chapter three

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For the hundredth time in the last few minutes she checked her appearance. Smoothing her pencil skirt and blouse. Her brown hair had been tied up in an intricate, loose updo, a few stray hairs framing her face.

Today was the day of her job interview. Thalia didn't tell many people, most of them judged. Her love for dancing and ballet was an odd one, she wasn't the most graceful, but putting on those pointe shoes always tuned her into this higher power that gave her the gift to be as angelic as ever.

She fell in love with dance from a young age, at the orphanage they never had much to do. Coloring books and other crafting supplies, but she was terrible at making things. Then there were the girls who snuck in their dance clothes, the ballet shoes and skirts.

Thalia looked up to them and after one girl was adopted she left her bag, leaving the shoes, the clothes, all she could ever need to become a dancer.

Every single day she would practice, she excelled in ballet and went on to join a dancing program but was forced to quit when she went into a foster home. It didn't last long though, she was a trouble maker and refused to go with anyone who wasn't her dad.

Her dad didn't want her though. Neither did her mom to be totally honest. Thalia's mother was a drug addict, met her dad from the great vine, and he disappeared when he found out she was pregnant. There wasn't a moment her mom wasn't high, weed, or substances much stronger it didn't matter.

She named her Thalia because it meant flourishing, she was her little flower. Her pride and joy. Until she overdosed and wasn't able to come back. Thalia was only twelve when that happened, placed in foster care shortly after.

At the age of eighteen she moved to Austin, to begin a new life. Just a few short years later she met Joel. Him and Sarah were the greatest things to happen to her, they showed her the true meaning of family, what it meant to be loved unconditionally.

There were a few knocks on the bathroom door, pulling her from the rabbit hole of thoughts, "Open up, Squash! You look great, quit overthinking it." She sighed and opened the door, "Are you sure?"

Sarah gave her a once over, taking in every last detail before smiling, "You look beautiful." Thalia couldn't help but grin at her sentiment, "Thank you... is your dad awake?"

"No... I thought you woke him up?" She rolled her eyes and lightly slipped past Sarah, "Bathrooms all yours." Thalia walked down the hall, her short heels clicking against the floor.

The brunette reached her and Joel's bedroom door, throwing it open and seeing her husband was still peacefully asleep. "Babe! You were supposed to be awake twenty minutes ago!"

He jolted up, sitting on his elbows with his eyelids covering half his brown eyes. "What...?" His lethargic, deep morning voice made her soften, walking up to him and rubbing her fingers through his bed head. "Wake up honey. We have to get Sarah to school and Tommy'll be here any minute. Not to mention I have my interview."

"Tell Tommy to wait." Her lips pressed into a tight line, staring at him as he finally bothered to open his eyes. Joel looked up at her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, "What's got you lookin' all fancy?"

"My interview... oh no... I thought dementia didn't come until fifty, at least." He huffed and frowned at the insult, "Happy Birthday by the way, you grumpy old man." She pressed a sweet kiss to his lips, pulling away before he could get too carried away.

"I'm not grumpy..." Joel nestled his head back into his pillow, holding it close to his naked upper body. "Get up, Joel." Her hard tone made his eyebrow raise, "Bossy... I like it..."

Thalia fought the urge to smile, instead grabbing his bicep and pulling. He swatted her away, "Fine, fine. Jesus- I'll get up."

"Took you long enough." She stood from their bed and watched to be sure he was actually getting up and to her surprise he was, throwing the covers back and revealing himself in just a black pair of boxers.

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