in twenty years. "There's more if you need it."

The woman she now knew as Maria spoke up, "Thank you, ma'am. It's been awhile since we've had a proper meal." Thalia nodded, offering her thanks without pausing in eating, "Actually, I don't think I've ever had a proper meal. This is fuckin' amazing."

The wife giggled but stopped as soon as Joel reprimanded her, "Sorry. Ellie, let's mind our manners." The next thing she knew, Ellie was shouting at some kid, the girl quickly ran off after she'd been caught staring.

The chatter between her and Joel, Maria jumping in was missed until Ellie brought up her gun, "I'm with the kid. I want my axe back."

"Can you not trust us?" She shoved the last bite of her meal into her mouth, pushing the plate forward and leaning back slightly, relaxing her body, "No." The two women stared one another down, Tommy quickly looking to relieve the situation.

"I think maybe y'all got a little off on the wrong foot."

"She was gonna have our guys kill us!"

"Well, we gotta be real careful about who we let into this place. But it's all bark, we're just tryna scare off those who might wanna try us, that's all." Thalia shook her head as the continued their banter, "Well, you've got a couple of ninety year olds shitting themselves out there."


"They say that you leave dead bodies around?"

"Those are the people who tried us."

"A bad reputation doesn't mean you're bad."

"Not always, at least." Maria stared Thalia directly in the eye, her head tilted upwards as a sign of power. "Is there something you'd like to say to me? To my face, at least?"

"Not at all." Her sickeningly sweet tone had her gritting her teeth, hands balled into fists beneath the table and just as that anger was rising to the surface, it became nothing. Joel slid is hand discreetly beneath the table, taking her fist into his calloused hand and rubbing circles into her skin with his thumb.

Thalia felt all that air she was holding in disappear, slowly opening up her hand to hold his own. "I think I'm getting too ahead of myself." Her husband gave a small squeeze, a silent thank you, while he turned to Maria.

"Ma'am... we're grateful for your hospitality and all. But it'd be nice to have a moment here, maybe just for family." The couple watched as Tommy sat up a bit, bracing himself as he took Maria's hand into his own, "Well, um... Maria is family, actually."

Thalia felt Joel's hand freeze, his soothing movements had stopped and they were both stunned, staring at Tommy and his wife like it was the craziest thing they'd seen this whole damn journey.

An awkward silence settled thick in the air around them, Joel and Thalia just staring in shock at this news that the Miller family had grown since he'd been gone. They wouldn't know just how much until later on.

"Oh, shit. Congrats." Ellie's chipper voice was thick with sarcasm, her shit eating grin being forced away as she elbowed Thalia, "Say congrats." The words leaving her mouth were such bullshit.

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