chapter six

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"Cannot wait for the day I kill every last one of those pretentious fucks." Thalia ran a hand through her hair as she paced through the kitchen, Tess sitting at her small table with half her face looking like a chew toy. "Don't count me out for a good time."

Just a few minutes prior she'd shown up to get her face cleaned up, Joel would be by any minute and the women had to find a way to break the news that their car battery had been, practically, stolen.

"Who the fuck does that man think he is? Playin' God in shit he has no business being apart of..." Her head shook in disbelief. Tommy was somewhere in Wisconsin and Joel had been a nervous wreck all week, last night was the first time she'd seen him relax.

Waking up in the morning to an empty bed wasn't the greatest feeling but it saved her from the conversation they would eventually have. The drugs, the inside jobs, the refusal to talk. All of it.

It'd been three weeks since they'd heard from her brother in law, Joel wanted the battery so he could get the truck up and running, but as of a few minutes ago she'd found out it was sold. This could only end poorly.

Her front door opened and was gently closed shut, Joel stumbled into the kitchen, "You look like shit." He shot his wife a glare and then turned to Tess, he saw her face, "What happened?"

"Couple guys jumped me. Fuckin' teenagers." The brunette managed to keep a straight face even though that was not what Tess had told her, a story much different. She brushed it off and didn't focus on it long, neither did Joel.

The women exchanged a glance when he went into the cabinet, probably grabbing a glass to pour himself some water. Thalia mouthed out the words, "What the fuck?"

Tess waved a dismissive hand, lips pressed into a tight line. "Joel there's something Tess needs to tell you." The blonde looked at her as if she was offended by the words, "Why the fuck do I have to be the one to tell him? He's your fuckin' husband."

"And he likes you more than me." She hadn't meant it as an insult but Joel was slightly hurt that she'd think his friend meant more to him than his own wife. "What is it?"

"Robert sold the truck battery." Thalia kept her tone short and sweet, slapping her hands to her sides. "Do with that what you will." Tess shook her head and stood up, Joel began to freak, "No don't do that. Don't listen to her, we can get it back."

"Fuck, Tess. Thanks for the help, you're really killing this double agent thing." The thick sarcasm in her voice was only pushing everyone's frustration. "What does she mean- Robert sold it?"

"Did it not make sense when I said it the first time?" Tess whipped to her left to face the brunette, "Shut the fuck up. For like two seconds." Thalia rolled her eyes down and sat in the chair she used to be in, "Jesus Christ. Putting me in time out, yeah that's fine."

Joel looked to Tess for a moment, eyes pleading, that his wife was wrong and that this would be some sick joke. "We can get it back. The money and the car battery."

He turned around, muttering a few fucks with his hands running through the brown and grey strands on his head. "You know, he's handling this a lot better than I thought he would. If it were me- my axe would already be in his brain."

"Who did he sell it to?"

"Don't know."

"Where is he?"

"Don't know."

"This is really looking optimistic you guys." Joel looked past Tess and glared at her, which only earned a smirk from her, feet on the table and chair tilted backwards. "Take this seriously? It's Tommy we're talkin' about."

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